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No lust in Jazz

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Posts posted by No lust in Jazz

  1. I broke and dislocated the little finger on my left hand while playing football a few years ago,

    I went to physiotherapy for a number of months and followed the exercise programme that I was given, I can still feel the tissue damage, but I'm good.

  2. I've had three instances of a pop up window freezing my browser (chrome) while looking at BC over the past few days and telling me that my computer is 'infected' and I need to call the 'toll free' number to clean it.

    Are you or other BC members experiencing such problems / annoyance?


  3. Bass as a lead or melodic instrument - no problem.

    There are many examples of this in popular music without looking too hard, I suppose the key point is that its a piece of music and or arrangement that you like, rather than Bass should be 'in the pocket' type thing. But if you like 'in the pocket bass' then that's great - its just not the last word on bass instruments in music.

  4. We have two types of gig; the pub gig - where anything goes - its less well paid, therefore we'll play what we like and the function gig where we are well paid and provide a service centred around dance music.

    We have a get together away from rehearsal to decide on new material, if its on the list it, it gets learned and rehearsed in list order - we'll change the key to suit the vocals if necessary and record a version of the song and listen back to decide if its good enough to play live.

    Two 'lessons' that I've learned - its not what you play, its how you play it and play to the strengths of your band.

  5. Hello

    I currently use 2 Phil Jones PB-300 cabs (one will do) - small footprint / lightweight / punchy / will sit on the rear seat of a Golf..... I feed them with either PJ Bass buddy or an EBS Micro bass II - They sound clean and will take dirt pedals.

    Note: They don't have Aluminium speakers and I'm not sure what you mean about heavily loaded medium frequencies either.

  6. Ray Shulman
    Tom Wolk
    Andy West
    Scott Thunes

  7. I always considered "Ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch" to be a decent entry level FZ album. It has the 'hit' Valley Girl and at the other end of the scale some pretty intense instrumental work..

    There is plenty to go at - good luck

  8. [i]I had a flightcase (150w) and a matching powered ext cab (250w), total of 10 5" speakers. The tone was to die for, but as someone said in an earlier post, it didn't have enough oomph for a trio unless I pushed it pretty hard. I don't play loud, my tinnitus wont stand it. [/i] ...

    [i]Quotes not working[/i]

    I have the same set up and I have found that it works really well in a 'rock orientated' band I like the upward firing speakers for monitoring too

  9. ^
    Quote not working on this connection..

    I'm satisfied....Well its not like the Mesa Boogie walkabout / Phil Jones Bass 14x5" setup that I now use is second division stuff and I've found spending time refining my playing pays me more dividends that refining my tone plus there's only so much time in the day.

  10. Well for me its not what you play but how you play it... For me slower songs are fine at any point - played well. Sadly, due to the 'space' within them they can also herald guitar noodling or invented keyboard parts and its a great way to show up a vocalist who is having an off night.

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