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Barking Spiders

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Posts posted by Barking Spiders

  1. In 1991 my first gig with a bass was when I was doubling up, my main thing being the alto sax, by which time I had a couple of dozen gigs under my belt. It was a Gibson EB copy which I'd copped for free. The only effects were a vintage Ross flanger and a wah pedal of unknown origin. Cant recall what amp it was.

  2. Haven't gigged properly for a few years now but I tended to keep things simple preferring old style analogue effects pedals usually just a compressor, flanger, phaser and wah pedal . I've only ever had one speaker, a Marshall 100W combo keyboard amp that I ran both basses and guitars through. Did the job just fine.

  3. is a common whinge among many music fans on Internet forums viz techno, hip hop, House etc. Personally I don't care how music is made just as long as it sounds good to my ears and feet. But I've come across many posters who can get quite worked up about 'electronica' and the use of laptops sequencers, samplers etc saying these genres aren't proper music. That said a lot of so-called dance/electronica combos do use real instruments live and sometimes in the studio. Just wondrin' what basschatters think. Feel free to vent your spleen if the mood takes you :D

  4. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1487330350' post='3238987']
    Is this the "I can think of a more obscure band than you competition?" Apologies, couldnt resist. I loved The Saw Doctors back in the 90s and have seen them 6 or 7 times. Irish Folk/Punk. They still record and tour. If you want a great night out go and see them.

    Well considering that for every band/singer that makes it, thousands toil away relatively unknown, the probability that most half-serious music fans have several 'obscure' faves is pretty high.

  5. From the 80s there are quite a few fine post punk bands who never made the grade while U2, The Cure, Joy Division and others made it . Top of the pile - House of Love, Comsat Angels, The Sound, The Chameleons, Wall of Voodoo, The Woodentops and the funkier Shriekback.
    Funkwise there are a good number of fine but obscure bands I 100% recommend to funk brothers everywhere like Chocolate Milk, Black Heat, The Kaygees, Ripple and Sound Experience.
    I'm a massive fan of 90s 00's electronica and while the likes of the Prodigy, Daft Punk and Chemical Bros have done pretty well there are the better but less known Fluke, Finitribe, Crystal Method, Amon Tobin, F*** Buttons, The Field, Mouse on Mars...

  6. I recently changed one of my two fretlesses and my Aria Pro II to flats and am well chuffed with the change in sound. Flats on the Aria give a deeper 'feel' rather than sound so are great for playing classic Stax etc. On the fretless I now prefer the sound and feel to rounds. Plus the tones don't dull after several weeks of daily use. They're crap for slap though.

  7. I'd been thinking about posting a similar thread only a coupla days ago. Pretty easy one this for me, Parliament-Funkadelic, Trouble Funk, Earth Wind and Fire or Chic or Shriekback. The first three cos their gigs are just big parties. Chic,because they embody sass and cool. I'd have happily stepped into Dave Allen's shoes to play on tracks like My Spine Is The Bassline.


  8. Bar the occasional dep work I've all but given up on joining/forming a band. My main problem is finding pretty much anyone playing anything with similar tastes and ideas. Where I live metal, punk, blues and general rock bands are ten a penny but they don't interest me. Heavy funk, breakbeat/hip hop influenced stuff is where I'm at. Just keep putting the word about and mebbe something will crop up is all you can do really

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