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Posts posted by NoRhino

  1. St. Paul & The Broken Bones. I had looked forward to this for so long but on the night found them to be pretty boring. A whole show without a change of pace.

    All excellent musicians and as tight as two coats of paint but apart from a trombone solo there was no highlight.

    A shame when a gig disappoints.

  2. Great topic.  One of the bands I belong to plays a regular gig where, despite our guitarists' tiny 18W Honeyboy amps, the bar manager always wants us to turn the volume down.  Our next rehearsal is intended to run through the set at very low volume to see if we can do it, which we know we can, then take those settings to the next gig at that venue. 

    I'm looking forward to it.  


    I played a huge PA gig with a rock band on Friday and the onstage volume from the monitors was shockingly loud. We did ask soundperson to turn them down but it was all a mush.  Punters did say the FOH sound was excellent so who are we to complain?

  3. 51 minutes ago, Bluewine said:

    Fantastic, that always works out well for bands 

    When the band is in a separate room from the bar, usually not good.


    You're correct Blue. I've only ever played at one event where the bar was in a separate room and it wasn't a good experience for the band. 

  4. BCers regularly refer to playing down at the Dog and Duck. Well last night I really did get to play there although being Glasgow it was The Dug n Duck.  A revamped pub on the outskirts making a name for live music.  Punters were a bit direct but enjoyed what we offered. Back again in December. 


  5. Ask your GP to refer you to a specialist for an ultrasound scan on your wrist to confirm or dismiss CTS.  They will see any damage immediately. In the meantime buy a wrist support and wear it when you play. Or your local physio might provide one for you. 


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