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Posts posted by foal30

  1. I've pretty much done the same thing Dan.
    I reckon the D'Addario's are brighter out of the pack but most certainly do not keep the zing of the DR HB
    still, as you say, if they last half the distance it's all good.

    also, I seldom use a plectrum but the D'Adds on the Jazz Bass is OK after they've settled in a bit.

  2. this week Jazz is all about Wayne Shorter's "Footprints"
    it really is the business

    look as for Charlie Parker I still remember the crushing feeling I got on first listening to him. You do not need to understand it to appreciate it. It's art, make up whatever reasoning you need, if you can feel it then it becomes the value of that feeling.There is no way with my limited mental capacity that I can comprehend what was going on for the composistion or performance, I just bask in the greatness of the gift. And 13 piece might blow it now but 50 years on this is still the sh*t that says if a mother can play.

    possible exception Giant Steps ;)

    Wild generalizations on entire classifications of music used to annoy me.

  3. Peter Hook.

    also, Tommy Bolin on Billy Cobham's "Spectrum"
    Johnny Marr
    Jeff Beck
    Kenny Burrell
    Nile Rodgers

    #1 has got to be Prince. I surely luuuurvvve his playing. Levi Searcer Jr who did a lot of his Jazz stuff was a spanking mug and Wendy Melvion is way cool too. Her wah line on "Are you my Baby" is primo.

  4. My beautiful Wife bought me a couple of slider-straps off Ebay USA as she thought it would help my back.
    it's taken ages to get used to it, plus they twist and I hate twisted straps.
    you also look like a cock.

    the positives are it does spread the load and seems to balance out neck heavy instruments.
    good for sitting down playing, I do nearly all my study now wearing the slider strap.

  5. D'Addario Chromes on a Fretless Jazz
    soft is a good description, warm through the valve amp + 15" speaker
    I like this set up for stock standard walking bass lines.
    Chromes have to me at least, a wear in time, give them 3-4 weeks and their sweet.

  6. Flatwound strings
    go the D'Addarrio Chromes

    yes to the Sadowsky outboard pre-amp
    Peavy BW speakers

    sweat towel for after summer session
    please remember to wash occasionally.

    "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" book by Alan Slutsky
    you'll get a lifetime out of this I reckon

    back catalog of either Miles Davis, Prince or James Brown.
    preferably all 3 ;)

  7. I like Watermelon Man
    esp the Headhunters album version

    as for the tune at hand it's not that bad, even if it does sound like a struggle.
    probably best to get Jazz Musicians to play a Jazz tune.

    it's not Jim Roberts favorite either, I should dig out a review from Bass Player mag.

  8. I like finnbass too, it's a bit looser

    TB has heaps of info, man there is stuff for days and from where I live in the world this is a big asset.
    this site is similar in that regard, just on a smaller scale.

    interestingly many of the charges leveled in this thread at TB apply directly to this site. It's actually classic Pot Kettle Black.
    It's also part of the charm... like it's part of what makes the respective sites.

    The political bit is tough, how much leeway do you give? I think the rules are clear, whether I think that's "right" is hardly the point. Well maybe.

    Christian? again, get over it. The home base of the site is religious minded, all census data on the USA shows huge % call themselves Christian. If I came on her mocking the Monarchy, Football and Mushy Peas I'm not only being ignorant, I'm most likely being disrespectful to the tenants OF THE ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO DO THE WORK TO RUN THE SITE.

    and I think it is important to keep that in mind when evaluating a particular resource/community.

    and Merry Xmas everyone.

  9. why do we need survival of the fittest or capitalism to survive?
    I'm asking not accusing.

    Altruistic acts are the community's Saviour.

    What assumption? Competitiveness requires opposition, I think. You sort of imply this when you comment on the inherent inequalities this will be contribute to.

    Possibly, and is this, with our collective intelligence the optimal living system/ideology? I am saying we have got to the point where it no longer need be tis way, and in more darker moods I'd suggest that only change will save us and the planet.

    the gap between economic realities and morality....
    well I could voice an opinion.

    It is important that cooperation is shown to be successful as competition is claimed to be. Competition fits the culture of the dominant classes, because it attempts to justify their position of prominence. But I think analysis shows that ruthlessness and force of arms is more important than any innate skill.

  10. er, possibly
    I think the idea is to make it competitive to share
    that's evolution I can bear.

    If society's purpose is acquisition and it has designated enemies then a level of forwardness is required.

    I'd like to see different avenues perused.

    what you've described shows the history of free-market capitalism well. Develop the most Protectionist system, destroy by force if necessary any "foreign" competition then claim free trade is it from the position of exclusive dominance. As I asked above, advocates of such a line of thought should surrender their current prominence. As this will not happen I know I'm on a hiding to nothing.

    Do we need evolution if this is the outcome?
    Why live by a "fact" if it's actually of nihilistic disposition?

  11. and yes I am Political and so is the Band I write for.
    this was something that was entered into before we started, not sort of happened on the way.

    if we do Charity Work (not that I like to mention it, where is my pipe) then it's a consensus on the cause/group we are attempting to support.

    if we will not do certain things then people are aware of this before they join the collective.

    as far the basic hypocrisies of modern life I think it is about picking certain issues and making a good go of really getting those things sorted.But the actually reality of even getting informed on "the issues" is potentially unrealistic in this modern world.

  12. No, I think not.

    and if "competitiveness" is going to be the acknowledged driver of Society, by Society then those advocating such a system need to be at the forefront of leveling out the current inequalities.

    Not likely?

    Paragraph 4 and 5 of Essential Tension's post is pretty good. Or at least accurate to how I view things.
    to expand maybe we could say that the left will use the form of "strong government" to implement their ultimate aims.
    we're the right will tear it all down.

    Interestingly those who most deny the usefulness of the State are the first in the que cap in hand when things go amiss.

    there was a guy on the American News saying that Obama will continue the Bush program of seriously turning Amercia to the left of center. So there remains a good chance I know nothing.

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