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Posts posted by geoham

  1. I'd be interested in hearing how other folk deal with using more than one bass live, as it's giving me a bit of a headache!

    I typically alternate between my Fender Jazz and Lakland 5501 for the majority of my live work - just taking whichever one is current flavour of the month to gigs. I also sometimes take my a fretless SquierJazz a second bass. The three of them have fairly different output levels - with the fretless Squier being loudest, then the active Lakland, then the Fender. I use a Zoom B3n, mostly using patches with varying levels of dirt and EQ settings to suit the songs I'm playing (mixed covers). 

    Where I'm having a problem is when I switch basses. For example, my 'just a little bit of dirt' patch sounds great on my Fender, but if I fancy using my Lakland at the following gig, the same patch sounds far more distorted, due to the higher output. My current solution is to just turn down the volume on the bass, which I suppose is fine on for the Lakland since it's active, but less than ideal on the passive Squier. I also forgot to do this a lot!

    I know I can create a duplicate set of patches with varying levels of gain on by B3n, but it seems like a pain. Another thing I'm thinking of is some kind of A/B pedal with a level control for each input - I assume such a device must exist! Or even just setting up my dis-used Zoom B1on with a patch per bass to give a consistent level and sticking this in front of the B3n.

    Anyway - I doubt I'm not the only one with this issue - how do the rest of you deal with it?




  2. The UK Guitar Show website is now showing a date - 21st & 22nd September, at the Business Design Centre in Islington. Can we assume the LBGS will also be the same weekend? I want to make the trip from Glasgow with my guitar playing mate, it'd be good to get a confirmed date so we can start booking hotels travel. Always cheaper in advance!

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Norris said:

    Our classic rock covers band played a pub in town. I suppose the name "Molly O'Grady's" should have been a clue. The landlady insisted we played Irish music, in a rather threatening manner and indicating towards the hefty bouncers, and also threatening to not pay us. We did Whisky in the Jar and winged our way through a couple of other songs the singer/guitarist vaguely knew. We got the money, got the hell out of there and never went back - despite the landlady ringing a few times to try to re-book us. Not a pleasant night at all!

    Another Irish themed one.. kind of.

    I’ve played in O’Neil’s in Glasgow several times - being part of a bag chain, it’s really just a large pub with an Irish theme rather than a ‘proper’ Irish bar. However, on a Saturday night in Glasgow it does tend to bring out the worst in a few folk who like to think of themselves as Irish after a few shandies. Several times we’ve been asked to play ‘rebel’ songs - which would really fit in our set of classic rock covers! Once we had a guy literally screaming “play f-ing catholic songs - this is O’Neil’s”, getting progressively more agressive. Thankfully he was eventually removed by security!

  4. 3 minutes ago, Thunderpaws said:

    He just moved workshop. I’ll see his new place tomorrow when I pick it up. He seems like a great fellow. Honest and up front. Hard working too. Can’t wait to pick this up. My Genz Benz Streamliner is excited too. 

    Out of interest, where’s the new place? My uncle’s workshop is in the wee industrial estate just off Rochsolloch Road, Airdrie.

  5. 8 hours ago, Drax said:

    What are your timings on Wed, and then Thurs to return? Might be able to help 


    Hi Drax.

    Any help would be much appreciated! I get in to Stansted about lunchtime, and will make my way to our office at Kings X station, and I’ll hang around there until 530(ish!), after which we’ll be going to Primrose Hill for our party.

    On Thursday I’ll be hanging around Kings X until early afternoon, when I’ll be heading back to Stansted.

    I can hop on a tube or whatever to make things work. I can also enlist the help of others down in London.



  6. Strange one coming up...

    It’s my work Christmas party on Wednesday, and I’m travelling from Glasgow to London for it. A few of us musical types had intended performing a few songs, and another bassist who lives down there was bringing a bass. Short version of events is that he no longer can. I’d need to book an extra seat ion the flight to bring one - and since it’s short notice they want more than I’ve paid for some basses for the privilege!

    So - here’s my ask... can anyone lend me a bass, or otherwise help me acquire the something? Any piece of junk would do the job! I don’t want to get in to ‘marketplace’ territory, but I could probably spend a small amount - say £50 ballpark. 

    I’ll be around Kings X, and party is in Primrose Hill.

    Any help appreciated!



  7. I also recently made the switch.

    Some of the effects use two slots - so up to 8 parameters and an extra foot switch per effect.

    There are also some other areas that I feel gives more flexibility:

    - Seven slots per patch

    - Cab sim can be toggled via a foot switch, which I find really useful when moving between the old Ampeg 8x10 at the rehearsal room and my own modern rig.

    - Better patch switching/ effort toggling

    I am a bit disappointed with the lack of D.I. and audio interface via USB.

    • Like 1
  8. My view - context is everything. For example, Pink Floyd’s ‘In the Flesh’ has some pretty offensive lines - which I’m pretty certain would have be as offensive in the late 70’s as they are now. However, if you understand the song and it’s album, you surely wouldn’t take offence? A bit like Oliver’s Army as discussed earlier.


    • Thanks 1
  9. On 29/03/2018 at 15:34, DrParners said:

    Looking at buying a set of Toneriders for my P-bass. Are you all still  happy with the sounds? How do they compare with Fender Vintage pickups? Any info gratefully received.

    Sorry for the slow reply on thIs one!

    The P was rehomed a few months ago, it wasn’t getting enough use. However, it did get plenty of use for a while and I was always happy with the results. I played in a 2 guitar, loud drums and electric violin Celtic rock band, and found it sat naturally in the mix with little tweaking.

    To me, the sound was very close to the vintage pickups used in US Fenders. You can hear it recorded on Spotify (etc) - lookup Scarlets, Little Rumours. (Rotosound flats, Zoom B3 Ampeg sim, otherwise untouched)

  10. 28 minutes ago, thepurpleblob said:

    I'm not down that way very much (most men visit Howard Street as there is a well known "quick in and out" business suit emporium and I am a scruff). In my head, they've been there for a few years now. Never ventured in...

    I normally pass it when out shopping with the wife. She’ll be in the St Enoch Centre and I’ll head along to Kenny’s Music for a browse, passing Rub A Dub. Like you, I’ve never been in myself.

  11. I love some of the suggestions above, but I’ll put something forward that’s a bit more modern - Side Pony, by Lake Street Dive.

    There’s not been much made in years that’s excited me from a bass perspective, but I love what Bridget Kearney does with a double bass on this record. A distinctive sound and great playing that suits the songs.


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