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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. I got one of these bad boys a while ago for my g***ar playing and mostly just play through headphones but now want to try something.

    How would I DI this amp? Doesn't have the function on it, I've heard and read about people doing something with the headphones socket but with mixed results, so are there other options?

    I know there are DI boxes and have seen a behringer one with a 412 simulator on it, how would I use this, plug the micro terror into the DI box via the speaker out then into my mixer?

    Any ideas would be great :)

  2. Thanks :)

    Yea I have tried separate power supplies and there didn't seem to be much change.

    Yea I have set the pog up close to the start of the chain too so that should be helping.

    I'm sure I'll work it out, I almost got seriously annoyed yesterday where seemingly for a while the pog just stopped working. So I went away and came back and I think I had set it up wrong, but it works now!

  3. This is giving me a massive headache, I've taken the board completely apart and I'll leave it a while and come back to it hopefully with a fresher outlook.

    I did briefly try experimenting with plugging the splitter into the bass then one to muff and other pog, which didn't have any hum. Separately the channels are fine but now when both together there is a volume cut.

    I'll leave it for now but I think that's probably how I'll have it set up.

  4. Ok so some more hum has come back, I think I have identified it to my cheap Y splitter cable, if I slightly move the cable going into it at a certain angle then it goes. I'll look for a better quality lead and if that doesn't sort it I'll look for a cheapo hum remover pedal/noise gate

  5. That's into the multi, I have reduced more hum as I didn't realise that earlier today I had my active bass in the 0db input rather than the active one, so that took that hum away too!

    Seems so silly that the majority of this is just to do with how it's/they are powered

  6. Ok so I have made things a lot better, gave the ABY pedal it's own power source separate from the multi power box that the others are connected to and it's much better. There's a bit of a hum when I'm using the POG with the fuzz but I guess I could get some sort of noise gate to get rid of it completely

  7. Ok I think I've changed my mind as to what was causing the issue, I think it's my Fender ABY box, I removed that and just had tuner, pog , muff and no weird sounds.

    Seemingly on the ABY when channel A is selected, everything is fine, when it's channel B there's a loud hum even when nothing is plugged it and touching the unit changes the hum. So going to both creates the organy like sounds. So looks like that's the culprit and possibly some grounding issue with that.

    I only got the ABY the other day so I've messaged the seller on eBay to ask for a replacement

  8. Ok after numerous different combinations of pedal setup including the one above, I think I have worked out the culprit.

    Sadly it's my Ehx bass big muff. The last option I did was to remove that after thinking it could be my ABY pedal. Issue gone completely so it seems.

    That's a shame as I like the muff and prefer fuzz to dist/od.

    No idea why it would create such weird noises like that

  9. When I put my pedal in octave up mode, I'm getting some really weird noises, some like a continuous random tone, some like extra harmonic kinda thing, rendering this mode useless. I've tried a different and separate power supply but no change. All that follows it in its chain is my ehx bass big muff

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