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About Rikki_Sixx

  • Birthday October 10

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  1. I've noticed that plectrum catches the strings on upstroke when alternate picking today, particularly when muting. I've not practised much the last few months with getting married and all so this feels like a huge step back and a basic skill to lose! Anyone else had this?

    1. Soledad


      Had all kinds of technique issues with picks over the years. Do you think you may have tightened your grip on the pick, without realising? Another thing, try gripping with thumb forward slightly, finger(s) back a touch - to help the pick pass across the string. 3rd one is reducing how deep the pick goes into the strings. I've always found damping & pick fairly difficult anyway !

    2. Rikki_Sixx


      Glad it's not just me @Soledad, thank you for the pointers! I think having not played in months (and even before that I was practising more guitar than bass) I probably was gripping the pick like my life depended on it. I always want to pick up and be exactly like I was, but without practise it does tend to go away so I was probably a bit anxious! I'll give these tips a try!

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