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upside downer

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Posts posted by upside downer

  1. Here's mine. Skank said there's scope to write a tune about absolutely anything in relation to the picture. I was planning to use only samples but that idea died like a louse in a Russian's beard so instead I've written a tune about everything and nothing. It's a tune that exists digitally in this universe. There, nailed the premise.


    Stuff used - Necarman elektro saz, Westfield violin bass, Yamaha keyboard, Hydrogen drum programme, Samplefocus vocal samples. Roland Cube for amp and all recorded using Wavepad and Audacity.



    • Like 4
  2. 9 hours ago, Owen said:

    While we are discussing the Macca/Hofner interface, any opinions on a cheap and cheerful functioning copy of one of these? I just fancy one. I have played one but cannot for the life of me remember what it was.


    I used a Westfield copy in my rock/pop covers band for around three years and it did the job absolutely fine. It dealt with the heavier numbers really well and they're so light which is a bonus for those of us with back pain. Slight intonation issue up the dusty end at first but got that sorted. Staying in tune was never a problem.






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  3. Here in Northamptonshire it's about the same for pub gigs. I'm not currently playing live so I don't know if there's any post-covid restructuring of the price scale by wily landlords trying to bash down the cash due to bands being desperate to get out there and play again.

  4. I've been more offended* by the barrage of tripe that has come out of shows like The X-Factor, American Idol or Britain's Got Another Identikit Pretty Boy Warbler over the last 20 years than any of the acts mentioned here so far.


    *offended as in 'felt ennui through repetitiveness' due to other TV shows/TV adverts/shops etc insisting that an anodyne tune by some chancer off of one of these Cowell-approved televisual banalities has to be playing loudly and intrusively whenever and wherever.

    • Like 8
  5. Here's a question - can I 'sample' myself (oo-er, missus) using snippets of my previous compositional efforts? My idea is to recycle segments into unrecognisable sounds from what they were before. It fits in with the theme of everything previous, everything now and everything to be but is it in the spirit of the challenge? Does it count as being recorded this month if the tune consists of re-recordings? Am I over-thinking this?  


    My main concern, as always, is will it sound any good 🤪

  6. 22 minutes ago, SH73 said:

    Suggestion- it is likely that we have a winner and there are unlikely to be enough voters to beat 9. Can this month challenge be finalised early, so we can get on with next month challenge before we return to busy lives in New Year. Only a suggestion...


    Think we've done something similar before - left the voting thread going but released the picture for January's Comp early. Makes sense!

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, ezbass said:

    A friend of my parents knew Lou Macari well. He was a professional accordion player and Macari’s were purveyors of said squeeze box, right up to the end IIRC.


    He played his accordion at the Bon Accord Free Church in Aberdeen according to some, d'accord?

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    • Haha 5
  8. 1 minute ago, Bean9seventy said:

    4th time, it also includes why very few early UK street funk bassists never had,  or would go near a Fender Bass ,, 


    how at 1st ,, The face of Brit Funk was never Fender,


    I'm sure I've seen these clues in The Times' Cryptic Crossword before.

    • Like 2
  9. Hello, Yuletide fans, here's my cover version for this month.


    I've gone with a knockabout song from 1996 (25 years ago? Crikey O'Blimey!), Scooby Snacks by the Fun Lovin' Criminals who I saw a few times back in their heyday. And, seeing as I can't sing, Huey's spoken word delivery is something that I can get near to.


    Was going to see them again on their tour a couple of months ago but the whole thing got cancelled and now it has been announced Huey has left the band, so that doesn't bode well for any future outings.


    Violin bass, Epiphone guitar, cigar box guitar, Yamaha keys, Apogee+ mic and drums programmed using Hydrogen. All recorded with Wavepad and Audacity.


    Merry Christmas!



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  10. Nice to chat bass when least expected. I work on a very small industrial unit in Northamptonshire and a good few years ago I spotted that one of the smaller units around the corner had a 'Ruach Bass Guitars' notice in the window but I could never seem to time it right to wander around and find anyone in. Eventually though I did bump in to the chap in charge called Heath and had a pleasant chat about bass-related gubbins. Sadly he moved out of the unit not long after. He's a member on here (harleyheath) but hasn't visited for a while. He did have this topic going: 



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