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Posts posted by uk_lefty

  1. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1464801568' post='3062733']
    Not that it moves the thread on much, but here is a snap of mine. Neither being the 'real deal', interestingly both have contours. I think of the SCPB as more of a nod to the mid-50's version anyway. Regardless, who doesn't like pics of basses?! :D


    I started this and I wholeheartedly approve of the pictures! :)

  2. [quote name='FelixGubbins' timestamp='1464550862' post='3060288']
    Years ago, when I was short of money, I sold my lovely Hohner Jack to a friend for £75. I really regret it now as it was a super bass. I tried to buy one a few years ago on eBay but the sale fell through. It only reached £180 which is a really good price as well so it irks me even more that they go for so much now. Don't think I could justify a replacement at the moment.

    Hohner jacks regularly on gumtree at silly low prices. My wife has told me I am not allowed to buy a load there to sell on eBay at a profit :(

  3. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1464302681' post='3058385']

    tried this today, only 10 min drive from my house. I wasn't a fan of the amp, the bass played nicely but the tone was a bit dull for me

    Nice! I'm not far from coda in Stevenage, might tickle it upside down next time I'm up there :)

  4. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1464256235' post='3057900']
    We were doing Bohemian Like You by The Dandy Warhols last night. Its the first time I have played the song with this band. I'm pretty sure its in open G tuning, that's how they got the Stones rip off element just right. So I mentioned this to the guitarists as they were just doing it in standard tuning and it sounded 'off'. The reply? "I'm not tuning to open G, it takes too long". Apparently though, endless faffing around with pedal settings between songs is ok.

    I'm out.

    Interesting! I stopped my band trying to faff around with half step down tuning, it's just unnecessary and takes too long, plus the guitar doesn't stay in tune. Then you have to tune back to standard... I appreciate though open G creates a different feel, if there's a spare guitar then great tune that open G. If you aren't prepared to nail the feel of a cover you shouldnt play it IMO. It's the bloody mindedness to play favourite songs instead of thoughtfully construct a set list that works for the band and the audience that I see time and again with covers bands

  5. In the Herts area lemonrock is a good website for finding bands. I've personally steered clear of jam nights as I find them more for self-obsessed guitarists, particularly in blues, though I would love to be proven wrong.
    Other than the sites if you're in Herts pop in to the practice roomz in Stevenage and look at their noticeboard, or the Farm Factory in Welwyn GC. There's always a load of "bassist wanted" ads in there, and it is likely to have been put up by a band that is using the rehearsal space, so not necessarily dreamers doing nothing, and you can ask the guys in the rehearsal space whether they're a serious bunch or not

  6. The squier VM Telecaster bass and the Modern player Tele bass (with two pickups) both seem to have bitten the dust very early. Hard to find them knocking about second hand though - with either I'd be tempted to do a very simple conversion to lefty (strap pin, nut and strings switch around only)
    I find the big chrome pickup really visually striking, but if the sound is just mud that sucks. I have seen original telebass on eBay with a jazz pickup butchered in probably to put some more character in the sound.

  7. Bob you've captured it!

    I remember a snarky Jeff Berlin interview where he was really disparaging towards people who don't sight read and know classical music, made me think he's a c*ck. Playing bass, like most things in life, is a case of do what you enjoy (as long as all involved are consenting adults and nobody gets hurt)

  8. So the precision or jazz thread got me thinking... What happened to the telecaster bass? Being left handed I Kay never get a go on one, though I have lusted after them and even the Squire that was out a few years back... So, were these any good? What is the sound like? A classic bass or something that just wasn't on a par with the p and j?

  9. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1464021623' post='3055826']
    Its rather like asking whether a chicken madras is better than a lamb dhansak. There's no reason why a bit of variety should be considered a bad thing. But if I could only choose one it would be a P.

    No word of a lie, I always order a chicken dhansak as hot as a Madras... It's unbeatable

  10. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1463942816' post='3055224']
    Thanks! I've contacted them to ask if they do a lefty model.

    The Gold Tone lefty was on eBay a year or so back... It definitely exists!

  11. I still have the manual for an amp I sold on a few years ago. Might be good for an owner of one of these amps should they also be looking to sell on.

    I'll post it to whoever wants it, no charges at all, I hate throwing things away!

    PM me if you want it


  12. General ass-holery... Like the guy "leading" a band with two female singers (one former pro) recruiting rock players like myself, but insisting on playing mostly stereophonics songs. With two female singers. Who sing 80s ballads beautifully. Who don't sound right singing stereophonics songs. The strength of that band was the singers, all we needed was to play songs within a genre that suited them and it could have been very good.

    Constant chopping and changing of set list to the point you never get a settled list of what to play. Arguing over new songs to play all the time. Not having a consistent "theme" in the songs... With covers bands I always find an audience needs to know what they're getting otherwise "vague witty band name" playing jailhouse rock and then Adele just confuses people and prevents them sticking around. Not respecting other peoples opinions is a big one too. If I suggest a song I think will work it's ok to disagree, I'm fine with that, but to be abusive time and time again is just not worth my time.

    Having a singer who walks around spitting and a guitarist who cannot play in time was my reason to leave a biker band years back. No regrets there

    Guitarist and singer turning up drunk for rehearsal and getting more and more pissed while you've paid for the room was also a factor in one swift exit!

  13. The active circuit isn't the best and I've found it benefits from some additional eq through my hartke vxl... Which defeats the point of the active somewhat but in combination I've found some happy mid ground and a good clanky funky tone. I can recommend GHS bass Boomer strings.
    For what could be considered quite naff looking I'm actually finding it incredibly playable, better for slap than my fender jazz. I'd love body wings on a headless but wouldn't want to retro fit.
    Mine came with an original vinyl/ fake leather hard case which has zips instead of latches, which raises the game considerably when it comes to coolness. My band love it too, which is odd because I thought they'd kick my ass for bringing this bass!

  14. I have heard that the behringer plastic cases are ABS and not standard plastic, so much tougher.
    The tuner pedal I used for four years or so is still in one piece with no signs of cracks or anything. I really don't think the casing is anything to worry about. Put the behringer guts in a metal case and you'll still have the same effect.

  15. I have had three of their bass chorus pedals, each one has failed after less than two hours use.
    I have used for about four or five years their tuner pedal though and found that did it's job admirably. However, now I have enough pedals to warrant a board I've only replaced it for something smaller, no quality issue.

  16. I bought this cheap and cheerful distortion/ fuzz and took it straight to rehearsal. I've seen recommendations to stay away from this pedal on this forum but never a review... So here comes a review!

    Yes, better pedals will exist. However my criteria were cheap without being "too cheap" and using as little space as possible. I wanted a distortion of some sort as my band has gigs where I may be using a provided backline so can't rely on my amps built in overdrive. I had heard that this pedal is a clone of the ehx bass blogger, which I used to own, so I had a good idea what I was getting tonewise but with a fraction of the pedal board footprint.
    The distortion and fuzz... Not massively distinguishable from each other I'm afraid, but I keep the gain low for a gritty sound rather than a full buzz saw effect. I used this with both a p bass and a headless hohner in to the rehearsal spaces Orange amp. The sound was what I was looking for, not the warmest and most natural sounding but effective under two guitars for adding the grittiness I wanted. I can't see me playing around too much with the settings. Running an envelope filter before the distortion combined the two effects well, and despite its tiny size it was easy to find with the sole of my boot.

    If you love heavy distortion and it's an integral part of your sound invest in a different pedal, you'll appreciate it more. However if you only need the odd touch of distortion now and then you won't go wrong with this one as a live and rehearsal tool, for recording you may want something more lavish to get a warmer sound from.

    For less than fifty quid I think this is good value. Having had cheap bass overdrives before this is definitely a step above the bottom of the range guff you can get, but there are many many more upward steps if that's your style of play. The case seems durable and the tiny size is a blessing.

  17. I have the Steve Harris Sig. Pickup in my MIJ P bass and the sound is HUGE. It's a big, open clear bass tone. I also have the Steve Harris sig. Strings. They're heavy and take some getting used to but it is such a big and clear tone, can't think how else to describe it. I'm not a Steve Harris fan either, but I will be keeping the pickup and strings as long as possible.

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