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Stephen Houghton

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Status Updates posted by Stephen Houghton

  1. A Multiamp Mono that i have just realised i have posted in basses instead of amps doh! :facepalm:

    1. karlfer


      Muppet 😁, mods will sort it if you offer them jam butties mate. And get those bloody tuners off headstocks!

  2. Off to see George Porter Jr and The Running Pardners tonight at Band on the Wall, Manchester, armed with my spare pick guard for him to sign 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stephen Houghton

      Stephen Houghton

      Great gig he was amazing and he has one of the best drummers I have ever seen in his band, absolutely amazing drummer 🙂

    3. SpondonBassed


      Good to hear it was as enjoyable as you'd hoped.  Did you get your autograph?

    4. Stephen Houghton

      Stephen Houghton

      Yeah got him to sign a pick guard for me, sorry for late reply not been on here for a while life has been a bit busy.


  3. Supported 'The Blockheads', chuffed isnt the word, met Norman Watt-Roy and he signed my pick guard 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Twincam


      I am also jealous. Err I mean I think that's awesome, supporting them to me would be a dream. And getting the sig is very cool! And remember according to some on eBay any signature increases the price of any bass at least by a factor of 8 😉 lol! 

    3. TheGreek


      Amazing...I'd be talking about that for the rest of my playing career..."Did I tell you about when I met NWR??..."

    4. Stephen Houghton

      Stephen Houghton

      I will be talking about it for the rest of my playing career 🙂

  4. Whats a fair price for a mint Markbass Multiamp Mono?

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