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Posts posted by ped

  1. dood feel free to post my pm here, i suppose it is kind of a review...

    waldo, be careful with the bass add on pack. i read somewhere that the guitar version has some differences to the dedicated bass version; see what you can dig up for us.

    may i reccomend reading a thread on tb called the xt live real world review. lots of useful info.

    sorry about my lack of punctuation, im usung this funny swing down pc/tv unit at hospital. key pad is a bit bollox.

    cheers all

  2. Thanks chaps. I have been offered all sorts at bass bashes. I am very keen to get to the next one.

    I think even a simpler design with the header and some bullet points belo wit in a business card size will be even better. Cheaper to produce, can slip into a wallet rather than get folded up into apocket and will be more direct and to the point.

  3. Hopefully I will be able to come too, having an operation on Monday so may be recovered enough in time. What better to get me back on my feet than a bass fest?

  4. I am not sure - Kiwi knows but isn't about at the moment. I know he made them in CorelDraw, wheras I am using Photoshop.

    I have made a quick design which I am uploading at the moment, see if you like it.

    I can supply the header and basschat text logos for anyone that wants them - let me upload those for y'all too.

  5. Lol well thats what the donations fund is for! I will have a play around in a min with some ideas. It needn't be fancy, just something with the information nice and clear, printable in black and white.

    Cheers mate

  6. David - you must be reading my mind. I was going to make a PDF of some flyers/business cards which people could take to gigs and events. We tried it on Bassworld ant it went down very well indeed.

    Does anyone have the skills to do a proper job, or know of someone who can?

    Cheers mate

  7. To see how much relief you have, hold down the G string at the 3rd fret and at the top fret (or a couple of frets towards the neck). Look at how much distance there is between the string and the fretboard/frets in the middle of the neck. It should only be about as wide as a playing card.

    It is difficult to advise with action and setup without knowing where you started from and without having a look. Where are you from? I am sure there will be a local Basschatter who will be willing to look at it for you.


  8. Hello dear Basschatters,

    I just wanted to say how pleased we are that the site has grown up so quickly - we now have over a thousand members (1,039 at the time of writing) and unlike the previous site (bassworld.co.uk) a much larger percentage of these members post on the forum. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word, contacting friends from Bassworld and other forums who were lost in the rapid and unavoidable changeover, and helping support us with lots of donations. We have, I hope, made lots of improvements over the previous site. I was especially pleased to hear how everyone likes the new site design. Your ideas and comments were great and helped us get it sorted as soon as we could. We might make a small adjustment to include some other black basses in the corner at some point.

    We have just opened the Basschat 'Wiki' at the top of the menu bar (which looks pretty stunning, doesn't it?!) so you will be able to find most of the really useful 'sticky' threads moved over there. I hope it will build up into a valuable resource for everyone to dip into. If you can think of anything you would like to see there, drop one of us a line. There will be one or two changes to the forums over the next few weeks so do not be alarmed.

    I have been planning to arrange another national Basschat bash. The previous bashes were very kindly organised by Paul_c of Arrowhead guitars and have been a brilliant success. It looks like many of you have held lots of local mini bashes too, which is just brilliant. I have little else to do over the next few months whilst I await spinal surgery so look out for an update in the next issue!!

    Do you like my 'Lowdown' news bulletin idea by the way? It just came to me. These flashes of brilliance can be quite a burden sometimes.

    Dates for your diary:

    [b]August 18th 2007[/b]

    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=63"]South East Bash[/url]

    Backline Recording and Rehearsal Studios
    1-2 The Archways
    Guildford Park Road
    GU2 5NP

    Farnham Road Car Park is 60p per hour or £5 per day.

    [b]November 11th 2007[/b]

    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1077"]Bass Day UK 2007[/url]

    Royal Northern Academy of Music


    That is all

    [i]If you have anything you would like to have added to the next 'issue' of 'The Lowdown' then send me an [[email protected]]email[/email] and I will stick it in for you... That is unless everyone hates my annoying newsletter and the idea gets panned[/i]
  9. I had a Consat Straight 4 and it was a very lovely bass indeed. I have a (shoddy) lil clip of it here: [url="http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishiscocks/Bass%20guitar%20samples/Marleaux%20Consat%20Straight%20slap%20groove%20'Waterfront'.mp3"]http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishisc...rfront'.mp3[/url]

    ..And here, would ye beleive: [url="http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishiscocks/Bass%20guitar%20samples/Marleaux%20Consat%20straight%20fingerstyle%20groove%20'Prototype'.mp3"]http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishisc...totype'.mp3[/url]

    Oh and apic here: [url="http://www.freewebs.com/chrishiscocks/mygear.htm"]http://www.freewebs.com/chrishiscocks/mygear.htm[/url]

    As you can probably hear, it was quite a 'hard' sounding bass, didn't sound so great by itself but worked REALLY well live. I sold it in the end to fund my fretless. If I had one again I would go for the same model with a neck pickup in addition to the single humbucker which was a bit limiting - but like I said, as a live tool it just worked, and that was the main thing.

    Bassjamm has a beautiful fretless version of the Consat with two soapbars which is much more versatile and sounded lovely to me - he is recording his band's CD at the moment and told me the fretless features on the majority of the tracks.

    I really like the Marleaux EQ - I have the circuit in my Vigier fretted bass. It has a really good range on the treble control, centered at 8Khz which is my all time fave frequency (sad or what).

    I bought a Carvin BB75 a while ago from ebay on which the truss rod broke and the neck warped a lot - in conjunction with eubassix we sent it over to the Marleaux boys to fix up with a new neck and finish which promises to be top notch.

    Oh and I emailed one of the two chaps at Marleaux a while back with a simple inquiry and they sent me a T shirt and cap and some stickers etc. The first lot didn't arrive when he emailed to check, so he sent another lot to me with a note to the postman saying 'please deliver this one, you can't wear both caps at once!!' Legendary. It says a lot about a company when they are so nice to their customers.

    So.. buy with confidence!!


  10. Interesting reading. I have a Villex Booster in my Jazz and it certainly adds a little something. I tried a Squier jazz with a full Villex system and it was brilliant!

    Actually I think we have spoken on Talkbass about Dingwall basses - that yellow/greenburst one of yours is schweet!!

    I presume you are in the States, otherwise I will come over and have a go!!


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