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Posts posted by xilddx

  1. I will be using mine live for the first time this coming Saturday (and in rehearsal on Thurs).

    I think the sounds are really good, the dual tone is very useful, love the compressor too. None of them disguises the sound of my Warwick. I set up the sounds through my desk (XLR direct in) on 'phones to get a wide stereo image and have probably over-egged the low eq as a result, i'm sure the PA chap can sort it out on the night. I will be using about ten different tones from standard bass sounds, echoes, flange, to synth bass and I haven't had so much fun in ages dialling them in!

    If you want to come along and have a chat and a listen , the show is in North London on Saturday evening. PM me and I will send details.

  2. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='262501' date='Aug 14 2008, 03:39 PM']I wouldn't stress about getting a 5er. All those dubbers used 4s didn't they. Just turn up the bass up on the amp![/quote]

    While I agree with that, the new dub sounds [i]are [/i]getting lower. There's a cracking Warwick Streamer 5er in the BC marketplace for £390.
    I detune the low E to D on my 4 and that does the trick generally. Pump up the bass, turn off the treble, you should be fine. I wouldn't stress either. In fact I was chatting to the new bassist in ADF recently at one of our gigs and he got a Stingray 4 for his new gig. He also thought my 4 string Jack Bass was pumping serious reggae tone too, so I wouldn't worry too much mate. Good luck!

  3. [quote name='Wayward-Wanderer' post='259656' date='Aug 11 2008, 12:04 AM']Nice looking thing, any soundbites at all?[/quote]

    You are welcome to nip over and give it a go if you like. I'm in Ealing, W London. I haven't got any useful "soundbites". She's sort of a bass-for-all-seasons, a great range of tones that are in sort of Jazz Bass territory. Not growly like a Warwick, more warm round tones with a bit of snarl in the treble. With the active switched on you can get DEEP dub sounds, warm round tones and she's got good slap tones too. In-between Jazz tones are there too because of the two volume controls.

    Hope that helps! If you want to try it, PM me and we'll arrange a time.


  4. That's a damn shame. Hope the rehearsal today is encouraging. Did he say why he needed to leave? Maybe he was just shitting himself about the gig and couldn't say until now. Nevertheless, extremely unprofessional in my opinion. You just don't do that.

    Good luck!

  5. It's a great bass, never goes out of tune and has been unremittingly reliable for the the three years I've gigged it.

    She's been very well looked after, regular lemon oil on the fingerboard, recent fret dress and set up, only one tiny ding on the bottom edge that I only just noticed today. There are a four small holes in between the top of the pups where I fitted a thumb rest, easily filled and touched in. Very, very light rash on the back, unmodified. I'll also chuck in a spare set of D'Addarios DBEs too.

    She has a great tone, active with a bypass switch that means the electronics work even if the battery is dead.

    I bought it new from the Bass Cellar a few years ago. I'm looking for £265 ono.

  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='258568' date='Aug 8 2008, 10:44 PM']Sting can't be cool.

    Anyone who has ever made an album on the lute can't be cool it's the law.[/quote]

    I've been playing along to the Synchronicity album all night on my new fretless. You simply CAN NOT be dissin' Stink. He's a fantastic bass player and songwriter and is blessed with a gorgeous voice. Come on dude, you must admit you'd want to give him one up the bifter back in the eighties ..

  7. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='258601' date='Aug 8 2008, 11:24 PM']To name but a few.....

    Frank Gambale, Martin Taylor, Francis Dunnery[/quote]

    A Frank Dunnery fan at last! I salute you! I adore his songwriting, voice and guitar playing. Martin Taylor is a wonderful player, but Gambale?? To me he's bloody awful. I had the misfortune of meeting him at a guitar expo once, the arpeggios were as mad as his haircut.

    I really can't get enough of Stewart Copeland.

    Alex Lifeson is the epitome of style and substance. The weird mistakes he makes (and which he seems to be comfortable letting get to the record) are my biggest musical education.

    Count Dubulah from early Transglobal Underground knocks me out.

    Sly and Robbie, nuff said.

  8. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='257981' date='Aug 8 2008, 12:17 PM']Its interesting but I find Caron to be emotionally flat. Like the notes are there but their absolute perfection in pitch, timing etc render them soulless. I have 4 or 5 UZEB cds and can't criticise his technique but the music is just lifeless.

    Get some funk in there, Caron!![/quote]

    I've never heard Alain Caron so I just looked and listened to this ..

    Leaves me stone cold, it's horrible lifeless sh*t. There are many players out there with immense technique but very little expression and it's often mirrored in their audiences. It seems to me a lot of them end up pursuing the limits of technique and composition rather than the limits of expression. It seems as if there's no connection between their humanity and their music. Dream Theater are a case in point for me. Some people will always be impressed by technicality though and will have an emotional response to it. So I suppose it's all relative.

    Zappa's players all had incredible chops but they had so much expression too, so if I want a lesson in both and get a big kick out of the music, that's what I listen too. That's the thing for me, great technical players sometimes need someone to tell them to shut the f*** up and play it with feeling.

  9. [quote name='noirpunk' post='258131' date='Aug 8 2008, 02:14 PM']How much do you reckon he's charge?

    Woof Bark Donkey - UNCLE PETER!!!

    Sorry, I got rather excited at seeing Charlie Chuck as your avatar.

    Umm yes I understand it's ugly to some, I see it more as a cool bit of Misfits memorabilia I can gig.

    and surf green? not really but I like the colour, it's what my bedrooms painted in.[/quote]

    Hah hah, Charlie Chuck's brilliant. I saw him recently on one of his rare gigs (supporting John Cooper Clarke). He did no new stuff, just all the old stuff he always does, which was ace, but I've known all his material for donkey's years anyway, pun intended. He kind of lost it, unintentionally laughing and said he'd blown his cover, so he just talked for the last twenty minutes about his life. It was a bit uncomfortable at times and he went off on a bit of a low. Still great to see him though.

    Anyway, I still think that's an ugly bass, ya cakey pig :)

  10. [quote name='noirpunk' post='255190' date='Aug 5 2008, 10:49 AM']I've had a look, I know Bernie Rico Jr is making replicas but as you are aware they won't be cheap.
    I'm looking for a suitably off the shelf option that I won't be afraid to gig

    Just incase anyone isn't sure of what it looks like this is the bass in question


    Given the current mood in BC I don't particularly wish to offend anyone, but Christ Alive, that's a butt-ugly bass. It's as punk as a Bentley Continental. IMHO of course. I'd be scared of getting VD off a bass that pointy. Would you describe what it is you like about it? What would you think of a surf green version? What's with the skull trip?

  11. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='251119' date='Jul 30 2008, 11:03 AM']Love his playing with the Clash and attitude on-stage but that band in the photos - The Good Band & The Queen are truly terrible. I had the misfortune to see them doing a showcase gig a year or two ago and it was painful. I've had more fun at the dentist.[/quote]

    Oh dear, I think they are pretty ace to be honest, I love Simonon's bass playing in that. How could you not like Tony Allen?? One of the best afrobeat drumeers around.

  12. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' post='250089' date='Jul 28 2008, 11:55 PM']I may be a lone voice here, but I feel there is a risk in starting with your own material.

    An audience that does not recognise the first song you play may vote with their feet, so I would suggest starting with covers, and move onto your own material when you have got the audience on your side, and finish with a cover that they know and love.

    Having said that, my only gig is a church worship band, so this is my gut feeling, not my experience talking - YMMV[/quote]

    I kinda disagree, I think starting with your own number shows confidence and makes a statement that you are an originals band that does a few covers, rather than the other way around.

  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='249747' date='Jul 28 2008, 04:25 PM']If you're in Wolverhampton then you could always grab the audience's attention by starting with [b][i]"Hey, Coventry! Good to be here!".[/b][/i]


    Nah, get the singer to scream, "Hello England" in an American accent.

  14. You will almost certainly make mistakes, we all do, but don't worry about them. Your main worry on the night might be that you'll forget the songs, arrangements, notes, blah, but you WILL remember. I would make the first song one you are all most comfortable with.

    Don't have a band rehearsal the day of the gig.

    Agree a set list before hand and [u]print [/u]them using large type, preferably times roman bold. Don't hand write them. Make everything easy for your self by being organised, then you can concentrate on playing the songs.

    Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with having a stiff drink if you're nervous but don't overdo it.

    One thing I will say is that it's possible/probable your sound check monitor levels will will have changed when you go out to perform. Try not to worry about it until your first song's over, then try to get the sound guy to sort it, with minimal hand signals. BUT the singer's the priority so let them get their monitoring right before you try to.

    Like the other posts have said, enjoy it, have a laugh and don't pressure yourself!

    Hope it goes really well.

  15. [quote name='alexclaber' post='247994' date='Jul 25 2008, 05:36 PM']Any RATM, much P-Funk, prime era James Brown. Lots of other stuff too but that's all very reliably effective! I like my big grooves.


    What get's Alex going? Probably me yesterday :) Alex, you have my apologies, I can be an opinionated and undiplomatic twat sometimes.

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