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Posts posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I spoke to them by phone a couple of weeks ago and they were very helpful, they even rang Markbass in Italy for me.
    You could also try messaging/speaking to Peter Murray via the Talkbass site? Just do a search on Markbass and he'll be on it somewhere, just send him a PM, again he was very helpful too even though he is based in Canada I think?

  2. [quote name='Wooks' post='178933' date='Apr 17 2008, 03:30 PM']JUst been on the phone to Peavey and it looks like I'm getting a Cirrus 5 string as a replacement for my damaged one. They are going to make sure it hasn't got he preamp prob, and make sure it is setup nicely. Plus a few bits thrown in as a form of compensation for the way they have messed this up. Not sure what I'm going to get but I'll be back with news once I get my baby back, which will hopefully be early next week...fingers crossed :)[/quote]

    Sounds like a good result, it's always worth a call to the guilty party!

  3. [quote name='610*c' post='178316' date='Apr 16 2008, 09:05 PM']Nice bass. Guess where im going tomorow.. How much did you say you paid? lol[/quote]

    There was a WAL on ebay last year that a guy had picked up from CC: he wanted over £1500 for it which was fair enough but told everyone how he got it and how little he paid for it which rankled a little!

    My CC never has anything decent in, I always check on Mondays which is the day many will be selling off gear (and I mean electrical) although I guess both meanings are true! :)

  4. Just clearing out a load of LP's to the local secondhand shop and thought I'd keep these back and offer:

    Back Door (Warner Bros pressing) and 8th Street Nights to any interested bassists with a turntable?

    The Back Door album is autographed by all the band individually above their photos on the rear cover: I got these myself when I went to see them around 1973 in Newcastle.

    8th Street Nights even has a review from the MM or NME attached to the inner sleeve complete with my comments too!

    Just to recap: these are vinyl LP's but both covers and records look in good condition.

    In case you are thinking who?:check this out with Colin Hodgkinson on bass


  5. [quote name='Shockwave' post='174545' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:10 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Streamer-STD-5-String-Bass-German-Made_W0QQitemZ160229012037QQihZ006QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Streamer-STD...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]

    Someone jump on it quick! I wish i had the money!


    Looks like someone did!

  6. [quote name='spacecowboy' post='172698' date='Apr 8 2008, 10:49 PM']I wonder if the fantastic "I don't work for commission so I'm going to pretend I'm busy and ignore you" customer sales reps of windows will keep me from checking these out tomorrow, i keep on toying with the idea of getting a cheap 5 string Jazz, this could finally be my excuse to follow through!

    Thanks for the heads up![/quote]

    Not sure if they are 5 Stringers......!

  7. [quote name='jakesbass' post='171226' date='Apr 7 2008, 10:48 AM']I've just taken delivery of Soul Speak by Michael McDonald.
    As a revue of lots of old soul material, like his two motown albums it's great, he has avoided being compared as a poor cousin to the originals and used mostly the same players so all three have a continuity. It's Nathan East on bass and he is the epitome of interesting yet unobtrusive solid and very groovy.
    I would highly recommend them.

    This could be a chance to be a long running thread, I can think of loads of albums that I would strongly recommend to anyone who is taking bass playing seriously (or for fun), there are real greats that should just not be missed. I'm sure that fellow BCers will have as many recommendations.

    One of my favourite artists, remember seeing him with the Dan years ago. He is touring this June, doing London, Brum and Manchester. I should be going to the Manchester date on the 21st.
    Thanks for the heads up on the new album, I've just ordered it!

  8. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='171789' date='Apr 7 2008, 09:35 PM']Guys, I am sorry. Was meant to go to stonecoldbass but, having not seen him in a while I totally forgot i even had this, let alone still had to pass it on.

    I am sorry. A total mind blank.

    So, who wants it? Is it a first to PM me?[/quote]

    Am I first, if so would like it please!


  9. I've just had a long conversation with the importer of SX bass guitars into this country.
    I pointed out there were a large number of UK bassists personally importing from the USA because they could not get the SX Basses they wanted over here.
    He says they do bring 8000 over a year, many under the Jim Deacon brand and there are a network of Dealers in this country who stock them.
    I made a plea for the more Vintage type ones, both P & J types and the 5 stringers too.
    I am speaking to one of the Jim Deacon Dealers tomorrow around this subject so watch this space.
    It would be good to be able to order an SX from this country, get a guarantee and support a local music shop.

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