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Posts posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I spent some time in NYC last summer and wish i'd done a bit more research around shops

    Have you tried the New York Guitar and Bass Boutique?

    There's also a place in the Village , Matt Umanov near the cupcake shop....!

    Apparently Manny's are now owned by Sam Ash but did you check out all the signed artist photos on the walls?

    I was tempted to unbolt a neck and put a bass in my bag.......no-one even glanced at me when I came into UK, not that I'm condoning illegal activity!

  2. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='142897' date='Feb 19 2008, 09:07 AM']Hey. My names Jake Brown and i've been playing bass for about 4 1/2 years now.

    I'm 17 years old and play in a band called Ten Floors.

    You can check us out here. [url="http://www.tenfloors.co.uk"]http://www.tenfloors.co.uk[/url]

    My main bass and rig is a Warwick Streamer LX5 ---> EBS Fafner ---> EBS Proline 212.

    I also have a Hartke HA3500 and vx410 & VX115 that will be for sale.
    I have another couple of 4 string basses and a fretless that i use in varius big bands and concert bands

    Hi. :)


    Hi JB
    Welcome from Shipley, West Yorks.
    Nice gear!

  3. Just wondered what everyones thoughts were on this subject and if [b]anyone has attempted any academic writing on Jaco.[/b] Be great to get the opinion of the online bass community. Who knows, you might even get referenced.

    I assume you have read the book by Bill Milkowski(although not academic) : The Extraordinary and Tragic Life of JP?

  4. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='141807' date='Feb 17 2008, 09:42 AM']Hi, I would have liked to have come over but we are playing the same night at the Horseshoe Bar in Huddersfield


    I'll keep you in mind for the next Thursday night gig we have then...who can resist a free CD! :)

  5. Anyone from West Yorkshire ( or beyond) with a spare Sunday Evening who fancies a bit of "Heart, Jazz and Soul" would be most welcome at the Suburban Style Bar, Bingley (The Old Fire Station!) on February 24th.
    We'll be starting at 8.30 and it's quite a nice little venue.
    I'll be giving away copies of our CD to anyone who mentions "Basschat"- how can you resist?!
    Let's face it, there's nowt on TV now that Top Gear has finished and Corrie has moved!
    Look forward to seeing you... :)


  6. Please add me to the list too?

    You won't believe this: my daughter was doing some PR at the Edinburgh Festival last year for a number of comedy acts including GP. She rang me and said who she was working for and she asked him for a signed copy for me... still waiting! So near yet so far!

  7. [quote name='TheRinser' post='139346' date='Feb 13 2008, 10:43 AM']I had no idea about that side of John Giblin's playing! I asked him to play some bass and he wouldn't :) I'd downloaded some of the Simple Minds stuff he'd played on and it just grooved nicely... Downloading that fish album now.[/quote]

    He also played on the first Judie Tzuke album, my wife went to school with Mike Paxman the guitarist with them

  8. [quote name='FJ1200' post='139279' date='Feb 13 2008, 08:59 AM']This reminds me...

    Many years ago when I were a lad... (17 or 18 I think) I went to the Barbican Guitar Festival (or Music Festival - I can't remember now) in London. Jim Marshal was there celebrating the 25/50 Aniversary - still got some of the coasters from then with the logo. On the Peavey stand one Colin Hodgekinson was doing a demo - still got a photo of that one. - one of my all-time favorite players. Then in one of the side rooms I came across a manufacturer new to the UK called Warwick. The bloke running the stand asked if I'd like a go. Stupid question - that's what I was there for! had a play around on a little headphone amp for 15 minutes enjoying the Streamer imensley. Was just taking it off and the guy behind me asked what I thought of it. I said I liked the neck a lot, the way the body curved, sound and tone and so on, turned round and looked John Entwhistle full in the chest! What a superbe (tall!) bloke though. Chatted for 10 minutes about basses - I was just starting out and that meeting inspred me for quite a while - but I was so awe-struck I forgot to get an autograpgh or photo.

    Also came across the bass with the rubber strings - can't remember what they were called - saw them the other day on a web site. Very short scale, sounded very odd but very good.[/quote]


  9. [quote name='BREN TRAVIS' post='138606' date='Feb 12 2008, 12:38 AM']Hi Keith

    I live in Shipley too, maybe see you around mate...


    Hi BT
    Nice to hear from you.
    We're at the Suburban Style Bar (Old Fire Station) in Bingley on the evening of Sunday Feb 24th if you fancy coming along?


  10. I may be a little out of step here but before this turns into a Thomann love fest let me tell you of one of my experiences.

    I ordered a Bass from them, got an email acknowledging the order, then another saying it was out of stock but they had an unused display model they would let me have cheaper. I agreed on the basis it was unused and it arrived a week later but had clearly been used. The accessories with it were well worn and scratched, and some cables, power supply and manual were missing too.

    I got back to them pointing out the bass had clearly been used and that it was missing the accessories.
    They denied these accessories came with the bass even thought I provided links to the manufacturers website and after an exchange of emails with one of their english staff working in germany for them (he was the most unhelpful I have ever found anybody ever), I rang their Management. Their default position was for me to send the bass back , but I needed it for a series of gigs that following week

    They promised to resolve the matter but then proceeded to still send me 2 incorrect parts: in the end it took 1 month to fully resolve the issues and they implied I actually damaged the Bass in order to get a further discount.
    In the end, out of principle, I wrote to Herr Thomann and did get a further discount.

    Before then and since then (well I had to with a 50 euro credit!) I have ordered gear from them with no problems but I dug my feet in on this and was not going to get fobbed off.

    Have used Playback-de since with no problems.

    When I buy anything I do try and get UK retailers to match European prices: one UK retailer even told me if I bought in Europe the amp would blow up because they used a different voltage....

  11. I's been about a month and a half since i bought these wall hangers and i just put them up today, i was quite impressed with myself (I usually buy something and it never gets put up) so here's a picture of my great achievement.


    Not wishing to rain on your parade but here's a picture of what can happen with those wall hangers..needless to say the damage occured before I became proud owner!

    So take care, especially with a tort headstock!

  12. [quote name='BassBunny' post='133441' date='Feb 4 2008, 09:51 AM']Cheers Keith. Was going to get in touch to see how the first gig went with the G&L. Guess it went OK. :)
    Really nice to meet you and enjoyed the "chats". Hope we meet up again sometime.

    In retrospect not a good idea ;) to turn up late for the soundcheck (8.10) with an untried bass but in for a penny(35,000)...anyway noticed during the gig my clipping light was going mad so turned down the gain on the LMII to 9.
    Realised yesterday had the " bass boost" position with the series/parallel switch on, which was the reason. Spent some time on the net too and got a good guide for some easy sounds- P, J, MM and Rick too.
    Oh and your directions were spot on, found the motorway nice and easily. :huh:

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