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Posts posted by Tonteee

  1. From what you describe, 12s sound like the way forward, IMO. As my sig will suggest, I'd recommend the Bergantinos.

    Interestingly, there's a pair of Berg AE112s for sale on here at the moment, for around the price of one new HD112.... Then all you need is a head!

  2. I shall start by saying that I'm no electronics expert, more of an interested amateur.

    LEDs are very sensitive to current. To operate, LEDs must be supplied with a voltage above their threshold voltage and a current below their rating. Current draw and lifespan are affected with even a small change in applied voltage. Because of that, LEDs require a current-regulated supply - usually just a series resistor, which I'm assuming is already in the fitting for each LED on that roll of lights.

    So, getting to the point - it might work, but the current draw might be unstable, and they might not last long. They won't appear dimmer on 9v though, I don't think - I would expect them possibly to flicker, but it does depend on the threshold voltage for the LED. Have you tried it out away from the board? As it's only £5.99 per 5m roll, I'd have thought it was worth a test anyway.

    Out of interest, would you be planning on using a separate 9v supply, or a daisy chain? I ask as the advertised power supply is a 2A unit - which suggests those LEDs must have quite a draw - although the ad says[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3] [/size]W[color="#000000"]orking Current/meter: 0.4A[/color][/font] - that's likely per diode, or for the 300! Likely a single diode, though. As a rough reference point, most effect pedals draw around 50-100mA, which is why things like daisy chains are possible - the combined current draw on the power supply is still likely to be less than 1A. If you have a beefy power supply though, I'm sure it'd be fine.

    My, this has probably bored you to tears. Sorry about that...

  3. Hi,

    My partner knows something quite a bit about veneering, so I mentioned this thread to her. She says that whilst contrasting woods such as Purple Heart and Maple will look great, there's a high risk of colour bleed from the PH to the Maple when working with it - particularly when finishing it. Apparently, you get purple everywhere when you work with it. As such, she suggested going for a darker hardwood, such as Wenge or straight grain American Black Walnut, which removes the bleed problem whilst still offering an understated, classy finish.

    She also said that if you ask for a sample from an architectural veneering company, not only might it be enough for the job, but it will most likely be free.....

  4. I'd not heard 'Put it Where you Want It' before. How in the pocket is that! And singing, too....

    As has been said - toight, loike a toiger.... (anyone seen Austin Powers III? If not, that just looks like I completely mistyped my sentence)

  5. As others have already stated here, once DI-ed your amp setup effectively becomes your on-stage bass monitor.

    I don't know the size of band you play in, the quality of the PA or whether there's an engineer on board. Of the three bands I regularly play in, only one has an engineer on board - everything else is own PA, self-managed. Rarely do I play somewhere with a venue PA. So, my point? I would never forgo an amp entirely because:

    a) my bass amplification ensures I can hear myself
    2) my bass speakers are a much better monitor for bass frequencies than otherwise available and
    iii) For when PA support might not be available, or if it leaves a little to be desired.

    I suppose it does depend on how good the available monitoring is, too - and whether you're using IEMs.

    In truth, I think I'd probably feel a bit daft (and exposed) without an amp at all.

  6. Well, after a VERY expensive (but lovely) trip to see Mark at Bass Direct, I have to sell my TC combo.

    This is one of the first BG250s, which only came as a 1x15. There's lots of info around on these, and I mostly agree - big sound, quite trademark TC in it's tone. I've used it for pubs, clubs and venues, (with and without PA support) and it's always been 100% reliable. No ability to put an extension cab on these, as they are already running at 4 ohms.

    Being a Mk1, you can only retain one Toneprint at a time, and the other slot is a dedicated Tubedrive channel. However, both can be turned on at once.

    Included in the sale is the extra Switch-3 Footswitch, which I have left labelled up. The underside of this switch has visible signs of having lived on a pedalboard.

    The combo is in excellent condition due to it having lived in a fitted Packhorse flightcase all of it's life - included in the sale. It started out as a flightcase for a Peavey 1516, but I refitted it for the BG250. It is in gloss black fibreglass with polished edges. It does have more than a whiff of Paul Daniels about it... To be clear, I did not add the Captain Soul painted logo, but I saw no reason to remove it. I did however add the stick-on eyes.

    Understandably, this is a collection only purchase - but let me know where you are, and perhaps we can make an arrangement about transport.



  7. Thanks for the responses - most helpful! Sorry also to take so long to come back.

    So, to respond in order:

    [b]HappyJack[/b] - Yes, I should have said what sort of budget. My mistake. Well, I have a healthyish budget - around the £1200 mark for a pre-amp, slave and maybe a cab. So, not Demeter territory, but not bad. I had looked at the Sansamp RBI as part of my research. Interesting to hear you thoughts on the RBI's sound, too. I wondered how drivey (is that even a word...?) it might be.

    [b]RolandRock[/b] - Thanks, I hadn't considered the Avalon - and it's not as expensive as I might have thought they'd be - I've seen them on many rig rundowns. Cheers for the tip...

    [b]taunton-hobbit[/b] - No, I hadn't thought about a JMP-1. Wouldn't that be a bit guitarry and drivey?

    [b]bassman7755[/b] - You raise a valid point. I had considered other heads, but I was attracted to the idea of the control one could exact over the sound by using a separate pre-amp. I've not written off the idea of another head, and I hope to keep trying things out.

    [b]dincz[/b] - Again, a good point - I shall keep an eye out on the fleabay. I see there's an LA [color=#000000][size=2][font=georgia,serif][size=3]Audio MPX1[/size][/font][/size][/color] on eBay UK at the moment going for £95 - would you recommend it?

    [b]Dan Dare[/b] - Yes, I had looked at BBE - I was looking seriously at the BMax, but can't find much in the way of reviews. Can find ones for the BMax-t, but not te straight BMax. I did find a very interesting thread on TB about them, featuring the actual designer at one point....!

    [b]jazzyvee[/b] - Will keep an eye out for the Alembic, but I'm assuming that's quite a pricey pre-amp... Seems to be a lot of hreads about asking for replacement valves, too... Is that an issue?

    [b]EBS_freak[/b] - Thanks for the positive review on the RBI. Sounds a goodun!

  8. Hi all,

    After getting a bit fed up with the options available, I've recently decided to investigate going down the whole preamp / slave route. I'm attracted to it by the relative versatility of the set-up, and the modular nature of it. I started by looking at cabs, and realising that I really didn't like the heads that went with the cabs I was looking at. These were the TC K212/210 cabs recently out. I've subsequently decided against these cabs, as I felt they sounded a bit thin - but that could have been the BH800 driving them. Anyway, I digress.

    There don't seem to be many rackmount preamps on the market, at least that I can see. I do see lots of fellow BC-ers using them in their setups, and some in the for sale section, but I feel like I don't know enough about them. So, I seek your guidance!

    For reference, my current basses are listed in my sig, I do use modulation and FX (less Dist/OD than I used to, though) and I play about 30-40 gigs a year - festivals / venues / clubs / pubs. Mostly Rhythm and Blues, Soul, Funk (finger style, not much slapping going on here). I am currently interested in a brighter, more articulate (maybe hi-fi?) sound, but like a strong bottom end. I have PA support about 50% of the time - i.e. at the bigger gigs, when it's needed.

    I'll be interested in your comments and suggestions!

  9. Sorry to ressurect an old thread, but here we go anyway.

    I have an Ergo 4, which I ordered from Jesse about 2 years ago now. I've had to do some work to it - and I'm probably not finished- but if folks relatively nearby want to try one, I have one.

    I'd also be interested in anyone else's experiences with Ergos. As has been said here, there aren't very many in the UK, as you have to deal with Jesse direct and it get it shipped over from TN.



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