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  1. Possibly stupid question. Does arrange own courier mean that the seller is always willing to pack the instrument. I'm not missing or assuming something am I? Theres no packing courier service I've been unaware off. 

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    2. Twincam


      It's kind of always put me off buying a bass. Just I have seen ads with that statement that have had basses I would buy. And might take a chance. 

    3. Old Horse Murphy

      Old Horse Murphy

      Hmmm, I always assumed it meant you had to drive to the buyer's house, pack the bass up and then arrange a courier for it to be picked up and delivered to your house.

      I always thought that sounded a bit strange somehow...



    4. CameronJ


      I’ve always thought that the whole “arrange your own courier” thing was a nonsense. Actually packing a bass or amp is where the majority of the hard work lies - at that stage it’s really not much more effort to book a courier.

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