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Posts posted by markbunney

  1. Apple Music for me, and has been for years. I started using it when I got my fist iPod and have stuck with it ever since through iPhones & Mac etc.


    I like being able access my playlists on my work Mac, as well as on my iPhone when out and about and in the car etc.


    The rest of the band use Spotify, which is a pain for me as I don't really like it, and have to replicate all the proposed new song lists, setlist etc on Apple Music

  2. I had it in my basket ready to order (as Andertons were offering free next day delivery on this when you normally have to spend £149) but have left it for now. I am trying to convince myself to not rush into it, even though I really want it :(

    • Like 1
  3. I just got an email from PMT about this as well, it looks great!


    I was on the verge of ordering a POD express for home practice, but this looks even better, esp with the bluetooth streaming, and I can use it on my guitar as well

  4. 4 hours ago, Bluewine said:

    Does the band have what your looking for in a band ?




    Yes it did, they had gigs lined up and a reasonable bunch of songs.

    I didn’t like the whole setlist, but then I have never played in a band where I liked everything on the list - the majority was good though.


    If nothing else, I am finding doing things like this is increasing my confidence with playing with new people, and learning different songs

    • Like 10
  5. 1 hour ago, Len_derby said:


    Bad luck mate, but onwards and upwards. Did they tell you why they turned you down? Always useful to know. It may well have had nothing to do with you or your abilities, in which you may not get an honest answer, The old ‘guitarist’s brother-in-law’ scenario.

    They didn’t really say why, just that they had gone with someone else.


    They said the singer had voted for me, but the guitarist and drummer had voted for someone else 😂

    • Like 3
  6. I can’t make my mind up on this. 

    it’s just what I was looking for - a simple, portable unit with aux & headphones that I could possibly use at a gig, but then I keep thinking that if I spent more money I could get a Stomp that I could use with my guitar as well, and I could definitely gig with it 

    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, markbunney said:


    hopefully I’ll hear back from them soon, one way or the other 

    I got the “thanks, but no thanks” text this afternoon which is a bummer


    Nevermind, I enjoyed the audition and playing some songs that I wouldn’t normally play 

    • Like 6
    • Sad 6
  8. Back home from audition. It went as well as could be expected and they seemed a nice bunch etc…..


    Ended up only playing 2 of the audition songs as they were sick of playing Go Your Own Way that night 😬


    Instead we played 2 other songs off the setlist that I had learned, so I was glad I had made the effort to learn them.


    hopefully I’ll hear back from them soon, one way or the other 

    • Like 16
  9. Thanks for all the good wishes, I shall report back afterwards.


    Re: learning 17 extra songs, some I had already played before, some were quite straight forward and some I just fancied having a go at so it’s not been too bad.


    I’ve had auditions before that have not gone well before because I didn’t know anything past the handful of songs I’d been asked to learn.


    I’m taking inspiration from Jason Newstead learning all of Metallicas back catalogue before his audition! 🤘

    • Like 3
  10. I have an audition tonight. They sent me the setlist, and said to learn three specific ones off it for the audition. I have learnt those, and am pretty comfortable with them, but Ive had a good go at learning another 17 of them just in case! 

    • Like 8
  11. 2 hours ago, TRBboy said:

    That's nuts, it's an effects pedal with footswitches, surely you use it however you want, live or otherwise. Maybe they're getting twitchy that it's been received (so far) much better than the HX One, and might make that product irrelevant in their range.

    You might be right with that. I saw a retailer this morning had the HX One on sale, and it’s only been out for a short while

    • Like 2
  12. There are a few reviews/videos starting to appear for the guitar version, hopefully some more bass ones will start to appear soon.


    I am v interested in getting one of these 

    • Like 3
  13. 36 minutes ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

    Just arrived. It's great to have a Dingwall back in the fold.

    Number 25 of 82.

    Set up beautifully right out of the box.

    Thanks to Bass Direct for a super fast turnaround



    Thats lovely - am very jealous!

    Have seen a few posts today on social media of people receiving these

    • Like 1
  14. Yesterday I visited a well known music shop in Brighton to try a few new basses.


    I wanted to try some of the USA Fender Jazz’s they had in stock, with a view to making a purchase in a few months.


    I didn’t really love the ones i tried, and ended up trying a Mexican FSR bass they had, which was less than half the price of the others.


    I absolutely loved it, and was on the verge of buying it there and then, but when I went to see if there was anything that could be done on the price, I was told that the bass had already been reserved and wasn’t for sale 😭


    Typically, it was a limited edition and they weren’t sure if they could get any more in.


    Now the thing that surprised me the most was that someone somewhere had bought this bass, but it was still left out in the shop for anyone to try. I would have thought it would be taken off sale as soon as someone had paid.


    If anyone on here has just bought a FSR Jazz, then I am very jealous!

  15. Played with The 77s at Market House in Maidstone last night. It was our last gig with our outgoing drummer, I thought it might be a bit awkward but it turned out fine.


    The place was packed, and we had a really good gig. It’s my favourite place to play locally, I have been playing at the weekly jam night that is held there, but it was nice to play a full gig there.


    There were a couple of the other “big” local covers bands playing at other pubs in town, but it didn’t seem to affect our attendance.


    we have a dep lined up for our next gig in March, and then nothing currently booked until June whilst we sort out a new drummer.


    The only downside was having to load out in torrential rain.


    • Like 18
  16. we use Teamup, seems to work pretty well, although if I had a pound for every time a member has said they can't make something even though they are showing as free on the calendar.........

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