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Posts posted by Tonteee

  1. [quote name='Jumanji' timestamp='1496478632' post='3311713']
    I suppose the question is narrowing a bit now though... Can a 112 be more than enough, and therefor, will I ever use the second 112?

    It depends. If you're running 2x112, you have more headroom for the majority of gigs. You then have the option to leave one in the car / van / trailer for the restricted space ones.

    Looking at your post about last night, that sounds less like a 'is x enough' issue and more like an actual technical issue of some kind.

    Ultimately, you're only going to find out what works for you by using different stuff. Maybe you can borrow a different rig from a friend?

  2. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1496586300' post='3312466']

    I remember someone engaging the vocalist while he was trying to sing once. He told us later that the conversation was something like..."you're a f*****g pretty boy aren't you... I'm going to throw you off this stage and jump all over you..." etc etc... insert extra effing and jeffing as required.

    Exactly this happened to me a few years ago whilst singing and playing 'Auld Lang Syne' at 12.01am playing a crappy pub NYE. I carried on, but was fairly sure I was going to die. He did seem to have a knife, I suppose.

    The guy had earlier tried to bribe us to 'play something I know' whilst pulling out a rolled wad of notes big enough to choke a horse. The landlord was clearly cacking himself, which was when we found out he was the local 'legitimate businessman'. Gulp.

    I stopped playing pub gigs for a while after that.

  3. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1496581094' post='3312416']
    The last time somebody came up on stage, with some random song request, I just screamed at him to 'f*** off!'.

    Shouting 'f*** off!' at people is not, normally, in my character. But if you are so ignorant as to clamber on stage and shout in my face while I'm playing, you deserve everything you get.

    He turned around and tootled off with a downtrodden look and his tail between his legs. I felt so bad about it that, after we had finished our set, I tried to find him and apologise. unfortunately, by then he had left. I hope my response hadn't traumatised him too much.

    Calling Buzz Killington.... 😀

    But seriously, a bold but effective move.

    Between songs is manageable for me - as long as they speak loud and clear. It's where you're mid song that really perplexes. This isn't a damn disco! However, I think this practice is an overspill from discos, who generally encourage them to come up. Another facet of how punters seem to understand how to react to live music less and less nowadays...

    I might try shouting 'Foff' at them next time.

  4. Whilst I own 2 Berg HD112s, I generally only use 1 at a time. I have two for loud gigs, or want the extra trouser flappage. I have never felt quiet or lost with one Berg in a 5pc covers band or a 10pc Rhythm and Blues band.

    I used to run the typical MB head, now using an SWR Studio 220. This doesn't have the headroom of the MB, but much more character to the tone.

    I do use PA support on big stages, but not for 80-85% of my gigs in pubs/clubs/venues.

    Without wanting to reheat several old topics at once, it definitely depends what the gear is - the driver, the amp, etc. Perhaps to ask as broad a question as 'is 1x12 enough' is probably too wide a question. But hey, it makes for good discussion!

  5. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1496258080' post='3310045']
    The more I consider this the angrier I get. At what point did the BGM team sit down and decide they were going to run this interview and deliberately mug the readers off with a recent front page picture?

    I agree with you. Thankfully I subscribe, so it could have been Ronald McDonald on the cover and I'd still have bought it... 😀

  6. I felt the same. They do state it's an old interview in the preamble, but to make him the cover star based on a 20 year old interview - references to George being alive and all - is a bit much.

    To be honest, I feel there's been a change (negative in my view) in the quality of the mag since Future took over.

  7. It seems this has been comprehensively responded to. Well done, chaps. The note Db is Db, be it played on the fourth fret of a string tuned to Ab or the fifth fret of a string tuned to A. I can however understand why the guitarist refers to it as D, because that's the chord shape he's using. But unless everyone is detuned a semitone, that won't wash.

    The thing I can't understand however is the guitarist's insistence that you change what you do when it already sounded fine. It's almost as if he begrudges you playing in concert pitch, which I find odd. Is he some kind of Killers purist?

  8. Coming back to the point, I've had a listen to most of the tracks and I have a few thoughts.

    The inch think compression was jarring at first, but I got used to it. The level of (I think) gated reverb used on the drums though was quite odd. What with the synth lines, it had all gone a bit Parisian Walkways!

    Gtr and bass (natch) were the best thing happening here and were tight to eachother. Even so, gtr might want a more classic o/d for the Iommi stuff.

    More often than not, drums were chasing, not leading. Felt like they hadn't had as much rehearsal as the rest.

    I'm not sure the synth lines added anything. To me, they got in the way of the space in the early material. Especially when they bled on the stabs for War Pigs.

    A lot of people have talked about the singer already. Tonally, he's tending to be sharp in the loud bits - so monitoring could help that.

    There are two other things I'd pick out, though. Mainly, I think this chap needs to learn how to use his diaphragm whilst singing. This is something Ozzy did without much thought, but most have to develop. Breath control will mean your man will get to the end of notes without falling away in pitch and volume. The other thing is range. I don't think this chap has Ozzy's range - but learning to breathe might uncover some top end that wasn't there.

    All in all, a good work in progress. All the best in your endeavours! 😀👍🤘

  9. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1493059623' post='3285307']
    Playing the bass intro to "No More Heroes" & then no drum intro & the drummer is just looking at you ..He had 6 weeks notice & didn't even listen to the song lol & no one helps me set the PA up & break it down ...I'm off .

    That's not the same as winging it. Winging it is at least knowing the structure in your head, and filling in the gaps yourself.

    You have described just being an a55h01e. Well out of it!

  10. This might seem a dumb question, but do you read? I read (frankly not well enough) and it's definitely a pre-requisite.

    I've played as a last minute dep in a couple of pit bands in provincial theatre. I've got the gigs by chance - one from a friend seeing an advert/plea for help on Twitter, the other by knowing the MD, who needed help out of a hole.

    OTOH, I too enjoyed both the challenge and the end result - so I'm with you all the way!

    These gigs seem to get filled by friends of friends. Usually from jazz circles IME, as there's usually a guaranteed level of theory / notation knowledge.

    I'm quite quite sure other more experienced hands will be along shortly, but that's my 0.02. Break a leg!

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