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Posts posted by Hit&Run

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='118187' date='Jan 10 2008, 09:46 PM']Speaking to my man Shuker about the Gotoh Bridges he recommends the Fenderalike one they do rather than the 201 as the cast top of the 201 doesn't always fit the brige base well and looses transmission through.
    The fenderalike is a lot heaveir than the standard fender bent tin. I think it's called the Gotoh Standard Bridge.[/quote]
    I thought the 201 and 203 were both direct replacements for stock fender bridges?

  2. [quote name='Sean' post='118011' date='Jan 10 2008, 05:26 PM']He's very tasteful and very much the ensemble player at the moment. I wouldn't for a minute agree his sound was thin though especially with that P and the Ampeg rig.[/quote]
    Just because he's now playing basslines that I could handle doesn't mean he has 'slipped', or is a lesser player than he once was.
    I will concede it's unlikely that he'll enjoy the artistic freedom he had in Jamiroquai any time soon though. Gotta work for the man, especially when there's bills to pay!

  3. [quote name='eude' post='117424' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:12 PM']Hey Ant,
    not sure what you ended up doing about this, but just thought you might want to see this >>


    Looks like Ibanez have been listening...


  4. Dunlop make a few wedge shaped/sized picks that you could check out [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/12-Dunlop-Tortex-Triangle-Guitar-Picks-1-14mm-Purple_W0QQitemZ130187710551QQihZ003QQcategoryZ85854QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638.m122"]tortex triangle[/url] & [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dunlop-Ultex-Tri-Plectrums-picks-1mm-Heavy-12-pack_W0QQitemZ230209905234QQihZ013QQcategoryZ20832QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]ultex[/url].
    Most of my local shops seem to stock the gibson ones, or there's always the bay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/24-X-GIBSON-GUITAR-PICKS-TRIANGLE-HEAVY-4-00_W0QQitemZ120204305637QQihZ002QQcategoryZ20832QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]picks[/url]

  5. I used to work in a library (whilst in 6th form, a long time ago), and even then there were quite a few bass books (and lots of guitar books) on the shelves.

    Fast forward a decade and I pop back in to see what they've got, and am pleasantly surprised:
    [*]a couple of copies of Jaco's modern electric bass
    [*]a few different instalments of Chuck Rainey's bass method
    [*]several beginner's books
    [*]a book on bass guitar harmonics
    [*]a collection of bass articles from 'guitar player' in the 70s (Stanley Clarke, Carol Kaye, Jeff Berlin etc..)
    [*]building jazz/rock/metal basslines
    [*]others that I can't remember
    Also, every month they get a copy of 'guitar & bass' magazine. It's a bit limited bass-wise, but has interviews, product reviews and musical examples from a player. The bass player featured often ties in with the cover guitarist [i]eg[/i] Hendrix on the cover, Noel Redding is featured; Brian May on the cover, John Deacon inside etc..
    So, my question is: Does anyone out there actively use their library as a source of material for study/musical growth?

    Theoretically, the British Library keeps a copy of every book ever published (in this country?), so you could request just about anything (for 60p). I wonder if they'd be able to get that Jamiroquai transcriptions book....?

  6. Both of my amps have active/passive (Laney) or high gain/low gain (peavey) inputs for the bass. Is it the case that active basses [u]always[/u] go in the active/low gain input and that passive basses [u]always [/u]go in the passive/high gain input? I have passive, hotter passive(SD 1/4lb), 9v & 18v active basses and were wondering if there were definite 'best practices' for which input to use?
    I've also got a couple of active/passive basses; should they go in the active input (if primarily being used in active mode) and should I just accept a drop in volume if I go passive?

    Also, if an active bass goes into a pedal (like an aphex bass xciter, or hartke vxl) is it still classed as active, or could the signal then go into the low gain/passive input on an amp?

    I hope the above makes sense.

    Sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere.


  7. One of [url="http://www.tascam.com/details;8,21,17.html"]these[/url] may help you to learn parts of recordings where the bass is quite difficult to distinguish.

    I picked one up locally second hand for £60 with a PSU, though you can probably get one new for about £70 now!

  8. Owing to me getting a mortgage, my "as many as I want in, none out" door policy on bass acquisitions has come to an abrupt end.

    As such I've got my 'telecaster bass' up for sale. I've had it since August and it is in A1 sweet condition: no dints, scratches, buckle rash, or blemishes of any nature. It still has the plastic cover on the pickup; which looks so awesome I didn't want to scratch it. Never gigged, not even bashed in rehearsals; only left the house once to visit Steve Robinson (manchester guitar tech, more of that later).

    Here's a [url="http://www.squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0326902500"]link[/url] to Squier's page on this bass, there is also link for the spec of the bass.

    I wanted to pimp it up a little (but not drastically), so I had the plastic nut replaced with a bone one, the stock bridge replaced with a BadAssIII, a set-up, and a fender headstock decal put on. All of this work was carried out by Steve in August 2007.
    I still have the original bridge which I can ship with the bass if you want that vintage look. I also have the spare (grooved) BAIII saddles which I'll chuck in as well if you want em! The BAIII is a much more solid affair than it's predecessor, hence it's addition on this bass; and it allows both toploading and string through-body loading of strings.

    I have an old but sturdy hard case that I'll ship this in (along with decent packing), or it can be collected if you want.

    Enough waffling, here's the fat-pickup fiend in it's glory:


    Any marks are reflections, with a few fingerprints thrown in for good measure.


    The more astute of you may have noticed that in the piccies the E string is top loaded and the other 3 through body. Why? The D'Addario XL strings that are on it (45-105, barely worn-in) do not have much leeway length wise, and the E string final winding starts in the 1st fret region if stringing through body. D'Addario strings are the only brand I've come across that spoil fun for through body stringers. Nice strings though.

    That is a reflection of a ceiling light, [u]not[/u] a space-time energy projector, black hole, lurking alien etc...

    If anyone wants any specific pictures of anything (connected with this bass!) PM with your email address and photo-request and I'll see what I can sort.

    Price wise I reckon £225 inc insured P&P is pretty fair given the ace condition and extras. I'll knock some off if you want to collect in person.

    Any questions or thoughts, feel free to PM me or post 'em on here..


  9. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='113352' date='Jan 4 2008, 08:24 AM']Protection don't mean squat if the seller operates without a credit card and has shifted the money out of their paypal account before you lodge your claim and 'does a runner'.[/quote]
    I've been stung on ebay before by tw@ts who do runners.
    However, I got this bass from a US dealer with 3565 transactions (99.6% positive). So, hopefully I'll see some form of closure. Although I'm still waiting to hear from them in response to an email I sent re insurance and tracking numbers.

    [quote name='cetera' post='113426' date='Jan 4 2008, 11:14 AM']I purchased a Precision neck from a reputable eBay seller in the States on 24th December. It was shipped to me USPS on the 27th and turned up here yesterday with no charges! Result :)[/quote]
    No need to gloat.

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