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Posts posted by Grahambythesea

  1. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1486229730' post='3230217']

    She does a nice version of 'Donna Lee'.

    Anyone who can get that good a tune out of those awful rubbery bass uke strings is probably miraculous!

  2. Depends if "cool" is a look or a sound?
    The late Chas Chandler and the late Jack Bruce would have to be there for sound although Jack seemed to be putting in a bit more effort than some.
    Dave Pegg, Kyle Eastwood, Duck Dunn (who else could smoke a pipe at the same time as laying down terrific grooves), Kinga Glyk ( it's the hat that doesn't for her), so for both stunning playing and cool look she gets my vote.

  3. [quote name='drake' timestamp='1485872867' post='3227374']
    i wish they would do natural finishes like they did in the 70s, always a cool look
    [/quote]I agree. If Chinese fakes can come up with pretty figured woods laminated to the tops, surely all the resources of
    Fender could do the same.
    Also if they want to play the "traditional" card, where are fiesta red and lake placid blue. These are forever getting mentions as favourites here along with candy apple red (this should be available just out of respect for the late Duck with a gold anodised plate of course).

  4. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1484909843' post='3219564']
    Been playing it some more now. Needed another quick truss rod tweak as it settled after shipping, and it seems to have stabilised well now.

    Really liking the TI flatwounds on it - I know a lot of ppl think they are a bit 'rubber band' and they certainly are lower tension compared to the Chromes but I really like the sound.

    It's probably not typical for a early/mid 70s fender - but it sure has a great vibe about it and it's proper lightweight. Very happy - and thanks for all the kind words too folks!

    I guess there's a good reason why they are the reference classic design! :)
    [/quote]i've never used TIs so can't comment on the "rubber band" feel, but I to found Chromes a little too high tension. I have LaBella Low Tension Flats on my fretless and they are what they say on the packet and definitely not rubbery. May be a good alternative next time your changing strings, they come in a good bit cheaper than TIs. Just a thought.

  5. [quote name='Davo-London' timestamp='1485360275' post='3223384']
    Were you tempted by the Warwick Star Bass II, which has 2 humbuckers? I know it's not period correct but that Warwick has the most impressive sound range of any bass I've seen on the t'internet.

    Just thinking.

    [/quote]i looked at the Warwick but think they are expensive. I don't need a semi for gigs, it was just nostalgia so this is mainly for fun at home. My old EB2 was the double pickup version and I found them terribly imbalanced. I never really used the bridge pick up as a result so thought this EB2 lookalike should be the single pickup version.

  6. Having played a US Jazz for 20 years after having précis ions for quite a long time, but now abandoning them I thought I chick in 5 penny worth . It seems to me most pro band bassists use one and generally get a good sound. Listen to someone Kinga Gylk and she gets a brilliant sound out of hers! They can't all be wrong but they are far from perfect.
    The downsides are that the pickups pick up some types of lights and hum much worse than precisions, and they are heavy. Don't know why because other luthiers can make them much lighter and hum free.
    Love 'em or hate 'em you can't ignore them. I don't think I'll ever get another but I do like the skinny neck.

  7. I had a longing to revisit the old EB2, but when I had one I didn't get on with the clumpy short scale neck, so when I heard that BaCH were offering a long scale version I thought it might be the solution. However they were not on their website, so when o contacted them I was told they were discontinued after pressure from ........... However they did have some unfinished ones which they would supply without a bridge.

    It arrived today, a beautifully finished natural body with a darker wood neck (just like the old G..son), but long scale and only 39mm at the nut and a single mud-bucker. Can't wait to hear what it sounds like, just need the 3 point bridge to arrive and some strings (flats of course) and away we go,the 60's revisited.


    Updated the pics to show this bass now the bridge is on and strung up with flats.

  8. For those who were interested in the Semi Hollow they were rumoured to sell, they still have a few but have been "forbidden to sell them", their words not mine. Sounds like big bully G..son has been having a go. Not sure on what basis, G no longer makes or sells either the EB2 or the Midtown with equal length horns so what are they trying to protect? Many companies make both basses and guitars with bodies based on the 335 shape, it can't be patented. The BaCH semi hollow has long scale but a semi body with a centre block so it's like a hydrid between the EB2 and the Midtown so it's no copy and the headstock is a different shape and has their own logo on it.

    However you can buy one as a "project " they don't fit a bridge, you have to do it yourself! There is an alternative, a company on the web called Number One Design Guitars ( which I think are based in Germany) will get one for you, fit the bridge and set it up, but are charging more than double the price from BaCH and loads more for shipping too.

    So I've ordered one from BaCH, ordered a 3 point bridge (anyone know how to fit one?) and we'll see how it goes. I'll keep the forum posted.

  9. I traded for the Spector Rebop on this forum, but whilst changing strings a tuner broke. It was replaced by my luthier with the nearest replacement he had, but it wasn't a perfect match. I concluded that if one broke so might another and it was time to replace them all. At the same time I thought I might save a little weight not that this is a heavy bass, it weighed in at only. 3.7kg.
    I was surprised at the cost of Hipshot's at about £100, but found on a US site the"Licensed" version at about half the price. Fortunately I have family in California so bought the tuners on free post in the USA and collected them on a recent visit.
    The change over was so easy, they lined up perfectly even with the screw hole and when I re-weighed the bass now is only 3.5kg! Result!


  10. It is worrying that the quality control at Fender seems to be very hit and miss. I had one where the neck needed a shim on arrival. It shouldn't have to be down to the shop to set them up although there some dealers who pride themselves in getting them to perfection, if you can find one.

    The smaller manufacturers have to establish a reputation in order to compete with the "Leo" brand, because that seems to be the bass most pro bands are using ( but of course that may not be the bass they record with), and they have a techie to set up the instrument for them.

  11. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1484076042' post='3212514']
    [/quote]wow, Gretsch should have been making that! Very rockabilly. How's the quality and playability?

  12. Gotoh make lightweight tuners with the clover leaf style keys but they cost an arm and a leg. Fender also make a lightweight key which was fitted to the deluxe models. I think Hipshot make them in 2 sizes one of which should fit. Some of these only seem to be available in the USA.

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