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Posts posted by foal30

  1. when NZ is asleep? when isn't it?

    many Kiwi's work in Sydney.
    yes, because Australians wont

    No cultural desert here... we are world leaders in all sorts of things specific to Dairy Farming.
    You cannot raise Cattle in any form of Desert.

    Christchurch eh...

  2. Klystron and ABM cabs
    hundreds of gigs with this...I think I got it in 1998 0r 1999

    sounds like a proper Bass Amp to me
    super reliable too...been a real good purchase.

  3. yeah I thought they were Korean made too.
    I had a B2A before I got a L2 Steinberger

    the active switch is handy but does eat batteries
    it was not a bolt on either so check that neck

    only took double balls so you may want to consider this. also an arse to find a case

  4. well being comfortable onstage sound wise is important but secondary to fully knowing the material you are going to be performing. If you have it down then by definition you should have a fun night.

    I always bring a spare bass, if it's fretted No Worries!

  5. no, good points Grumble.

    Guild Pilot re-issue is 35" and it was a better sounding 5 than any of the Warwick, Fender , MusicMan, Ibanez and Yamaha I tried against it. Put on a Graph-Tec nut and dropped some Bartolini's in approx 550 pounds in your money I got a 5 string I really like.

  6. had mine for a shade over 10 years now
    reliable and well gig worthy

    not a hi-fi amp by any means.
    I do not know why the pricing structure is different...maybe UK costs are higher and Ashdown give customers the option of supporting local labour content.

  7. I think Anthony Jackson wrote the best column for BP, it was fantastic stuff. This is why I liked Jim Roberts actually, man enough to let AJ hold forth.

    John Goldsby, his section has been all learning goodness. I always read Jeff Berlin's column.

    surely the most gushing of the writers was T Wichtor(?) I laughed at that letter about his unsung bass stylists..especially the one when it was not Bruce Thomas

    Did not know that Johnston's Christianity had an effect on mag content? Maybe I have read your post wrong mate?

    anyway for someone living near the asshole of the world Bass Player and Bassist Magazine were good value. Clearly less so today for BP but I would suspect that us the case for most subscribing members to any periodicals.

  8. I quite like using the minor pentatonic on a major chord.
    starting from the 6th...it's hardly groundbreaking or original but it sort of can open my ears sometimes.

    also try it from the b3 on a DOMINANT chord...you might like this sound, altered like I guess.

    I do think pentatonic sound good as is... I don't normally break them up.

  9. I've had a Klystron Magnifier and ABM cabs for 10 years
    I like woolly
    these are bass amps
    none of this hi-fi stuff

    no issues with reliability. Given the hours I've played through this set up and the little upkeep required of them it's been a real bargain.

  10. Kyle,

    sometimes I do 9 chord arpeggios starting from the 3.
    this helps me break up the ongoing issue of it's a C7 my first note is therefore C :)

    so 3 5 b7 9 then
    5 b7 9 10 then
    b7 9 10 12 etc

    It depends on the day really.
    I quite like large interval leaps so I might ignore this concept completely.

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