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Posts posted by wombatboter

  1. [quote name='Badass' timestamp='1376154216' post='2170347']
    Anyone know what gear he uses? Can't seem to find any info on it.

    I think he used German Shack basses too in the beginning (those headless versions you see with John McLaughlin)

  2. Small interview with PSP and some live footage (I was there at that gig, bass sounded better than here on this vid).
    There's a bass solo on the fretless if you skip some of the talking which is going on...


  3. I rarely start a topic myself here on bass.chat (we should stick to chocolate and beer around here in Belgium !) but this bass-player deserves a bit more attention although I doubt it bothers him that his name is sometimes forgotten amongst the top-bass players.
    I've seen him already a couple of times live and every time he just blows me away with his sense of rythm, his harmonical concepts, his sound and the vision he has when he creates music.. Every time he seems to be completely in peace with himself, free of pressure and stress and totally in touch with a world I haven't encountered yet..
    I remember being at the Frankfurter Messe years ago and he was giving demonstrations for a certain bass or amp (can't remember which one) and some Mark King-addict wanted to have a bass-duel with Kai and they exchanged bass-lines.. After a minute the King-fan had already shown his complete arsenal (the furious left hand slap included which made his face turn red) while Kai was still smiling and hadn't even begun with what he could have had in mind.. For him it wasn't even a competition in speed and he proceeded with colouring up his bass lines and leaving the crowd and the other bass players speechless..
    This video was a small journey for me.. the great chordal work, the slap which he makes musical, the sound and again : the great feeling that someone is able to express himself like he wants to..
    Hope you enjoy it (I'm going to make some waffels now !)


  4. That's what it has always sounded like to me : a formula.
    I used to play with funk bands who wanted to jam for hours so I had to play a D on the 1 for hours and hours..I found it immensly boring but you could never question that sort of playing because otherwise "you were not funky".
    Weird that for a music which seemed to be without rules I felt so much pressure to keep it as cliché as it had to be.. There are exceptions naturally but I found a lot of funk stuff sometimes an excuse for being lazy.. don't change the chords, keep it simple, "feel the funk" (?).
    That way a lot of these cats just disguise that they won't go through the trouble of finding a nice chord change, a great arrangement.
    But again : don't dare to question them because then you get the curse : "you're just not funky, dude !"
    It's a matter of taste : I always found this far more funky than anything I heard Bootsy do...

  5. A friend of mine was visiting a studio in Paris and there was one person doing the editting of live Bowie footage..
    Every second of the footage was analysed and often redone (the man had all the instruments around him and could play all of them with the same sound recreated on stage, the whole day through he was watching the songs meanwhile taking notes "5'12" : edit the image (Bowie looks old) and change it into a shot of the drums"'6'14" : guitar plays a suspended chord, change the bass", etc... The guy could do that for hours and hours while jumping from one keyboard to a guitar or a bass...)

  6. If it would have only been "lovely" all the bassplayers around me wouldn't have been floored when those Paul Young-records came out... we were astonished, we had never heard anything like that before (the plucks in the chorus of "Come back and stay")..surely not in "pop-music", fretless had settled in fusion but you wouldn't hear it in that degree on the radio in the charts.. It's a perception which is hard to grasp so many years later (the same thing with Mark King).

  7. The difference is that I would do the impossible to go to a gig where Pino plays fretless but I wouldn't do a lot of effort to see a D'Angelo gig...it seems like two different bassplayers and one of them is not really my cup of tea.
    Friend of mine played at the same festival as D'Angelo last week and took a picture of Pino's gear...

    Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]

  8. Well, that's the nice thing about music : that something "happens"... not that I expect it to come from the bass only. But it would have been nice if he had made his mark a bit more and fueled the song. Around here in Belgium the song was once covered by a local artist and the female bassplayer even played a slap bass (!) on it and it worked.. As much as I adore that song (although I prefer "Refuge" on that album) I had to admit that I liked that version, something "happened".

  9. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1373699293' post='2140634']
    i disagree as much as i like jaco he hardly ever played it the same twice and the only ones most of us are familiar with are the original studio and the shadows and light version - its not like PP had to copy the studio version note for note - importantly it maintains the structure and the feel perfectly and adds to the song without making the overt statement that jacos lines often did - the lyrics and JM's delivery and wayne shorters soloing are more than enough to make it a great song even disregarding the bass line
    I just had the feeling that nothing "happened".. the song had my attention in the beginning but then it dropped. Not that I expect frantic bass-lines but I missed a bit of personality.. especially on fretless Pino has loads of that but I wasn't carried away by this. He copies some lines from Jaco but didn't add a lot of his own..

  10. When I saw that for the first time I wasn't floored and I'm still not convinced... Pino does some nice interventions but throughout the whole song he plays it rather safely and seems to be intimidated by the "weight" of the original bass-part.
    Not that I expect him to be Jaco but at least Pastorius made a statement and Pino doesn't succeed in making this iconic piece his own.
    He's one of my favourite bass players but I missed something in this version..

  11. Been using these two Bergantino AE212's for a while with the Epifani 902 amp... very light but really powerful.
    Each of those cabinets can be carried in one hand so really easy to handle... 900 W in 4ohms so the two connected with the Epifani and you have the full 1800 W.
    Haven't found better cabs since I own these..


  12. Just bought one yesterday and only played it at home so really curious about my upcoming gigs next weekend...think i'll just take a spare amp with me, you never know...Sounds great by the way, that Tec amp...really pleased with it and it fits into a gigbag.

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