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Oscar South

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Everything posted by Oscar South

  1. Yes - Long Distance Runaround Beatles - Something
  2. When playing small venues, regardless of size of my rig (usually a 4x10 setup) I use this formula which seems to work nicely: Have the drummer play and turn my amp up until I can hear myself 'ok'ish over him (basically as low as I can get away with), then get the right level out front through the PA and have some bass put through the monitors. This usually gets a good balance of sound on stage vs sound out front. Of course if you're not running subs you'll want more of your bass through the amp, but I've always found with subs its much better to DI your bass and put the bulk of foh volume through the PA.
  3. [quote name='witterth' post='798248' date='Apr 7 2010, 12:56 AM']I allways thought ANY piano version was better [/quote] At least its more tasteful than marcus millers version where he just bass solos over some swirly classical'ish' sounding chords
  4. Depending on the context, a DHA Bass Purist pedal is just perfect.
  5. I absolutely need this, can anyone recommend where to pick one up from in the UK?
  6. Displaying a range of emotions. Full album: [url="http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=159094&id=46022799756&ref=nf"]http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1590...9756&ref=nf[/url]
  7. [url="http://www.fallenindustries.tv/"]http://www.fallenindustries.tv/[/url] [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=325094098891&ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=3250...8891&ref=ts[/url] We're on in Glassfire bar at 8 if anyone's around that area. Should be a great day.
  8. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='791486' date='Mar 31 2010, 06:49 AM']Thanks guys... there's some stuff to think about there. Interestingly, I don't really understand inversions - well, I know what they are I just don't see how they are applied or used. I'm really trying to get a lot more fluent around the fretboard.[/quote] They're exactly the same as modes, just for arpeggios. There's no big harmonic secret to all that stuff, its just a way of mapping out the notes of a key to your fretboard.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='791396' date='Mar 31 2010, 12:35 AM']I don't think it matters if you lead with the same finger or not. Most people will always lead with ,say, the index finger,but if you practice leading with the other fingers aswell,there won't be any inconsistencies,and it won't make any difference.[/quote] Don't agree, I'm not sure if you get what I meant first time round though. Imagine a riff which is a 1 bar phrase of strait 8th notes on the A string, fingering would be |imimimim|imimimim|imimimim|imimimim| etc. Now if you have one note on the D string (6th, say) and rake it onto the next on the A string it'd change the fingering to |imimimmi|mimimiim|imimimmi|mimimiim| Pointless and counter productive and very easily avoided, of course its important to get comfortable leading with any finger, but there's just no point in this case. I found myself doing this and it was causing my technique massive trouble, fixed it and it boosted my playing exponentially, I've discovered this giving students I've taught and contemporaries trouble as well.
  10. I'd just figure out intuitive fingerings for more scales and practise them up and down chromatically, when you're confident with each individually practise up and down in keys diatonically. I'd work through the major and pentatonic modes first. 7th arpeggios in all inversions are useful as are dim and whole tone scales. Melodic minor modes are fun but less used. I prefer to treat harmonic minor as an alteration rather than a key but modes of that can be useful too. Start slow and thoughtful, build it up until its clean and effortless.. standard fare.
  11. [quote name='Doddy' post='791089' date='Mar 30 2010, 08:49 PM']That's a good reason to be comfortable leading with all your picking fingers.[/quote] Definitely true, but its just common sense to lead a figure with the same finger each time, otherwise you'll lose some degree of consistency and essentially double the phrase length for no real reason. Little detail though. Personally I always alternate, only use raking to get that kind of 'bubbly' mute note groove such as that one riff in 'come on come over'
  12. It can mess you up if it makes you lead a rhythmic figure with alternate fingers, especially at fast tempos. It can also sound messy if you don't mute properly. Just bare that in mind and pick when its right or wrong to use and you're fine.
  13. Anyone got a comparison to the use of a G2M on bass?
  14. Supporting RUN TOTO RUN [url="http://www.myspace.com/runtotomusic"]http://www.myspace.com/runtotomusic[/url] with special guests; ZAP ZAP ZAP PETALS ON A WET BLACK BOUGH LES PECHES £5 on the door [url="http://soundcloud.com/lespechesmusic/meet-me-in-the-morning-album-sampler"]http://soundcloud.com/lespechesmusic/meet-...g-album-sampler[/url] [url="http://www.nightnday.org/"]http://www.nightnday.org/[/url]
  15. [quote name='Marvin' post='777888' date='Mar 17 2010, 07:45 PM']What arses these people are. I'm a theory numpty but it does take a genius to work out that if you detune you're playing different notes.[/quote] Why not treat a detuned or capo'd guitar which remains in standard tuning as a transposing instrument? Its no different from the way saxophones, brass, woodwind and many more transposing instruments are and have been treated for hundreds of years. Makes perfect sense in context and saves a ton of unnecessary hassle.
  16. I've posted this in the wrong forum, can somebody move it to recording please?
  17. This is half song, half storytelling to music. Its about a terrorist attack in Ennskillen, Ireland a while back Its a really rough draft so it'll prob be changed a lot before its finished but I quite like it so far, if anyone has any opinions or suggestions please let me know. [url="http://soundcloud.com/lokimusic"]http://soundcloud.com/lokimusic[/url]
  18. [url="http://soundcloud.com/lespechesmusic"]http://soundcloud.com/lespechesmusic[/url] Enjoy. Also a few covers on there from our function band set. There's some bass riffing on 'Sweet About Me' heh.
  19. This thread went from ignorance to insight
  20. Two incredible and venerable musicians playing music that they love? That video is immense, I'm getting major doses of bass player envy from this thread.
  21. Gig wednesday, the bass used to belong to someone else on these boards. You can hear some recordings of the band here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76422"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76422[/url]
  22. Cheers . We've actually almost finished our full original album, just put my bass parts down yesterday. The girls did most of the songwriting and it sounds beautiful, will stick some bits up when its done.
  23. I quite like the bass in this song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdGNeC2G1AU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdGNeC2G1AU[/url] anyone else notice its the same chords as virtual insanity?
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