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Posts posted by Woodinblack

  1. Oh one thing that was not so great. I forgot the riff to poker face, which wouldn't have been an issue except I was already half way through it. Yes, I had played half of it fine, and then just boom - came out of the chorus and couldn't remember how it went. Isnt the brain a great thing :/


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    • Haha 8
  2. Had a gig on Friday, early start (8:30), tiny pub, second time we have been there. Its a real faff to set up because once you have brought all the equipment in you are tripping over each other, and the pub was quite full allready. To be fair, you get 10 people in it and it feels full, but there were a lot more.

    Eventually moved the people from the corner where the PA sits and setup. By the time we were almost ready to start I was too hot and my back was to an open fire, that had died but still heating. Sound sounded great as we could turn it down quite a bit and it was clear and loud enough. 

    Considering a complete absence of practice for a while, everything with the songs went really well. The singer didn't mess up the song he did last week, and when he tried to mess up another song I just sang the right thing over him and he got with the program :D

    At one point this guy came right up to the side and leant down and stared intently at the front of my amp, for about 30 seconds - I mean the ashdown ABM600 evoIII is nice, but not that interesting. Then he stared at my pedalboard, which just currently has a dwarf and a critical mass on it, again, not that interesting.

    There was a drunk guy that danced back almost knocking the mic stand over, I pushed him away, he got close again I pushed him away, he got close again, it was the second half so I had the acrylic bass, which I put the headstock into his back and pushed, that worked well. Then the landlady threw him out. 

    At the end we did our last song as whole lotta love that we haven't done for a while, a guy that came in in the second half came up saying how well we had done it and what an interesting set we had, and he had just been passing and walked in, whcih was nice. 

    You never know what pubs are going to be good, that one is. And it was a friday gig, finishing at 11:00, home before 12 and the rest of the weekend free, whats not to like

    • Like 13
  3. 1 hour ago, Delberthot said:

    IThe other thing was that during the Christmas run I was working Monday to Friday, taking a half day on a Friday, driving up to Aberdeen, gigging on the Friday and Saturday, back down the road at 4am on the Sunday and then back into work on the Monday. That was for the whole of December.


    I must admit that I wouldn't enjoy gigging if I had to do as much travelling as a lot of people here. we do about 25 gigs a year but there are probably only 5 or so that are more than half an hour drive from here, and most gigs we do I could walk to if I didn't have a PA and amps to carry.

  4. There is an odd thing about weight - my ibanez sr5005 I find very heavy so dont play very often. Likewise my spector is a bit heavier than I would like.

    However, recently for the second half of gigs I have been playing my acrylic jazz style bass which makes both of them seem like toys, yet, apart from the initial pickup I don't really have a problem with its weight. Not sure if it is the balance of some other element of how it sits, but it doesn't get to me the way the others do and I can play it quite comfortably (although it would be more comfortable if I filed the nut down a bit).

    I don't know why this is.


    And to the OP - it doesn't matter how heavy your bass is to someone else if you don't have a problem with it.

    • Like 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, dave_bass5 said:

    I use an ipad 9 for Mixing station. I was thinking id like to get an Android tablet though, as ive handed my ipad to a mate a couple of times at gigs to mix us, and while i trust him, it means he has access to my private stuff on it as its logged in to my Apple ID (i use it for music playback as well). 


    I did think of using a cheap amazon fire tablet for it, but then I used one, so decided to just get a cheap older iPad and not connect it to my other data.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, mcnach said:

    I'm going to get an XR18 mixer for our monitoring purposes.


    I have a question with regards to what tabled to use for this.

    I have no clue what specs I would need. I gather that to run the app controlling the XR18 we don't need much, but I don't know what is enough.


    Anything made in the last 6 or 7 years is bound to be fine, it is for iPads, I can't really say for android stuff but I assume it is the same unless they are real budget ones.

    • Like 2
  7. I didn't know so I looked into it - to ignore a users signature you have to add them to your ignore list, and just select their signature (you don't actually do this, that is what happens in the background), but you can't add a moderator to an ignore list, so that doesn't work.

    So yes, it is a feature of the forum itself and there isn't a way around that one on here.

    • Like 1
  8. Really depends on the song - I have done just over 20 in 2 weeks and honestly some songs you can do 3 absolutely fine in 1 night and then one song takes days of work to get right (or longer).  But we are all different in how quickly we learn things, so there is no actual specific number you can learn, it is down to you. If it is too much for you, say so. 

    • Like 3
  9. 49 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    Thing is looks are very much personal taste. Show me an Alembic covered in points, twirls, inlays and an overabundance of knobs and I'll reject it out of hand as fugly steampunkery. But I have no doubt it would play and sound great.


    But that is the thing, you will never pick it up so it doesn't matter that it sounds great. So looks are very important.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, rwillett said:

    . I work with those things every day as I try to recruit people for IT projects. So if there are any SC cleared DevOps (limited supply) here looking for work (large demand)

     Yorkshire is a bit too much of a jog!


    23 minutes ago, Burns-bass said:

    It’s a fair point. Maybe people are cashing out as the market is at an all time high?

    makes sense, although there are a finite number of basses, the demand for YOB basses from the earlier years increased as people had the money for them, but as time goes on the number of those people is reducing and like anything (vintage cars etc) prices can go down, seems artificially high at the moment

  11. Indeed - but that isn't a moog :D

    I had thought of those, and I also did think of the moog theremini, but it hard to see what it is like because if you look on a place where theremin players hang out, using a theremini is basically digging up Leon Theramin himself and using his body as a scarecrow, but a bit worse. Wonder what they will make of that.


    If this turns up it will be a fun thing at a price that is still in the fun area

  12. 11 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    A Theramin in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing. Super impressive! 


    Indeed - and that is what put me off getting one - I have a few insruments that I don't have time for, but until you try, you don't know if it would be fantastic or not so great. I can't really imagine doing mustang sally on it at the dog and duck. Crazy horses on the other hand...

    But this, at near £100, as a pure music making machine, I can live with that, and also lets me know if it is something I would like to do.

    I don't think you get many theramins at open mic nights

    • Like 1
  13. I dont' think this is unusual for ibanez. Although there are a lot of different SRs, that is only because they have been going so long. Each year they have a few models in a few colours. Otherwise it is a big market to cover.

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