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Everything posted by Jaybeevee

  1. Can I ask how it's going with the P? I'm sitting poised on pulling the trigger on a mid 60's P.. Can you share you thoughts on tone, feel and playability please? any comparisons. Anything you have learned from the experience Cheers
  2. Actually sunfire red..
  3. I just picked up a sunrise red/maple, or is it razor red? I've heard both names used. Red ones are super rare so I'm stoked.. I'm offshore and it's home waiting for me. Next purchase... a wide strap. Have to admit, I paid top dollar for it.. but I'd have paid more👍
  4. The process might be climbing, but I meant the Price's... damn you spell checker..
  5. Well, I'm very close to procuring. BB2000 for a handsome sum.. looks like the process are climbing:/
  6. This is a thread that has been done, but not for a while. I just wondered what opinions folk have of current value of a BB 2000, and BB1600. Let's say both are early eighties MIJ and in good condition. I'm considering swapping my Sandberg California VM 4 for a Really clean BB 1600, and I fancy a BB2000 too because I can 👍. I think it's tricky to value these Yammies. Any thoughts?
  7. Mesa strategy eight:88 has a 'record' designed for this.... if you can afford the mortgage!
  8. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1456156220' post='2986019'] The only reason I can think of for not going micro is that they don't sound as good (IMO) - they do weigh a lot less though & the good ones do sound almost as good, just depends if almost is good enough for your personal needs. Depends on your financial situation but if you're not super hard up I'd be tempted to keep your full-tube head but sell your heavy cabs to fund the other stuff - that way later down the line if you decide micro isn't for you, you've still got the most difficult part of the rig to replace/most important piece. [/quote] Like your thinking..
  9. We don't have full FOH, but I can't remember a gig where I played back line... not since my youth. I play loudest at rehearsal, and the bigger the gig, the lower the stage levels more often than not. Think the Mesa has gotta go..
  10. So i guess the sacrifice in tone is small compared to the benefit of bulging veins and wobbly legs? I recently joined a band that actually gig a lot less than I'm used to. I have the chance to get hold of Markbass stuff at a fat discount, so my thoughts are actually to free up capital invested in my current rig to allow the purchase a new bass or two.. (lusting after Gibbo RD to keep my G3 company, so vintage through micro might be subject to another thread).. At the moment though it's a bit of a leap of faith.. will I regret it I wonder..
  11. Having only ever played biger stuff, I was wondering if there are any thoughts on why we shouldn't all play Micro rigs. All reviews I read essentially rate highly these rigs, but always against the light weight, small footprint benefits. I've never read a review that tells me how they stack up against a man sized rig? I wonder if any one has any practical experience to share. Should I swap out my tube amp and high-rise cab.. I'd like to hear some reasons against?
  12. I agere with the therapy aspect, It is like a cure all. I Also enjoy my place in the mix, my own zone (that i share with the kick) And im the biggest loudest boy ✌ Each aspect of the band is a vital component in its own right, i just love the way that bass is so important
  13. Have to say, initially, I'm finding it a little tricky to navigate in here. I see a general search function that reveals a huge list of related search word topics.. I was hoping to find some dedicated forums based around my gear so I can chip in with what I know. Any advice?
  14. A quick hi to all, I often read bass chat type forums, so thought it time I contribute. I am an Englishman living in Norway. I'm old and getting older by the second 😁 but playing bass keeps me oh so young. I have been playing for years, but are one of those who never actually learned to play properly, and so now I'm getting theory and technique lessons... finally. Anyhow, I play Sandberg California vm4 Gibson led Paul bass Gibson G3 (1977) Peavy unity All through a Mesa strategy 88 and 4x12 mesa powehouse. Nice to be a member with other low end lovers.. Jason
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