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Everything posted by ReeV0

  1. wow thanks for all the comments guys. Moo, i do the same as you. I just turn the master volume on 10, and use the gain to adjust the overall volume. otherwise it is just too quiet. im a bit frustrated with the clip light, and i tend to push quite far past it. do you think i am doing any damage to the amp or the cab? i cant really hear any difference when it clips, just the light comes on. if the master volume is on 0 (i.e. no output volume), and then you crank the gain past clipping, are you doing any damage? to the head maybe? cheers guys
  2. i read the wiki but i couldnt find an answer for this question: if i have the cab unplugged, or i just have the mute button on (so no sound is comeing from the speakers), and i clip the amp loads, is it damaging to the amp? is it damaging to anything? thanks
  3. hey thanks for your reply. yeah im planning on getting another 2x10 cab to go with it so that should help my volume situation. the amp did come with a manual, if you can call it that - pretty much a 2 paged leflet telling you how to get going. all it says is to adjust the gain nob so that it is set just before the amp clips, and then adjust the volume as necessary. thats pretty much it.
  4. hi guys, im a bit confused with my warwick profet 3.2 amp, and its compressor, and clipping. i'll start with the clipping. it has a little light on it that lights up whenever you "clip". i found out that in order to "clip", you must first turn up the gain nob quite far. the more you turn, the more you "clip". also, the more you turn the gain nob, the louder you become. i dont really understand what clipping is. is it damaging to the amp? is it a way of controlling how much imput goes into the amp for your bass (e.g. because some basses are "hotter" than others)? what am i doing to my equipment if i am constantly clipping? i can hear no audiable difference - and heres where the compressor comes in. when the compressor is on, and i clip, it seems to cut the note a bit. is this protecting the amp? it sounds better when the compressor is off, but i do not like to turn it off because i feel it is protecting the amp somehow. the speakers are rated for far more than the amp, so i cant see how i would damage them. would continuous clipping like burn out a transistor in the amp or something? thats another thing. the amp has a fan but it has never turned on. i played for like 3 hours continuous today, clipping whenever i hit the low E, or did some slapping (in order to be heard in the band) but the fan has never came on. the amp is in the wooden sleeve, and i could feel it getting pretty hot. does the fan wait till it gets really hot or something? thanks so much for all your help guys i really appreciate your time
  5. well the warwick wca 115 cab is only like 98db, so its too quiet for me. the point of me getting a second cab is to make it quite a lot louder. i think im just gnna get another 211 cab
  6. i've already got a warwick WCA 211 Pro cab, so i want my second cab to be a warwick as well. that just leaves me with two choices, the WCA 410, or another 211
  7. oh right, i was gonna buy the 410 over another 211 because of the more speakers (pushing more air) and it has a high dB rating, which made me think it was very loud. maybe i'll just buy another 211 after all then
  8. its not the money thats stopping me get the 411, its the weight. i really need it 30kg or under. could you please tell me what was wrong with the 410 (in your opinion)? im either gonna get that, or another 211 cheers
  9. im thinking about getting the WCA 410 to go with it. What do you think of this cab? Someone once told me it lacked definition and was quite muddy. cheers
  10. deleted, problem fixed. now sounds fantastic!
  11. you could get the Warwick Profet 5.1, and a matching Warwick WCA 411 Pro cab for under £550 all new. that would be very loud for you.
  12. does anyone have any pictures of any of the LH series in real life? id like to know how big they are
  13. ah screw it im getting a profet 5.1 and if that doesnt work out then im getting a peavey tour 450. done. sorted.
  14. sorry about u not selling yet, but thankfully i am glad lol. that gives me more time to get the money. do you have a sleeve with it? or do i buy that separately? thanks
  15. i just realised, your pictures show it has a fan on/off switch on the front, but all the stock pictures on the net do not have this. is this an old model or something?
  16. ah man i really really want this now lol ive been thinking about it loads. but i have to wait to return my other head before i can buy something else. hopefully ull still have it by then
  17. this is such a long thread so please dont shout at me for not reading all of it but... im thinking about getting a SWR 350x amp. it has a tube preamp. it says no where in the instructions about letting it warm up, so is this necessary? there is also no standby switch. anyway i play a lot of RHCP covers, and play a lot of 'furious' slapping and tapping. i was just wondering if a tube preamp would sound alright? because i am worried it will just sound all overdriven with not much punch or growl. any imput would be greatly appreciated
  18. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='292125' date='Sep 25 2008, 06:24 PM']I'm selling my HA5500, 500w Hartke head with tupe and solid state preamps and 10 band eq for £200[/quote] well i need to get the money back for the one i already have. chances are they wont give me my money back, rather make me exchange it for something else. but if i do get my money back it will probably be in like 3 weeks, so let me know if you still have it by then. in the meantime what do you think about these two: Eden Nemesis RS400 [url="http://www.eden-electronics.com/prod...ads/rs400.aspx"]http://www.eden-electronics.com/prod...ads/rs400.aspx[/url] SWR 350x [url="http://www.swrsound.com/products/sea...tno=4400900000"]http://www.swrsound.com/products/sea...tno=4400900000[/url] i play (loud) funk/rock, and play a lot of fast RHCP-style slap lines. what do you think is the best bet? If you can think of any others please mention them too cheers guys
  19. just curious, i dont see a standby switch on it. if is has a valve preamp, surely you would need to let it warm up first?
  20. i guess your right you should always try before you buy. but the shops in london are all like online shops, and they have very very little actually in stock (in the shop). im not tooo bothered about the sound, i just need a decent head, something loud that wont crap out on me like the warwick. maybe i'll look into that hartke head again then
  21. why wouldnt people give me advice if i cant try them out? if anything i would have thought people would help me more, cos if someone can try them out for themselves then they dont really need people to tell them what they sound like. anyway the new hartke head looks alright, but i'd like a bit more flexablilty with the eq and stuff to shape my tone. i think its more of a rock head, and i play a lot of RHCP stuff and slap stuff. i dont see the hartke as being the best choice imo
  22. hi guys, well my warwick 3.2 head doesnt work, so i'm sending it back and getting something completely different. Ive already got a warwick 211 pro 2x10 cab that is good, so i'm just looking for a head to accompany it. basically, it needs to be: - £300 or under ($500 or under) - at least 300W (preferably more) - good for rock and slap bass, and has good "growl" - have a speakon connector so far i've looked at: - Marshall MB450H - SWR 350x Head - Hartke HA3500 - Laney RB-9 - Eden Nemesis RS400 My local music shop is really bad and stocks nothing, so i cant try any thing out. i just have to rely on what you guys tell me! out of the ones i've looked at, something is just telling me that the eden nemesis is the best bet. dont ask me why... anyway thanks for all your help
  23. well its just that the amp came with a 13A fuse, which i thought was a bit high. i've tried the amp with a plug with a 5A fuse, but still the insane buzzing is there
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