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Posts posted by squire5

  1. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_59_p_bass_relic_wb.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_59_p_bass_relic_wb.htm[/url]

    I thought the colour description of this bass was rather er..graphic.OK so it wasn't to your taste,but did you need to be quite so scathing!

  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1283746' date='Jun 27 2011, 09:49 AM']What was he playing?

    Maybe he doesn't believe in advertising a brand that isn't doing him a deal for it? Were any other instrument logos covered up?[/quote]

    Looked like a 'Boner',or Standard Jazz,minus scratchplate and as such,could only have been a Fender.I don't think they were copied by anybody.May be wrong tho'.

  3. [quote name='ped' post='1273340' date='Jun 17 2011, 11:33 PM']Bowel issues over here. Unless the venue has decent bogs I basically feel the need to go (usually at gigs, but counts for pretty much any situation, especially on coaches or boats). In fact just thinking about it now....

    ..Whoops, I better 'log off'


    +1 to that.I've had to rush off stage in mid-song more than once. :)

  4. The bridge is most definitely the problem here.Nothing else.That and the general design of the bass.The bridge has no more adjustment for better action available,the neck is fine,but the action is quite high,tho' playable.I've looked on the 'Bay at different bridges,but none seem to have smaller saddles than what I've got now.So,routing out a piece for the bridge seems the only answer here.Filing flats onto the bottom of each saddle is also a possibility I suppose,as is groove filing,but as each saddle sits at an angle due to the adjustment screw,that angle would have to be exactly right,or the filed section would not sit flush with the baseplate.I'm taking the bass to a local luthier tomorrow,to see what he can come up with,but I think that routing is probably the way to go.I'll keep you guys posted,but please feel free to come up with more opinions and comments.Much appreciated.

  5. [attachment=82098:Harperbass_003.jpg][attachment=82096:Harperbass_002.jpg][attachment=82097:Harperba
    ss_004.jpg]Wow,lots to think about.I'll start by saying that the neck relief is fine.Just a normal slight backbow,and nothing to worry about.The bass is very definitely homebuilt and body-wise,is really good(see pics),but I don't think he did his homework as far as hardware is concerned.The pickup poles don't line up with the strings,the frets from the 12th onward are seriously lethal,and have not been finished properly,and then the aforementioned bridge problem.It is active,with a very good 2-band EQ,and actually sounds,and to my eye,looks good.
    Smaller saddles would definitely help I think,because while I want lower action,cutting bits out of it seems a bit drastic,but I realise I may have to.
    The bass had a "Harper" logo on the headstock when I bought it,but,to add to the 'homebuilt 'thing was actually on upside down,so I sanded it off.Has anybody ever heard of this brand?I've tried Googling it but theres not a lot coming up.it was advertised as a "Simon Harper" bass,and there is some reference to someone of that name in New Zealand,who deals in importing cheap guitars from China,modding them and then selling them on,so I doubt if it's him.Thanx for all the input.

  6. [attachment=82053:HBassbridge_001.jpg][attachment=82053:HBassbridge_001.jpg]The bridge on my through neck 5-string is maxed out,with no way to reduce string height.On a bolt-on neck,this could be cured by fitting a shim,but how do you do it on a through-neck?At it's present setting,the action is way too high for my liking,tho' the bass is playable.I had thought of routing out a piece for the bridge to sit in,thereby lowering it,but that might block the string holes at the back.I feel the bridge is too far forward as well,as at the present settings,intonation is not right,and as you can see,the saddles are back nearly as far as they can go.The bass is a 'Harper' branded model,seems hand built,bought through this forum from Zephead.Can anyone think of a way round this ie how to make the bridge more adjustable?(Sorry for the slightly fuzzy pics)Thanx. :)

  7. He probably didn't even know who Paul McCartney was FFS!Looking at the pic brings it all back.The 2 little prongs supporting the pickup unit to the bridge,the 2 little thumbscrews for adjusting the string height,even the wonky 12th fret dots,the narrow neck.But hey,it was MY bass.......(where's the Kleenex)

  8. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-/300556179208?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item45fa8b5708&autorefresh=true#ht_500wt_937"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-/3005561...ue#ht_500wt_937[/url]

    Starting bid £300.........but £50 postage.Aw come on!

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