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Posts posted by bonzodog

  1. My covers band is doing really well now and I would be interested to know what everyone else does regarding band members individual gear.
    By this I mean do you take out costs of strings, drumsticks etc out of gig fees before its divided up? If so, where do you draw the line. For instance if our drummer needed a new snare then this would come out of fees but if me or the guitarist needed a new amp then this would cost a lot more. The added problem would be if the band did decide to buy my new amp then I would not own it if the band split up which would be difficult. Weve bought a PA and lighting between us but individual stuff is a bit more involved.

    Would be interested to hear others opinions.

  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1403397823' post='2482417']
    If you like the look of the Squier Classic Vibe Precision because of the maple neck, it may be worth checking out the Vintage Tony Butler Precision, which retails for around £200 new (link below). Would leave a good bit for an amp then, you`d certainly pick up a giggable amp for £280.


    I have this bass and love it. Build quality is very good.
    With your amp are you looking at just bedroom use or are you planning to gig with it?

  3. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1403200841' post='2480792']
    Could still be worth buying rather than hiring - buy at £150, sell at £100, job done.


    For a one off street party, use them and sell them. They wont sound brilliant but would think at a world cup street party people wont be too fussed about the sound quality. For ongoing use the next step up would be the Alto range. Same specs but better quality all be it still in the budget bracket

  4. We open with wont get fooled again but as we have no keyboard player i have sampled the keyboard intro off the original track and have it playing on a continuous loop while we walk on and pick up the instruments. It was my idea and should work well in principal but our guitarist still feels the need to play a couple of other riffs before we are supposed to all come in

  5. I used one as a solo singer and wasnt that impressed with sound. Very small speakers so sound was not very broad and nowhere near as loud as i was expecting. And like i say that was just as a vocal pa without any instruments going through it. Sold mine and now band i am in use EV zlx 12s. Same price and much better sound although you will need to buy a mixer.

  6. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1402652068' post='2475612']
    I sincerely hope you mean that you used proper speaker cables with 1/4" jack connectors, and didn't actually use instrument cables to hook up the cabs to your amp.


    Just because they are not Speakon connectors it does not mean they are instrument cables. You get both speaker cables and guitar cables with jacks on each end and you should not mix the two. It will tell you along the rubber sheath of the cable whether it is instrument or speaker. You must make sure you are using speaker cables to connect amp to speaker. Tha'ts probably why you are having the issues you are.

  7. I share the lead vocals in our band so play the correct bass lines when i am not singing and pretty much play root notes when I do sing. Huge respect to those that can do it. Some of Bruce Foxtons bass lines and harmonies are near impossible to do but he manages with ease.

  8. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1401811362' post='2467138']
    I think I have a new redish tort plate around here somewhere if you want it you can have it for nothing it may need a little dremelling to fit oh and it has 9 holes anyway if you want it and I can find it it is yours as long as you cover postage :)

    Thats extremely kind and yes if you do find it i will happily pay postage. I assume it is a P bass scratchplate.
    Thanks again

  9. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1401810605' post='2467121']

    They do, you've just got to order through a Vintage dealer.
    I got a replacement Tony Butler sig scratchplate through my local dealer for 20 quid. Bit much I thought but you can get them.

    Thats odd as I only emailed them last week and they said they dont offer them at all direct or through dealers.

  10. Does anyone know where I may be able to obtain some scratchplate offcuts in tortoiseshell brown.
    I decided to buy a new one to replace my Vintage V4 white one but the Vintages plates are way off a standard precision shape. As i am also adding a chrome pickup cover i decided to make the pickup cutout on the scratchplate bigger. However ive made a real cock up of it and although it fits I have two gaps either side of pick up cover. I would say i need two pieces 100mm x 15mm.
    Ive looked on line and the full sheets you can buy are more expensive than the scratchplates. I could even make do with a small piece of thin plastic as long as it sort of matches but cant find any to match a tortoiseshell brown pattern.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    I did email JHS Vintage before i bought this one but they dont offer scratchplates for V4s apparently.

  11. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1401047733' post='2459555']

    Is that with a full band? Typically we have keys, kick and 4 vocals going through our PA, do reckon it could put those out at a decent volume?

    We are a 3 piece. Guitar bass and very loud drummer. It will easily do what you want. We used them last week at a big pub and left the master volume on zero.

  12. I always take a backup bass but I take backup for everything. As I am in charge of PA too, I have more backup gear than the stuff we actually use.

    You've probably cursed it now by raising this thread and asking if you need a backup as you will now have a bass fail. A bit like stopping doing the lottery

  13. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1400762087' post='2456724']
    I would also like to add that the customer service I received while in PMT was just amazing.

    Yes i think their service is very good for guitars and also the PA dept

  14. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1400581976' post='2455048']

    How would they come with putting a kick drum and bass guitar?

    Ours are actually the 12s not 15s and we only plan to pit vocals through it. We played a pub to 100 people last weekend and hardly had them turned up at all. I would imagine the 15s would be more than capable of taking kick and bass. PMT have them on display in most of their shops

  15. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1400524175' post='2454653']
    Our PA guru is not a fan of JBL gear he feels it is way too expensive to repair when compared to any of its rivals, he hires out EV gear, our drummer has just brought the ZLX15P as a drum fill, it is a cracking bit of kit and is fully useable as a FOH speaker

    Link is below

    [url="http://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=L&ai=CVZ6MM0x6U4rDIarSiwac2oDQCozJxvoEvIzAsJcBmO35jNMBCAkQASDezc8eKDZQ2c3drPj_____AWC7hrOD0ArIAQepAgfaStOTPrw-qgQjT9BIpAPOpNnaipJIM22fnSZ1AEbQJIkgB8JrnCMYoHqFdzrABQWgBiaAB6S82jGQBwHgEuqS36Gu56CwlgE&sig=AOD64_3_9P3tQ63TFALL2pARS8GQVwQ4_Q&ctype=5&rct=j&q=&ved=0CFcQ2CkwAA&adurl=http://www.phase1live.co.uk/sound-c16/pa-speakers-c18/active-pa-speakers-c20/zlx15p-active-1000-watt-class-d-powered-pa-speaker-single-speaker-p1126/s1150%3Futm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_term%3Dev-zlx15p-active-1000-watt-class-d-powered-pa-speaker%26utm_campaign%3Dproduct%252Blisting%252Bads"][i]EV[/i] ZLX15P Active 1000 watt class d [i]powered PA speaker[/i][/url]

    We have just bought a pair of these. Very clear sound and amazing value for the money

  16. My current band is a mod revival tribute which works well as we dress and decorate the stage like a tribute band but have the benefit of being able to select songs from a number of bands and not have to act like one specific band member. Works well for us

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