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budget bassist

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Posts posted by budget bassist

  1. Oh by the way if anyone would be able to bring one or two spare stands to the bash so i can put my basses on them you'd be automatically awesome :)

    I only use wallhangers at home as my stands broke and tend to just put my bass in it's hardcase if i put it down at practice.

  2. [quote name='metaltime' post='167915' date='Apr 1 2008, 09:43 PM']i will be there with lefty warwick 6, and fretless rick turner i can bring my pedal board and i may be able to bring my amp if needs be ampeg with swr 2x10.

    If i go back to my parents to visit before then i may bring the Alembic.[/quote]
    I was going to say i'd love to try your alembic but i just realised you're a lefy :)

    We need more rightys!!

  3. awesome, i'll be there! i'll cart a couple of basses down (tobias toby pro 5 and sub bass - not fantastic but subs are pretty rare), no amp though.... But i'll definately be there!

    I can't drink though... it's tough being 17 :) haha

  4. [quote name='Moody' post='167899' date='Apr 1 2008, 09:32 PM']See new thread - you might be in luck - the 4th had gone when I got to it and it's also Bank Holiday weekend so I've punted for the week after![/quote]
    lol just noticed that this minute

  5. Hmm, well NCN definately has the capacity.... but as said before, it's echoey and there isn't a bar....
    (by the way i've had band practice in that room before :huh: )
    Although is someone brings a guitar, someone brings cymbals and sticks and maybe a mic we could have a good old jam :)

    The grosvenor is probably a better choice... bar, less/no echo... it's up to everyone else though...

    Also the grosvenor looks nicer than the pub i reccommended, better placed possibly, though not as big...

  6. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='167195' date='Mar 31 2008, 08:55 PM']And finally, the bassist that was cited the most as being their favourite bass player of the '70s is (drum roll)

    [size=5][color="#000080"][font="Century Gothic"][b]John Francis Anthony "Jaco" Pastorius III [/b][/font][/color][/size]

    Some might have predicted that, but who would have predicted that the top four in this poll were all named John!

    So thanks to all that contributed. May the debate never end.[/quote]
    Shocker.... honestly i don't think he was the best. I also don't believe there is a 'best'. Stuff like this is really subjective and really you need to stay withing one genre to name a 'best' for instance john paul jones and jaco are two entirely different players.

    But yeah, predictable...

  7. I'm up for it!

    And haha i'm at NCN high pavement as we speak, the clarendon performance rooms are pretty big, though they are a bit echoey. I know a pub near me with a bar downstairs and a function room upstairs of a decent size with a stage and a skittle alley out back where bands frequently practice. It's in hucknall which is on the outskirts but there's a frequent tram service from the centre of notts and several park and rides, one of which is in hucknall.

    The skittle alley is £10 all day and i don't know how much the main room is but i can find out and take some photos if anyone is interested

  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='166225' date='Mar 30 2008, 08:29 AM']£2k for a piece of firewood and a bag of bits... Hmmm I may be missing the point on this 'vintage = licence to print money' again![/quote]
    I've seen their auctions a fair few times, very big seller and not ONCE have i seen one that i'd consider paying anywhere near the asking price for.

    also i like the colour name of that ric :)

  9. nice looking [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WESTONE-THUNDER-1-A-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ110238693216QQihZ001QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]westone thunder 1-A here[/url] at 99p starting and no reserve.

    Once i've paid for my download ticket i'm going to HAVE to go for one of these if they're as good as you guys say they are!

  10. [quote name='jono b' post='166419' date='Mar 30 2008, 06:18 PM']I spied that OLP the other day, although I was looking at the 5 string version. That took some serious restraint to stop me from living on beans for a month.[/quote]
    Nice basses them, they've got a really nice sound and pretty damn close to a real MM, also i much prefer them for the fact that the bridge is right, i don't get on with those silly ones that are extended about an inch longer, also sterling ball (owner of EBMM) said of the forum that the last batch of OLP's (the one you were looking at) were much better than the old ones and they're out of production now as they didn't renew the contract so if you're thinking of snapping one up now's the time!

    Alternatively you could wait until the NEW olps are released as sterling ball is working on starting a new contract with another company and see what they're like.

  11. [quote name='skywalker' post='166511' date='Mar 30 2008, 08:07 PM']There is a plan for a bash somewhere Nottinghamish sometime, I will check and let you know.

    I was only joking but that would be ace :)

  12. [quote name='clauster' post='166383' date='Mar 30 2008, 05:11 PM']www.gak.co.uk seem to be good on-line too (my ex-next-door-neighbour used them loads). I always visit the shop store tho.[/quote]
    +1 i was going to say them, used them a few times and had good service most of the time (though not all as i did order RIGHT before christmas and what i ordered happened to be out of stock) But good service on the occasions when i didn't order the wrong thing at the wrong time. Well priced too.

  13. Ah yeah that's probably the case, i wouldn't trust anything after 87 tbh.

    If you want a half decent musicman copy though i say go for OLP, not bad quality, nice sound and they just started making some even better ones you can find on ebay with the smaller MM style bridge rather than that big ass looking one and dual humbuckers.

    EDIT: give [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-OLP-by-Music-Man-Stingray-4S-2-HB-aktiv-Super-Bass_W0QQitemZ330222402541QQihZ014QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url] a look, or you could wait until a cheap sub bass comes up like i did, closest you'll get to a stingray without actually owning one IMO. Mine was £350 BIN, sometimes you can pick them up a bit cheaper than that, sometimes a bit more but i think that's about the benchmark.

    EDIT again: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Music-Man-SUB-Bass-Black_W0QQitemZ260225019648QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]here's[/url] a sub that's on now! 99p start with reserve. Looks to be in alright nick.

  14. I don't like rotos because they're too bright for me all the time, even after they've dulled. I go for ernie balls because they're nowhere near as snappy.

    But the problem could be the strings, just try putting on your old strings if you kept them or put on a new batch of what you normally use.

  15. If you want the genuine thing there's a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Sabre-bass-body-and-pickups-Music-Man-1986-USA_W0QQitemZ190209878007QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]sabre body[/url] on ebay at the moment with the pickups in it, you could take the pickups and sell the rest on. Might cost you a bit though.

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