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Posts posted by xilddx

  1. I'd only had a couple of beers, same as our drummer. I don't need the drugs no more. Sometimes I think recording gigs takes away the mystery, like all the underwater footage of fish, makes my fishing less interesting, less mysterious and magical. However, this recording has taught me a lot, I should trust myself more, I don't normally. It certainly taught me I need to practice playing and dancing at the same time ;-) I dropped quite a few bummers for the sake of showmanship! No-one seemed to mind much though, that's no excuse of course.

  2. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='398028' date='Feb 2 2009, 04:21 PM']search for live videos of the song carousel by blink 182, the intros played up high on bass and mark hoppus has to sit down to play it because he wears his bass so low. it always makes me laugh, i'd just wear my strap a little bit higher[/quote]

    Now that's weird! The song I need to play chords on is called Carousel. Ain't no Blink number either.

  3. <This one time ("at band camp" --- sry) after going on after a psycho-billy type band which had a double bass player who liked to do mountain-goat impersonations (ala the Bill Haley/double bass pic above), I went for a bit of showboating and stood on my J bass and played a few bars in the middle of a bass intensive part, the previous band were not far from the front of the stage watching us but weren't amused (??) they thought I was taking the piss. I just wanted to see if I could do it and thought it might make em chuckle too. >


  4. All I remember being aware of was the pulse and the accents. It was tight, musical, thrilling, improvised but I was only half aware, like in a dream. Doesn't happen very often, we usually have rigid structure and don't deviate very much, because the song is king. We have a lot of comms going on on stage usually. It was sort of instictive I suppose. Drummer's eyes were closed, he was trippin too.

  5. For me, the USP of the Ginex is that you can use it with the strings on and tuned to pitch, it can help reduce the classic bolt on S profile problem which even my Warwick has.

    Of course luthiers will slag it off, just like a lot of musicians and the MU slagged off sequencers when they first arrived.

  6. We had a gig last week and recorded it on the drummer's little Zoom H4. We had a couple of extended song ends where the singer was freestyling and playing around on her Kaoss Pad. My favourite part of the show was playing a dub bass riff over a fast four-on-the-floor Copeland-type workout, my drummer is ace and pulled it off with great panache and intensity. Now, I love playing that style and I got really lost in it, totally tripped out with a huge adreneline buzz. Although I was aware of what was going on at the time, it wasn't until I listened to the recording that I noticed all the wonderful interplay going on between the bass and kit, and the voice.

    It made me wonder why I didn't really pick all that up at the time, I was only aware of the impression of what was going on. I feel a bit disappointed in myself, like I'm not a proper musician. But I'm also pleased that magic can be happening even when one is not aware of it.

  7. I have a Jap Fender Jazz Bass Special Fretless (MightyMite Ebanol neck, Deep Talkin' flats). It has the original passive Jazz bridge pup and a P-bass pup. It's a lovely bass but I played a set with it a couple of weeks ago and it sounds thin and weedy and uninspiring, next to my Warwick Corvette $$ anyway.

    I want the sound to be richer and deeper with higher output, more like my Corvette. I will be using it for modern funk and dub tones so I need rich deep lows and perhaps a bit of growl.

    Would the Stellartone option work? I am doubtful as I have never heard one. Should I change the pups, if so, what would you recommend? I don't mind going active, or passive/active like the Corvette. They need to be standard Fender size and the same format, ie. J P.

    Any help would be very greatfully received. I have read lots of stuff on the www but haven't come up with a trustworthy solution.

    Cheers all.

  8. It's easier than you think. Get the Thomas Ginex kit. EDIT: Just noticed the King's link is for the same.


    I use it on all my guitars and basses (apart from my fretless, doesn't seem to work for some reason) with no problems and the results are excellent. Cheap bit of kit too.

    Alternatively, get some radius blocks, fret dressing files, etc. I refretted one of my basses with the StewMac kit, wasn't too difficult and I did a pretty good job first try. The kitchen was a bit of mess, mind.

  9. [quote name='bassman2790' post='397692' date='Feb 2 2009, 11:29 AM']Phil Lynott looked about as 'Rock' as you could get without feeling the need to wear his bass down by his knees


    Excellent!! You're absolutely right! I am starting to feel reassured ;)

  10. [quote name='bubinga5' post='397698' date='Feb 2 2009, 11:33 AM']Surely your there to play bass, not to worry about how you look!!??[/quote]

    I am there to do both. We're in the entertainment industry here, and looking good on stage is important. I know plenty of musicians that do their band a disservice by going on stage with a knacked old tee-shirt and shapeless jeans from TK Maxx when the singer is dressed to kill. Looks ridiculous, gives a poor impression and, in my humble opinion of course, detracts from the entertainment value of the band in question.

  11. I'm afraid I am guilty of such. But now, I am going to need to play chords for some ambient D&B type music we are going in for. I have to admit, the gig was difficult in parts because of my bass being too low, but I don't want to have to look like Mark King to play chords.

    What would you do?

  12. I'm the same as the OP. Since getting my all-black (inc. DR black beauties) Corvette $$ I have found the true faith. Looks, plays, feels and sounds completely wonderful. I wouldn't dream of parting with her, but I've said that before about instruments.

  13. I had an HT Dual, utterly gorgeous for guitar, I have heard folks use it for bass too. It has amazing tone and tone flexibility. I sold my entire guitar rig though and got a POD X3 Live. I now also have a Blackstar HT5-C valve combo for recording guitar, it is based on the pedal circuits. It's lovely too. I am seriously impressed and I reckoned a while ago Blackstar will be very big one day. Give 'em a try sometime.

  14. Had a wonderful show on Saturday night. The drummer recorded it on his new ZOOM H4, which is brilliant! Got a great live sound with excellent definition. We're recording all rehearsals and gigs with it now. Unfortunately it was one of those places where the bass and kick drum gets put through the bass bins & subW and the vox and higher pitch instruments go through the flyers. Consequently all my painstakingly crafted bass synth tones and HiFi sounds were all but inaudible. Nevertheless, the basic bass sounds were there and the dub tones were wickid, and although not vomit inducing, they were not far off. The POD was lovely to use, behaved perfectly. I did find, due to stage excitement, that I was turning the wah on by accident when using the volume pedal so I will have to adjust the pressure or see if the wah can be disabled for the relevant patches.

    Going to update the firmware this evening.

  15. Oh, believe me, I couldn't agree more! But I want to know the vomit will be induced through the whole of the evening, not just on a few patches. Actually, I played a few numbers in rehearsal last night leaning against two stacked Trace 1x18s and I vomited and ejaculated at the same time ;-) It was a sublime weight loss event actually. This POD creature is seriously trippy.

  16. Have to agree, makes updating very easy. I didn't get a chance to update the firmware last night but I didn't notice a problem in rehearsal with the clicking. Mind you, I was just going mono into a Trace stack.

    I have to say, the sounds I was getting were superb and got compliments all round. My slightly modified "Advisory" bass preset was about 11 on the Richter scale in the dubbier numbers! That is a great patch, the only preset I really like, to be honest.

    I don't like the footswitch labeling, it's too small and impossible to see with the very bright orange lights.

    I think I am going to revise my patch tactics for the gig though, simplify them a bit and not have both tones panned hard left and right. Got to make sure there is some balance between the patches too but it is hard to tell without trying it through a large PA with a very broad freq range. My phones and studio monitors won't really tell me if the lows will induce vomiting, from the audience and the sound guy ;-)

    I am looking forward to Saturday night!

  17. Thanks DOOD. I think I may give that a shot before rehearsal this evening. I will post an update afterwards. I've had mine a while but rarely used it so I reckon an update is certainly due.

  18. Strange, I am finding that there is an audible click if I switch patches when a note is sounding but no click if I stop playing. Anyone else get the same?


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