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Posts posted by uk_lefty

  1. I have the caline and its doing a decent job. I'm running a tuner, hartke bass attack, micro q tron, boss flanger, boss limiter enhancer and a zoom 506 off it right now, all holding up well. Good value for money. Not sure how it would handle a more exotic set up but there's room for more pedals should I want to add them on. I'd say go for it.

  2. I had one but I don't have the patience to learn how to program it. It's quite scientific to get the edit of the effects correct and to re order them. The effects themselves do sound good though and great for home use. The format has been around for years so people must be able to use them well, try to find an instructional video on their usage somewhere that may help.
    A friend of mine went to a guitar shop to buy somehing similar and was told that these multi effect units have "recordings of" the effect and not the "real thing" like a dedicated pedal. Sounded like b0llox to me.

  3. Ok here goes...

    Kramer fretless five string. My 18th birthday present, til death do us part. Bought in the old Musicyo days and when I was in an incredible band (seriously, best I've ever been in) and I was playing bass for three or four hours every day and night. I love this bass. Its had many stable-mates but this is the keeper, the one that has been my only ever bass for substantial parts of the 14 years I've had it. I know it so well. Only issue is it looks very "hair metal" which isn't great on acoustic folk night... Justification: Birthday present, fretless.

    MIM Fender Jazz - the only original bits left are the body and neck. The previous owner made good upgrades, Schaller tuners, Badass II bridge... and I kept going. Bone nut, Bartolini pickups. Now I want to put a sunburst body on it and possibly de-fret it. I keep it for slap and anything requiring (hahaha "requiring") string bends or a zingy metallic sound. Really, it doesn't get much use. I also am terrible at slap.
    Justification: decent backup. One day I may learn slap and this will be the go-to bass.

    MIJ Fender P, 1970 re-issue, the "Sid Vicious". This has a Steve Harris sig pickup (from previous owner) and the sig strings. Big tone does not begin to describe it. Its my go-to bass now. It does two sounds, big and fat finger-style or big and fat pick play (not often). Perfect bass for cutting through a mix. It may get a more traditional sounding pickup and thinner strings soon, but they will be flats. I really do have a good bond with this bass. What would improve it? Maybe a big humbucker at the bridge? I'm toying with that idea...
    Justification: right for most styles of music, great for getting the bass through the mix, a real live-playing bass.

    Amps - just sold my 500w Trace rig. It was awesome. Got a combo possibly coming in. I could not justify that rig, hence its gone.

    Effects - the board is getting quite full now: Behringer tuner/ mute ; EHX micro Q-Tron ; Boss Flanger (old brown ver) ; Hartke Bass Attack ; Boss LMB2 (for the fretless only) ; Zoom 506 ; all on a Gator board. I can justify all of these in that they all get used on at least one song... the Zoom is there as a headphone practice tool but I may want to add either octave or delay occasionally and I can't get away with buying more pedals.

    Zoom recording device - recording rehearsals proves I wasn't in the pub.

    How do I justify it all? I used to be in a really good covers band. That was a long time ago. Since then I've played with mates and done open mics and some small gigs. I joined a band last year that's having difficulty getting going but I really want this to be a regular gigging band and that will justify all the gear.

  4. good review - bought one of these a while back myself just to have a DI but I'm finding its great for boosting the EQ signal going to the amp and good for changing between basses with completely different character so long as you remember your favourite settings (P Bass to fretless five)

  5. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1455184759' post='2976705']
    Also consider whether you're after smoothie smoothie kinda fretless tone (probably what most folks are after) or more attacky sound (like me!) so you can play fretless in any context. I recently put a set of EMG into my Overwater Jazz; it was brilliant with the Barts, but the EMGs really slice though yet with tons of power! This is about the best recording of it I've heard so far..


    Your ears, your choice. Have fun experimenting.

    Off topic - but your band is awesome!

  6. Top bloke, bought my Trace amp, came round with the cash and dropped off a bottle opener for me :)
    Really easy to deal with, left me with one of his amps to play through while I source a replacement, what a gent!

    Just one thing... Being five miles down the road I can still hear that Trace amp, turn it down a little, mate ;)

  7. Hi has anyone got experience of the two 2015 kickback combos? 500w from either a 12 or 15" speaker, sounds impressive. I had a 120w kickback 15 and loved thebspund but it was awkward and heavy. I'm now in the market for a lightweight combo that has power and tone and thinking this could be ideal. Do they sound like the old kickbacks? Can they really pump out 500w? And are they more portable?

  8. Hi everyone - I can't quite get my head around something I keep seeing on eBay. Some US sellers, who are companies rather than individuals, ssell a "fully loaded" Fender bass body for around £250 before tax etc. and a "fully loaded" fender neck for around £220 before tax, delivery, etc.

    I don't get it - they've taken off the strings, unscrewed the neck, and are selling them separately, but you could buy the both for less than the cost of the whole item new. What am I missing???

  9. Hi, I chickened out of buying a sandberg P+MM (can't remember the model number) at the London guitar show last year but it was a long and painful decision. I did buy a fender instead but down solely to price. IMO you are getting more from a sandberg: active electronics, more choice for lefties, you can customise through their online spec builder. There really is loads more you can get out of it if you don't want an off the shelf fender.
    You can feel the quality in them straight away, really playable neck, the one I tickled was four string with ebony fingerboard, sounded perfect. The pickups are really clear and the electronics are intuitive, I.e. it doesn't take ages of tweaking to work out what they do. I could even give it a passable slap off the big mm pickup, and I'm not a competent slap player. Set up nicely it was great, I could easily have one as my only fretted bass. I think they're excellent value on thomann, not so good value from UK shops.

  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HAYMAN-4040-VINTAGE-BASS-GUITAR-SHERGOLD-BURNS/111892931763?_trksid=p2047675.c100012.m1985&_trkparms=aid%3D555012%26algo%3DPW.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140221143856%26meid%3D0a63ae9c42b64b989a4108086915e6b2%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D28%26sd%3D161956444747

    This looks interesting and in good condition, but is it a franken-bass? Both Hayman and Shergold names on it...

    Just saw in the "recommended items" in eBay. If I were right handed i'd be tempted to make a punt but know absolutely nothing about these.

  11. A bit off piste here, but have you considered a DI with eq? I picked up a second hand Hartke VXL for around fifty quid. It does more than just a standard eq job and acts as a DI should it be needed to. There's budget brands like behringer and red sub and Harley Benton making DIs with eq in your price range.

  12. Ok so I think I solved it... Turned off the Amp eq and tinkered with the hartke vxl to get the tone right. Put the limiter enhancer on to a decent enhance setting, worked a treat. Still not bringing out as much mwah as I would like but this bass doesn't so much ime over 14 years with it! Got a good set up for that bass now, turning the limiter enhancer off for other basses

  13. My fretless is much lower output. I'm keen to use it with my band but it's such a contrast to my main bass (MIJ P with Steve Harris pickups and strings) I don't want unnecessary messing about. I also have a jazz that I use occasionally but unlikely with the band at the moment.

    My current thinking is to keep it on the board on an "enhance" setting and use only with the fretless.

    I think also going from my trace rig at home to the rehearsal spaces SVT isn't helping me find the right consistency... Trace will be coming to more rehearsals from now on. And I will be world's strongest man 2017.

  14. Hi everyone. I'm finding my formerly trusty boss limiter enhancer now a bit inedictable. It used to be easy, it was in my signal chain to get rid of the loud clunk from engaging my ehx pedals and also to help me even out the dynamics when changing from one bass to another. This worked successfully for some time but I'm now experiencing a weird effect, particularly with my fretless, which really needs the enhance function. Basically I get almost a delay from playing the note to then hearing a highly compressed sound out the amp with lots of the character gone. My amp has a variable compressor and I now have a Hartke VXL in my chain. Do I still need the limiter enhancer or do I just need to be more patient with finding the settings (and writing them down!!)

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