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budget bassist

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Posts posted by budget bassist

  1. Some of my favourite songs to play are most of the stuff from blood sugar sex magik by the chilis, some of my favourites being if you have to ask, mellowship slinky in B major and i forget the name of one of the others haha. Also aeroplane from one hot minute is really fun to play

  2. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='172713' date='Apr 8 2008, 11:08 PM']I sold a teal sub bass with an abalone plate for 300 quid 18 months ago. up to about 350 is ok for them imo. the not very nice textured finish and lack of detailing is too much of a no-no above that price.
    it played and sounded as good as my 2 band Stinger I had before it though[/quote]
    Yeah i know what you mean, they really are slabs... i wish mine was contoured, but what you gonna do? And yeah the textured paint is weird but it does look nice if you catch it in the right light (check the bass porn forum). It does play and sound as nice as a ray though, that's why i love it so much (though the neck finish on a ray is nicer tbh)

  3. I prefer the sounds of my toby to the sound of any ibanez i've ever tried. Way over-trebled and too much string rattle. Admittedly i've only tried up to about the £450 mark, but that's the same range as my toby and i know what i'd rather have.

  4. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='172332' date='Apr 8 2008, 03:36 PM']Anyone who doesn't bother to take the time to introduce themselves and become a recognised member of the forum is shooting oneself in the foot really, because I for one wouldn't buy from a Newbie with no feedback!
    But anyone who does want to buy from such unknown entities will surely appreciate this service?[/quote]
    I'm the same, once you get talking to people on this forum and hear their opinions you tend to form an impression of that person and a lot of the people that post regularly on here are really genuine. I just don't trust a few of these sales where the seller has literally just joined and not even posted yet. Particularly when the item for sale is on ebay too... that's when i leave them alone!

  5. [quote name='d-basser' post='172126' date='Apr 8 2008, 11:45 AM']thats exactly the problem i have with mine, it sounds more like a superprecision than a musicman. cant quite understand the pup placing as peavey were quite clearly aiming for a flea bass style[/quote]
    Yeah that's what i was thinking, i'd love it if the pickup was in the musicman sweet spot...

  6. [quote name='610*c' post='171090' date='Apr 6 2008, 11:57 PM']Its been on evil before a few months back.. assuming its the same one, cant be too many of these flamboyant flea like basses about id say.[/quote]
    That must be why i like it :huh: i'm a huge fan of flea, and now you mention it, it does look very flea-ish, if only the pickup was a bit closer to the bridge :)

  7. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='171885' date='Apr 7 2008, 10:56 PM']Yes. A dead spot is a note that is not as loud or does not sustain as long as other notes. Wolf notes are notes that are louder or sustain longer than other notes.[/quote]
    Yeah, i was just pointing out that it only happened with that amp though.... ah well

  8. [quote name='Astronomer' post='171874' date='Apr 7 2008, 10:42 PM']+1 for Ultimate Guitar. Been using them a lot lately. :)[/quote]

    And try to get the guitar pro files from there if you can, they tend to be more accurate than just written tabs because the author generally puts more time and effort into them and is usually more skilled at tabbing by ear. Not to mention everything has to be in time.

  9. if it's a sort of crackling sound it could just be dirty or something, try using some contact cleaner on it. You can buy it from most car related shops i think.

    EDIT: [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=4153&TabID=1&C=SO&U=Strat330&doy=search&MenuName=CONTACT%20CLEANER"]here's[/url] some in maplin, only £4 so worth a go.

  10. Yeah if you mean what i think you mean, though it is hard to describe, i think i used to get that on my musicman running through the 1X15 ashdown at my old college on the 5th fret of the A string i think it was. I'd play the note and after a few seconds the note would be gone and this noise would just get louder just making the room rumble and it would keep sustaining until i let go. Never had it before and it was only on that amp in that room. Strange, is that what you meant?

  11. [quote name='johnnylager' post='171152' date='Apr 7 2008, 09:04 AM'][url="http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/CHROME_ULTRA-SAFE_STRAPLOCKS_Guitar_Strap_Locks_System-pr-5281-c-0-p-1.html"]These[/url] little fells look safe as...[/quote]
    They just look like the same principle behind dunlops.

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