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Posts posted by tredders

  1. We're off to Boston over Christmas and the New Year, and I thought it would be rude not to investigate what guitar shops are out there... might cure my Ric gas whilst I'm out there...!

    Anyone know of any? Stores with second hand stock would be particularly interesting.

    Edit: Just found this place... looks nice www.bostonguitar.com



  2. I bought a comfort strapp with Dunlop straplocks on for my 'Ray a month or so ago. You don't really need both, and in reality, it's a bit of a struggle to get the straplocks onto the strap. I've since bought another comfort strapp for a different bass, and didn't bother getting straplocks, and the strap on its own seems secure enough...


  3. [quote name='bennifer' post='604851' date='Sep 21 2009, 06:53 PM']Sounds pretty brilliant. Cheers! The aerospace business park is just around the corner from the college so thats pretty much perfect from that standpoint. Just let me know when you've had a look. Thanks again! Ben.[/quote]

    Cool - I'll dig everything out tomorrow and post a list. Got 2 or 3 guitar stands, too. Any good?

  4. [quote name='bennifer' post='604770' date='Sep 21 2009, 05:48 PM']Hey guys.

    Recently I started work at Farnborough College of Technology, at which i'm working as their audio technician responsible for radio, theatre and recording studio departments - just my kinda thing! Budget at the college is pretty tight (its a kind alternative college - one that offers many a second chance if they haven't the best grades from school, and has a nursery for if students are young and have kids...) and I was wondering if anyone in the area had any bits they could afford to donate to the school.

    The music tech department has only 3 amplifiers - a Roland Cube, Marshall MG30 and an old Torque PA/Bass/Keys type 20w combo. I've had to bodge some absolutely ancient monitors and desks into workable PA for each classroom, and we also only have 2 basses, 2 electric guitars and 2 drumkits - but with 20+ students in some of the classes its just a bit limited and is tough for the students to work around the supplied kit.

    If anyone is wondering 'is this legit - is this guy just being stingy and trying to con us out of kit' kinda thing - please contact me on my work account -
    [email protected] or on my work phone number:01252 405555 I think my office extension is 2276 - its MCA tech office.

    Not really sure what im expecting people to offer, really if anyone has any amps/pa that just about work/easily repairable... even if they sound awful... or workable basses/guitars/acoustics they don't need and aren't likely to profit from please get in contact. It'd be much appreciated.

    Ben Jordan[/quote]

    I've got a few things that I could sort out. A small bass practice amp (Peavey I think - it's been in the loft for ages), and some effects pedals. I think I've also got a Boss bass multi-FX in the loft too. I'll take a look for it all tomorrow and let you know.

    We've got an office down in Farnborough (on the Aerospace park), and I'm generally down there at least once a month, so could easily meet up. Let me check what I've got and I'll get back to you tomorrow.


  5. Yeah, I posted a similar story in another thread. Really good service, and a chap who is obviously very passionate about what he does. Interesting parallel with the 'experiences in Denmark Street' thread elsewhere...

  6. [quote name='YouMa' post='581939' date='Aug 26 2009, 09:56 PM']Anyone?[/quote]

    I'm in the same boat as you - well impressed with the specs & demo, and I'm in the market for a headphone amp, so might have to order one of these. You seen any offers on them?

  7. Hi

    I'm thinking of selling my Trace 7210 SMC. It's a superb combo - very loud, but I've not gigged for ages, and want to try and get hold of something smaller.

    Anyone got any idea as to the value of it? It's in really good condition, everything works perfectly, and it's never been gigged.

    Thanks in advance


  8. Hi all

    Apologies if this has been covered in the past - I searched but couldn't find anything.

    Anyone got a recommendation for a headphone amp? I'm in the process of taking lessons from Steve (Funkmunky) and after realising how horrible my technique is (I've got 20 years of bad habits to unlearn!), it's back to regular practice sessions for me. So, I'm on the lookout for a headphone amp that I can plug my in-ears into and pootle about with. I'd prefer something portable, which is why I'm not going down the practice-amp-with-headphone-socket route.

    Anyone got any suggestions?



  9. [quote name='Chris2112' post='565308' date='Aug 10 2009, 07:46 PM']I was just speaking to a friend of mine about this today. He's got a bit of cash to burn and often pops into the bass shops in London for a quick snoop when he is down there. As soon as I mentioned the Bass Cellar he seemed to sour slightly, and told me he'd been there before but was quickly put off by the fact that the staff didn't seem interested in entertaining him as a customer. And he's a bloke of nearly 40 with a smart look, basically a walking wallet, if they took the time to talk to him.

    But he likes good customer service, and obviously felt that this lot, who seemed "bored and disinterested" and seemed unwilling to engage in conversation, were not worth his timr or money. I really must go there to see this for myself.[/quote]

    I've read this thread with horror, mainly because it's been bloody years since I've been into a bricks & mortar guitar shop, and can remember the good old days of Musical Exchanges in Brum. When we were spotty teenagers, myself and my best mate used to get the bus into Birmingham, walk across town to M.E. and literally spend 5 or 6 hours in there, just trying different stuff out (me basses, him guitars). I always used to drool over a Jetglo Ric 4001 in there, and it got to the stage where the staff used to laugh and say "your Ric is at the end of the rack, Mark, ready for you" when we walked in. To cut a long story short, come our 17th birthdays, we both walked in. Mate bought a brand new Strat & Peavy amp, and I bought a Jetglo Ric. We'd saved for the best part of 12 months to raise the money to buy those guitars. Had we been badly treated, or told we couldn't try the instruments out, there's no way we'd have bought from them...

    On the positive side, I was in the market for a new strap, and called Bass Direct in Warwick. Ended up chatting away for 45 minutes to the owner (?) (really nice chap called Mark), about the stock in the shop, their amps, and music in general. He couldn't have been more helpful, to the extent of inviting me down on a Saturday (when they're normally shut) to check the place out. That's the kind of place I'll definitely be shopping at in future. Oh, and the strap and strap locks I ordered at 2PM last Friday arrived on the doorstep on Saturday morning - excellent service.

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