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Posts posted by tredders

  1. [quote name='bumnote' post='45378' date='Aug 14 2007, 06:57 PM']I work in mail order and most e commerce systems dont complete the transaction until either the goods are despatched, or untill a transaction complete entry is made manually

    It would be unusual to take the money before processing the order.[/quote]

    Yeah, I used to write / implement retail software in a previous job, so know that they won't have taken money yet, and thus they're perfectly within their rights to tell me that they're not going to honour the sale.

    Still sucks though - I thought I was getting a well priced new toy.... ah well.


  2. I use this place, although I've sold a couple of old basses in eBay (including a 1960's Hofner President - what was I thinking?!?).

    I'm always tempted by some of the stuff on sale on Talkbass, particularly with the £ being so strong against the dollar at the moment. It kinda gets to the point where if you're buying an expensive bass, it's still much cheaper to factor in a £250 airplane ticket and collect it from the seller yourself.


  3. [quote name='barneythedog' post='44150' date='Aug 11 2007, 11:50 AM']Two on the Bay at the moment, 375 and 380 BIN

    item numbers :




    Cheers Barney - I did notice those. £300 was nearer what I was hoping to pay, although £375 is still a good price.


  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='44155' date='Aug 11 2007, 12:00 PM']WTF... You paid a deposit for a particular bass, they then go and sell to someone else! I'd be kicking up such a stink that they'd be begging me to take a new one.[/quote]

    Well, they're insistent that no payment was taken from my card (despite the confirmation of order), so I'm waiting to check with my credit card company whether this is true or not. If they did take payment, then I'll kick up a fuss, regardless of whether they subsequently refunded it. If they didn't take payment, there's not really a huge amount I can do, unfortunately.


  5. An update on my Variax.... it was ordered 2 days ago, with next day shipping, and hadn't arrived this morning, so I called ElectroMusic.

    "Oh sorry mate, I think it's already been sold - I'll go and check...", so chappie trundles off for 5 minutes then comes back and confirms that the Variax has indeed already been sold, despite me having a receipt with my payment and a nice message saying "thank you for your purchase". Nice.

    He then said "We were thinking of sending you a brand new one we had in stock as a replacement, but didn't.". Well, thanks for telling me that - I feel a whole lot better now!

    Anyway, long and short of it is, I'll be keeping my eyes open for a cheap Variax - if anyone sees one on their travels, drop me a PM?



  6. You ever tried Westones? There's a chap on eBay (Audio_Caffee) who specialises in in-ear phones, and operates a 'try before you buy' scheme - I tried about 6 different pairs before settling on Westones.

    I originally had some Westone UM1's from him, but upgraded them to the UM2's after trying them. I personally preferred them to the Shure & Etymotics I tried (although it's always a personal choice with things like this).

    The Bose IE's look like a nice bit of kit - I was in Bicester Retail Village (being dragged around by the wife) and noticed that the Bose Outlet Store has a special offer on at the moment, where you can get a SoundDock (iPod speakers), case and set of the IE phones for £270. Not bad when the retail price on the SoundDock alone is £250.


  7. Just wanted everyone to know that Tayste has offered to donate £120 for the bass. He's obviously feeling guilty about sniping the winning bid with an extra penny :)

    Anyway, good man for chucking an extra £20 in - donation will be made to Basschat as soon as we arrange to meet up and hand the bass over.


  8. [quote name='tuss' post='43397' date='Aug 9 2007, 05:40 PM']Sounds like a good deal to me!! I really like the flexibility of sounds on offer and don't regret buying mine at all even if it was a bit more than £300. Good luck with it p.s. the 8 string sound with overdrive and a bit of octave sounds awesome.[/quote]

    Sounds good - aah, the times I've been crying out for an 8 string bass with overdrive and a bit of octave :)

    The standard sounds all seem quite impressive from the website, and I'm not too bothered about the bass itself being a bit 'plain' - I'm only planning on using it to play around with at home. Have to say that the lack of a pup to rest my hand on is going to be strange though!


  9. [quote name='Lee-Man' post='34249' date='Jul 19 2007, 06:00 PM']Dave at Electro music has one in for £300 I belive, bargin if it's what you want[/quote]

    They haven't any more - I just ordered it :)

    Thanks for the heads-up - been considering one of these for a while, and £300 seems very reasonable.



  10. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='43272' date='Aug 9 2007, 02:00 PM']Only I get said ear ache in stereo from my Mum and my G/F ................... what could you possibly need 7 basses for.


    Actually, they have a point.... what the hell *do* you need 7 basses for? :)


  11. Nice one - I can get to Redditch in 20 - 30 mins, so we should be able to work something out.

    Once you've got it, can you do the 'donate' thing for £100.01 on here -


    Then everyone's happy! You get a new (old) bass, the mods get a few bob towards the running costs of the site, and I get less ear ache from the wife for having too many basses lying around. All together now "Why have you got so many? You can only play one at a time....."



  12. Thanks for the info, Musky - I've wondered for a while about the history of it.

    £100 is the top bid so far (cheers Shaggy) - I'll call it a day at 8pm tomorrow (Wed) evening.

    Who's the best person for me to contact re: donating the money?



  13. [quote name='parker_muse' post='42196' date='Aug 6 2007, 09:59 PM']Yeah,
    its about 11, i was squinting, glasses are in the opitions.
    Dad sat on them!
    Oh well, i'll get pics up tommorow.

    It doesn't really look different to any other VMJ's though:P
    Any offers though?[/quote]

    Basspod and a few quid my end any good to you?


  14. Having a bit of a clear out, and came across an old early 70's Japanese Epiphone bass. It's identical to this one: -


    Just plugged it in, and it works perfectly. I lent it to my 13 year old nephew, who was learning the bass, and got it back a year later with significantly more dinks and chips than it had when I lent it to him (the little sh1t). If I was a salesman, I'd call these chips "mojo" and charge double :)

    The majority of the dinks are on the top and bottom edge (thru to the bare wood on the bottom in a patch about the size of a 10p), however the neck is nice & straight, and it had a cool plummy Epiphone bass tone. It's shorter scale than my Fenders, and plays well.

    Here's the deal - I've met some cool people through Basschat (and before that Bassworld) over the last 12 months, and it's reignited my passion for bass playing. I figure it's time to put a little something back. Therefore, all proceeds from the sale of this will go straight to Basschat as a donation - I'll just cover the cost of courier-ing it to whoever wants it. If you're local to Leamington / Warwick / Banbury, we can probably meet up and save the postage.

    Not sure how this should work - maybe I'll leave this on here until (say) 8pm on Wednesday this week (8th), and the highest bidder takes it. How does that sound?



  15. Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I'm over in the US this week on business, and just got back from the local Guitar Center. Managed to pick up some SD Quarterpounders for the equivalent of 30 quid, so I went with those. I figured at that price, if I wasn't happy with them, I'd get my money back on them in the UK, and would look at some custom wounds.

    Incidentally, some right old Billy Bargains to be had over here. Have a look at this thread for a few things that caught my eye tonight: -




  16. Hi all

    In the USA on business until Friday of this week, and managed to find the local Guitar Center in Grand Rapids, MI. If ever I wished for 5 empty guitar flight cases, and an army of people to carry stuff back for me, it was tonight!

    I picked up a couple of small items: -

    1. SD Basslines Quarter Pounder pups for my P Bass = $60 (30 quid)
    2. Rotosound Swingbass 66 strings for $19 (9.50 quid)

    However, I could have gone mad! A few things that caught my eye: -

    1. Brand new candy red Fender Jag for $700 (or 350 quid) including a hard case.
    2. Brand new Epiphone Thunderbird (never played one before, but it was actually quite nice) for $299 (150 quid!)
    3. Selection of new 'Rays for $999 (500 quid)
    4. Boss MicroBR solid state recorder for $210 (105 quid)

    Had they had a nice Jetglo Ric 4003, I'd have flexed the plastic, but the guy was telling me that they 'fell out' with Rickenbacker and aren't allowed to sell them now.

    I've got another trip planned next month with work, so pretty sure I'll be taking over an empty flight case with me, and bringing something nice back!


  17. Just realised that I never replied to my original post about DHA effects. I got hold of a VT1 Purist, and it is absolutely perfect for the kind of sound I was looking for. I didn't want an out and out fuzz sound (although the Purist will do that if you crank everything up) - what I wanted was that kind of Entwistle sound on Substitute, and it provides that by the bucketload.

    The range of sounds is pretty broad, from warm, bluesy 'fattening' of the sound, right through to controllable overdrive. I play through it all the time now - totally suits the sounds I was trying to get.

    Oh, and Dave is a top bloke to deal with too - at first I was being too conservative with the volume / input level / bass level and couldn't get any variation out of it. Had a couple of conversations with Dave, and he pointed me in the right direction. Very happy customer here.

    Now, wonder what the VT2- Twin would sound like.... ;-)


  18. WoT - thanks for the recommendation for the Wizards.... been checking out their website. I shall probably give them a try.

    Hamster - thanks for Pete's number - I've been looking for someone local to do a proper setup for me, so I'll get in touch with him when I get the new pups and get it all done at the same time.



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