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Posts posted by squire5

  1. Can anybody help?In the Squeeze song, Up the Junction,what is the chord thats played on the word 'incubator'?Sounds like it should be B minor,but there's something different about it.All the other chords at that point in the other verses are deffo B minor.Any tabs I've checked also say B minor,but I maintain theres something odd about the Incubator one.Does anybody agree,or am I just going mental? :)

  2. To any of the N.Ireland BCers.You know the Canal Court Hotel in Newry???. Why is it that some hotels look like a million dollars from the front,you know all floodlights and all that Pazazz,whereas round the back IE where the band loads in,is usually stinking with refuse bins,bags of putrid crap lying everywhere,slidy floors etc.We had been booked for a Wedding there last night
    The loading in bay was tiny,so we could barely squeeze our 3 cars in ( we all travel independently).Then we had to unload our gear,squeeze past a great big recycling unit the size of 4 skips,into a stifling hot kitchen offshoot.We them had to load our gear,in batches,in to a tiny lift,because the gig was on the 2nd floor.having got the gear up there,we had to wait until they'd finished stuffing their faces and then load onto the small stage,with the crowd still milling about,stifling hot.
    Just about to start we got the message 'you guys will have to move your cars,there's another band wanting to get in!' Moved the cars to various car parks around the Hotel as it's car park was full.Quick mike test and away.3rd number in,my bass rig decided it was too hot and gave up.Played through the PA for a while and then tried the amp again,which thankfully lasted to the end of the night.Crowd danced for the first 3 numbers then sat down again.Disco on after us,so we had to break down the gear and load out through the crowd back to the tiny lift,back to the stinking back yard,and eventually,home.Canal Court Hotel,never again.
    Gig paid well,I must admit,but we earned it.I was a bit annoyed as I never got to give my Washburn BX600 that I bought of Sprocketflup on this very forum,it's first real stage trial.

  3. Just want to say I take it all back.Overwater contacted ME via Bleedproof and the matter is completely and courteously dealt with.I have to say it's refreshing to deal with a company who who goes to the trouble of making sure a potential customer is happy,even if it is just a set of strings.I'm impressed, Laurence.Thanx again.

  4. Just went to buy from Overwater.Filled in my details to pay with debit card,but the 'Start Date' bit was greyed out,and wouldn't let me enter it.Next I get a message 'Our records show you have a Paypal account.Pay now using Paypal' Tell you what Overwater..Nup! Don't tell me how to pay.If I wanted to use Paypal I would have used Paypal.Sale cancelled.Rant over.

  5. Hi Johnston.Thanx for the offer,but I'm in Downpatrick,so it might be awkward.I've been checking out a few places.Seems the Overwater might suit,for the simple reason that their B is a 134,while the Slinkys are 130s.The Cs are all 32s as far as I can see.I've just been comparing the 50 -135s on my 5 string,to the strings on the 6er.What a difference!The D,G and C strings are like guitar strings,not bass strings.
    So I'll maybe give the Overwaters a go.I presume nickels are better than stainless,as they're a bit dearer,but I'm not sure soundwise.Any pointers?

  6. Yeah Truck,I actually got the bass + a Hiscox case for £120,which was pretty good.I made a mistake in the last post.The Warwick 25-135s are actually a 5 string set.I prefer Ernie strings anyway,but it's more the right gauge to pick than anything.I like a nice tight B,and I also want a good sturdy C.I suppose the thing I want to clear up is if the G on a 6 string set,is any different to the G from any other set.Sounds a bit naive I know,but hey you gotta ask.Also what gauge would a nice sturdy C be? :)

  7. I've just bought a Washburn BX600 from a fellow BCer.Thing is there seems to be a mixture of strings on it at the moment.B E A D seem to be Rotos,the other 2 have different coloured windings and these are the problem.They seem very thin and weedy sounding.On my 5 string I use Ernie Ball 50 - 135s because I like a good taut string.What gauge would you guys recommend in that range for a 6er?Am I right in assuming that a normal 5 string set plus an appropriate C would be OK.It's just that I noticed that the G and C strings on this bass look and sound very thin and weak.Is this normal....or not? I'm new to 6 strings,and would appreciate a bit of advice.I've looked at Warwick 25-135 Red Labels.What does the team think? Thanx.

  8. I've had 2 of these one not so good,the other very good.What to watch out for is the wide neck,2" at the nut and 3" at the 21st fret.String spacing is 18mm.Stock pickups vary.My first had to be replaced with Seymours as they were only 4 pole J pickups and gave very bad string imbalance on the G and B strings.Both very weak.The B string was very 'floppy' also.My newer one is much better tho'.Much tighter B,in fact everything the other one wasn't.Thing is,I only paid £80 -£90 for each one.So try for a bit less.But good basses overall.

  9. Heads up.Turns out that the message was actually sent at the point it disappeared.I've tried again and think I've succeeded this time except that it wouldn't let me go outside the confines of the dialogue box.It wouldn't expand so i had to abbreviate my details as much as possible.Fingers crossed!!

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