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Posts posted by tegs07

  1. 6 minutes ago, Old Man Riva said:

    I’d agree up to a point, but with both Bob Dylan and Van Morrison the big drawback for me is I really don’t like either of their voices so really don’t listen to their music.

    There is the odd song of theirs that I can get past (as referenced in previous post) but the sound of their voices is something I’ve never been able to get past… 

    Think of it as story telling, theatre or spoken word poetry. Leonard Cohen and Tom Waits have voices like a worn out shoe but what they deliver is the timeless. There are plenty of folks with great voices but sod all to say and no memorable tune to say it within.

    Same with Shane McGowan. I have heard drunks at closing time sing better but he can pen a magnificent tune with poetic lyrics.

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  2. 3 hours ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

    Maybe I’ll give him another go. Any recommendations?

    It depends what Neil Young you want to hear. He is prolific putting out some diamonds and some abomination. Harvest, After the Goldrush for the more reflective singer-songwriter stuff and maybe Rust Never Sleeps for what he and Crazy Horse could do live?

  3. 22 hours ago, Barking Spiders said:

    Prompted by a post on another thread viz a comment on ABBA, of those bands/artists that have put out a lot of (varied) music everyone must surely like at least ONE song, or even one album maybe? So, of those you generally don't care for, what's the ONE song you do like muchly? Here goes..

    AC/DC (Johnson stuff) - I like a fair few Bon Scott era tunes but the only one from the Johnson era for me is Shoot To Thrill

    ABBA  - they're a band I appreciate a lot more than choose to listen to, though by a long way I think their best song is SOS

    Rush -normally wouldn't touch these guys with 2  bargepoles attached end to end  but Far Cry is pretty great

    Yes - their prog proper stuff leaves me cold but Owner of a Lonely Heart is a minor classic

    Genesis -same can be said for this lot but Misunderstanding's a gem

    Rolling Stones - never ever got this lot and like the Beatles they should've quit  in 1970 but The Last Time is a classic

    Aerosmith - a poor man's Rolling Stones and I cared no more for their post-drugs stuff than their wasted period, but No Surprize, from the generally dire Night in The Ruts, is still a cracker

    Kiss - a band who I've consistently disliked over many decades but I'll turn up the volume if Shout It Out Loud comes on the radio


    I don’t really like any of the above apart from the stones. I will say that all of them are masters of their own genre and have written some huge songs.
    I would also add Queen to the list and that if I was at a festival and any of the above were on the bill I would/would definitely have made a point of watching them play live.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Waddo Soqable said:

    I especially like the (darker) blue one... I'd love to get another one but with what they cost now, not a chance... Even the fakers seem to command stupid money.

    It’s worth bearing in mind that the depreciation is very little. The second hand market is very robust. Keep it long enough and you may even make some money so it’s all relative.

  5. On 14/05/2021 at 13:30, Rich said:

    I absolutely detested the Smiths back in the day. Thought Morrissey was a complete knob and the music was simplistic rubbish. Fast-forward to now and I really quite like them -- I can appreciate the music for what it is, well-crafted and extremely well-played (although Morrissey is an even bigger knob now though). But perhaps I'd better keep that opinion to myself, or otherwise... 

    ...people will think I'm obviously not intelligent. 🙄

    I really like The Smith’s. Always thought Morrisey was a bell end though. As for his solo career you would be hard pressed to make a decent album out of the entire output.

     I always thought of Richard Hawley as the thinking mans Morrisey. Maybe he should team up with Marr?

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, bartelby said:

    I'm all for more Laibach style cover versions, but I feel The Smiths might be one step too far. No one needs more of them out there...


    😀 I don’t know…. Picture “How soon is now “ slowed down and doom laden:

    Ich bin der Sohn und der Erbe einer Schüchternheit, die kriminell vulgär ist


  7. 15 minutes ago, TheGreek said:

    Dread Zeppelin - Reggae covers of LZ tracks

    I like it does it exist? Would go nice let with Dub Side of the moon, Easy Star AllStars

    Just googled and yes they do.. will have a listen!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Chiliwailer said:

    My best tip is to cut the wires from the old pickup, that are on the board already, and solder the new pickup wires onto that.

    Worked for me recently on a Stingray 😀

    This. Bit of heat shrink over the soldered join and nice and neat. Oh and if it’s active take the battery off first!

  9. 2 minutes ago, Beedster said:

    Gary Tibbs was interesting, stepped out of New Wave straight into Prog, or however you'd define the Roxy Music of that era. Love his playing on the Manifesto album, especially this one, tight as a badgers orifice 


    Roxy Music are a band I hated at the time but am only just beginning to appreciate how great they actually were.

  10. 35 minutes ago, itu said:

    Youtube is filled with videos. Learning takes some time.

    Main points:

    - it's hot, do not burn the table or thigh or your house

    - a small iron is good for small work, and a big one good for pot cases and so on, something like 20 - 30 watts could be a universal unit

    - plain iron is already functional, but soldering stations are not that expensive (check Hakko, Weller, and compare them to a Metcal)

    - lead-free tins are a chore compared to the older tin, so take your time, train with plain wires

    - the smoke is mostly resin, if you don't have a fan, go beside a window

    - clean the tip regularly (wet paper is always at hand)

    - the tin has to have flux which cleans the surface

    - twist the wire so it is easier to keep in shape, and pre-tin it first before tinning it to a pre-tinned lug

    - last but not least, it is hot, do not ever leave the iron unattended!


    All great advice. I wish I had known about the pre-tin the first time I soldered anything. I would have made far less mess!

     I would also add that unless you are very confident if you need to solder in the cavity cover the exposed area of your bass in some cardboard/thick fabric. If you do mess up then the bass body won’t get burned.

    • Like 1
  11. For me it wasn’t just great bass lines. Several new wave bands took the bass from being a melodic and sometimes twee “behind the scenes” instrument and brought it into the foreground. Hence my Gallop/Hook nomination. Motörhead (not new wave) but Lemmy gets massive kudos for this as well.

    • Like 1
  12. Does anyone know what tuner bushings fit the MIM Vintera P basses?

    I have tried 2 sets and both are too small. Fender do have vintage ones that say fit vintage re-issue so guess would fit. I’ve contacted them but heard nothing… would rather not waste £10 but may have to rely on my dodgy measuring skills.

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