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police squad

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Posts posted by police squad

  1. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1369134851' post='2085168']
    if your bass gets wet or even slightly damn from moisture in the air then leave it out of it's case at home for a few days to dry properly.
    I made the mistake of just wiping down and putting it in the case only to find 2 weeks later when i got it out, rusty screws on the bridge

    I sweat so much everything goes rusty. wipe it down? not on your nelly. I don't need to adjust the bridge saddles anyway :o)

  2. I've got a few 'signature' guitars.
    Vintage 'Geoff Whitehorn'. I know Geoff and the Signature guitar he used was stock. It's a great sounding strat copy
    Epiphone Jack Casady. Great looking, plays great but not yet gigged.
    I have a Paul Reed Smith 'signature series guitar' 1000 made and hand signed by Paul himself. Very nice nut it lives under the bed these days.
    Gibson 'Slash AFD'. I bought this becaue I thought it was a ltd piece of 600, then they made some more. Doesn't matter as it's the best Les Paul I've got (and I've got 3 others) It's my 'goto' guitar for my pub band.

    Did have a Fender 'Sting' bass, for my Police tribute and it was an excellent bass but I sold it to fund my Bravewood replica of Sting's #1 bass.

    They can be a great. Horses for.....and all that

  3. right then, it's turned up. lowered the action a little and it's great. played it unplugged and it sounds great acoustically.
    Then I plugged it into my ampeg pf500. it was ok on 50. but 250 it farted and 500 was worse.
    Then I remembered it was low impedance but what difference would that make. So I pressed the -15db button on the front, (sort of meant for active basses) and it sorted it. Maybe the bass was overloading the very first input stage of the pre amp (even before the clip light stage, because that wasn't glowing)

    anyway, it seems fine set up this way.

    Build quality is very good but I can't tell where it's made. It says limited edition on the back of the headstock, but who knows how limited it will actually be.

    I'll try and post some pictures

  4. Here's a couple of shots of my XL2.
    1983. Plug in leg rest.

    It's in great nick, shame that somebody added all those strap buttons but it does stop it clouting the floor when you put it down.
    Awesome bottom end. It's a real 'fundamental' note. No rich harmonic overtones here.
    Doesn't get a lot of use but i had to have it for my Police Tribute, (Sting had an L2 for a while)

  5. I paid 2K for my transitional XL2 in virtually mint condition
    Fantastic bass guitar. Would love this L2 as Sting had one. (I use it in my police tribute but the L2 would be more historically correct)
    have a bump on me

  6. I had this problem trying to sell a retrovibe rv4.
    My ad got pulled 3 times from ebay, even though I didn't put a picture of the headstock etc etc.
    My account got suspended.
    didn't matter as I sold it on here.

    a 200 hundred pound guitar WILL NOT affect the R company at all.

  7. [quote name='BCB' timestamp='1361222216' post='1983160']
    Thanks for the review, it was very helpful.

    The PF500 and MiBass550 are definitely on my shortlist.

    Has anyone tried the Ampeg with different speakers?

    I could really do with lighter cabs!!

    I use mine with a markbass club 1x15 and its great. When I add the std 115 (MB again) it's awesome.
    I originally tried it with a std 4x10 markbass cab and I thought it was perfect, but I bought my 2 MB cabs for 500 quid the pair, so I'll stick with them for now

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