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Posts posted by dougal

  1. I had an EUB for a while which I bowed. I bought one of [u][url="http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product/1410-BRAZILWOOD_DOUBLE_BASS_BOW.html"]these[/url][/u]:

    Bear in mind that not just the fingerboard radius (as per above) but also the pick-up type will have an effect: mine only had a magnetic pup - which is useless for bowing.

    Jason Heath has reviewed a (relatively) cheap carbon fiber bow [url="http://doublebassblog.org/2008/07/finale-bows-from-the-string-emporium.html"][u]here[/u][/url]. I can't comment on it's availability in this country.

  2. So last night I wen to Leicester Square & played Bach's Brandemurg concerto #3.

    Then we split up & everyone played string quartets (there were some flutes & clarinets too).

    Question: Next time I want to take some music that has a bass part. Does anyone have any suggestions of (not too hard) pieces that have string quartet + bass + optionally flute?

    The obvious choice is Schubert's Trout (sounds like a nasty disease that...)

    Any others?

  3. If you're after a DAW set-up I'd try Reaper (http://www.reaper.fm/) which is excellent & best of all - free - but it sounds like you're after something a bit simpler, and I don't think the drum programming is actually all that easy.

    Could you elaborate what you're going to use it for? A sketchpad of ideas, or live performance?

  4. Marvelous day - +1 thanks to SilverFox and everyone else who had hand in organising it. Shame I had to leave early!

    Personal highlights were the talks by Jon & Bass Guitar Magazine guy (forget his name?) & getting to play the ACGs on show.

    Great to meet everyone - and sign me up for the next one. I'll bring the upright and F-bass next time too.

    Did anyone pick up a double guitar stand? It got lost between the room & my car as I was coerced into playing a couple of celinders before I left by CrazyKiwi.

    For those who care, I'm the copper top in the 'okemo' top.

  5. [url="http://www.musicroom.com/se/ID_No/096406/details.html"][/url]

    Had my copy for almost 20 years.

    If you have guitar pro 5 or similar I have programmed the tunes & piano accompaniments to play along with.

  6. So Ian (bass teacher) came up with the following:

    * Watch the cellos.
    * Bring a pencil.
    * Position yourself so your stand is between you & the conductor.
    * Don't try & play everything if it gets tough.
    * Hope there's another bassist there who's better than you are.

    Wish me luck.

  7. Updated list.

    Does anyone want me to bring my upright?

    01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, plus I'll be bringing my DBX MC 6 Compressor and probably a small rig including my SWR Triad
    02. Hamster: Lakland and hopefully a couple of completed BFM cabs
    03. OBBM: a couple of basses and perhaps the Orangtino if anyone is interested.
    04. NowVertical: GB Rumour 5, KSD 60's Proto-J 5, Mongrel 62 Fender P (now fretless with a J added), Acoustic Image Contra II
    05. Happy Jack: a selection of vintage Hofners & a Verithin bass or two
    06. Zach: spector rebop
    07. Ped: with my usual babies (pair of Vigier Passions as I am sure you are sick of by now)
    08. s_u_y: Fender Precision '74, my EBS MicroBass II DI and if my custom portable poweramp being made by Alien (Andy) is finished, I'll bring that too!
    09. nig: SB-8 Chapman Stick
    10. G-77: usual collection of Graphite maybe the Wal
    11. Coasterbass: Lefty MM Stingray IV, Lefty Warwick Thumb V, Lefty Fender Jazz American Deluxe, Lefty Fender Jazz Hotrodded, Ampeg SVP-Pro, Eden WP100 Preamp and Schroeder 1210R
    12. johnnylager: Modded Geddy Lee, EBS MultiComp, SansAmp ParaDriver, Aural Xciter, J-Lo fuzz, ABM 500 combo, KSD 704 Proto-J with EBS inside
    13. Gamble: Ampeg SVP Pro pre-amp with Harma and Philips valves, Samson S1 compressor, QSC power amp, SWR Goliath Snr 6X10
    14. Merton: Status Retroactive Bass and my TE V-Type 8x8 rig (what about the Groove????)
    15. Higgie: Lakland DJ4 & DJ5, Musicman Stingray 3EQ, Original Mutron III, Akai Deep Impact, Akai Headrush, Demeter Compulator, Digitech WH-1 Whammy, Custom Modded Big Muff, Way Huge Aqua Puss clone, EA iAmp 600
    16. Alexclaber: will bring some of my new cabs with me!
    17. Walbassist: 2006 Wal Mk III 5, 1994 Ken Smith BMT Elite G 5, 2008 Brook Otter 5 string ABG (due 20/7), Epifani PS600, Epifani PS112 x 2,
    18. phil_the_bassist: Hartke stack (HA5500& VX215+VX410) and my MM SR5 3eq, Ashbory, pedalboard and whatever else I can fit in the car!
    19. Mikey D: Ibanez GWB35
    20. clauster: Omni15 (probable) and Omni10 (possible)
    21. WalMan: Wal Pro1/Custom conversion, G&L L2500 (4+1 style), Markbass CMD121H combo, Possibly the BOD xT Pro & FSB, Marshall Superbass 100 head
    22. peted: BFM Omni 10, Hartke 3500, Aphex Bass Xciter, Line6 Lowdown Studio, Warwick Thumb BO 4, custom butchered Japanese Squire Precision
    23. onehappybunny: Fender Mustang (1976), DeArmond Jet Star, Warwick Katana, Mark Bass Jeff Berlin Combo, DHA1-EQ
    24. andyonbass: a couple of ACG's
    25. sixshooter: bringing a number of interesting basses and an interesting amp!
    26. Nick Thomas: CS Jazz, L2500, and Eggle
    27. Barneyg42: Jaydee Roadie Fretless
    28. craigonbass: custom 100 Watt Harry Joyce (Hiwatt) head
    29. stingrayfan: G&L Tribute L2000, Yamaha BB614, Stingray 4 (hopefully w/Status neck), and possibly the 24 year old 4x10 Trace Elliot combo (if anyone wants me to??) or my Trace head/Warwick cab.
    30. Old Horse Murphy (if free): Shuker P5 and maybe a 2008 Fender P Bass
    31. Dougal: GW #23, Carvin XB75P, F-Bass Studio.

  8. So after six months of lessons & practice on the upright, I've finally got my first orchestral rehearsal - only about 17 years since the last one.

    A touch apprehensive, need so soothing advice to calm my nerves.

    So far I've got:
    * Find out what movements we're going to play & listen to them so there are no suprises.
    * Bring a music stand.
    * Don't eat beans before hand.
    * Don't turn up drunk.

    Anyone else got solid advice? I'm sure it'll be fine (starts repeating as mantra in attempt to believe it).

  9. Played: Tony Buch's (guitar teacher) Fender Jazz.

    First one owned was a Westone Thunder 1A (from Eastcote Music in Margate).

    Traded in for an Aria Pro II, whech then was traded for an Aria MAB5, Which was sold to fund a Carvin.

    Them's the days!

  10. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='261975' date='Aug 13 2008, 10:11 PM']Markers on the board (like those little sticky dots) are fine for starting off, just make sure the thumb is kept behind the middle finger & that when you change position you move the whole hand as a unit.[/quote]

    #Sharp intake of breath#

    You don't believe in pivoting? Rabbath is rolling (very gently, backwards & forwards around his thumb) in his grave. [i](EDIT: I've just noticed he isn't dead, which makes that joke redundant & factually incorrect.)[/i]

    Examples of pivoting; [url="http://contrabassconversations.com/guests/special-features/virtual-lessons/"]http://contrabassconversations.com/guests/...irtual-lessons/[/url]

  11. +1 to getting lessons.

    I moved fairly quckly from EUB to DB: I don't think it taught me bad habits - I was after a classical gig, so I had to have an acoustic instrument.

    As indicated above, they are different instruments, and will react in their own way to Arco or pizz playing.

    How wrong can you go for £350? Resale on an almost new one shouldn't be that much less - if nothing else because of demand outstipping supply at the moment.

  12. Anyone else seen this?

    It's Contrabass conversations Gary Carr interview w/ video. The last 20 mins is him playing around on his bass. Fantastic stuff!

    Full screen version is here:

    I can't work out how to embed the video.

  13. Given that there's one place to play a given pitch on a string, a combination of roman numeral and finger gives you hand position: no matter what you call it :)

    The Simandl positions are explained here (see fingering guide):

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