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Posts posted by StraightSix

  1. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1325633444' post='1485598']
    Best bass lines I ever had to learn.

    He is an under rated player in my book - I'm a big fan.

    Just listen to the end section of Mr Big for great tones and timing.

  2. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1325617778' post='1485299']
    Really nice guy. Shame he's a scientologist.

    Yes - I didn't know that...a great shame...getting shafted by scavengers is no way to earn a living...here's a great quote from L.Ron Hubbard (the 'creator' of scientology) which shows his intentions early on:

    "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way to do it would be start his own religion."

    L. Ron Hubbard, 1948

  3. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1325610406' post='1485160']
    Better off with a Hofner Violin bass if you want an old short scale bass that you can actually use.

    ...or a Gibson EB3.

    [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1325610509' post='1485167']
    Brilliant image!

    I laughed out loud at that comment when I read it...it is something to be aware of with these basses though...imagine it leaned against the amp during the break in rehearsals, bass slips and the headstock collapses.
    There are many of these out there with headstock repairs.

    Caveat Emptor.

  4. I met Billy twice - once at a bass clinic and once at a Mr.Big aftershow party (namedropper eh :rolleyes: ).

    Both times he was the consumate gentleman and was eager to talk about all things bass. Great sense of humour and he had time for people.

    A lovely man...and scary bass player...!

  5. Trying out the cab at the Barefaced facility won't let you hear what it can do in a band situation.

    Why not take up Alex's offer of a thirty day trial on whichever cab he recommends for your needs, then you can try it out proper loud at rehearsals and gigs...?

    I feel that this is a fantastic offer and shows how confident he is of his cabs abilities - I'm saving for a Barefaced Super 12 myself (2X12) - it only weighs 40lbs...!

  6. The reason the Epiphone EB3 is neck-heavy is because it's long scale (34") whereas the Gibson and Epiphone EB0 are short scale (30.5"). Also, the Epiphone EB3 has a MASSIVE headstock which certainly doesn't help.

    Gibson produced the original EB3 as a short scale bass (1961) and then introduced the EB3L with a full 34" scale in 1970.

    I reckon a good compromise could be had by buying a current (or secondhand) Epiphone EB0 and adding a bridge pickup, creating a short scale EB3 type thing for cheap. I've seen Epi EB0s sell for under £100 so a £200 budget should see you done I reckon.

    This thread may give you some more ideas: http://bassoutpost.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=e66b06f6c8b3aa79d639cfea741f02ba&topic=3000.0

  7. [quote name='Davout' timestamp='1325489597' post='1483530']
    I have the Butterscotch Blonde CV '50s P Bass, & it has a Pine body, as has the matching '50s Telecaster guitar. Still plays rather nicely, though.


    Pine is actually one of the most resonant woods for musical instruments - it can be a little soft though and dent easily. Don't knock Pine, physically or verbally ;)

  8. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1325453342' post='1483355']
    Have you tried a byoc as above?

    I don't use delay on bass but I have experience of other BYOC pedals including the 'Phase 90' clone which I bought and put together in an afternoon - it is excellent. So good in fact that I sold my MXR Phase 90 :)

    There's more info and sounds from the BYOC analogue delay here: [url="http://www.buildyourownclone.com/analogdelay.html"]http://www.buildyourownclone.com/analogdelay.html[/url]

  9. [quote name='bassman2790' timestamp='1325070568' post='1479492']
    Why should it be a back-up? I gigged with a GSR190J (from the jumpstart package) for 12 months. I even got a compliment on my sound at a wedding from a Ric 4003 owner

    I know that my fellow band mates would look at me as though I'd lost all grip on reality if I left either of the Fenders on a stand while I played the BB414, but the Yamaha is of equal build quality to either of the Fenders and the BB tones aren't a million miles away from the Precision.

    Maybe I should qualify that more by adding that I often use the GSR200 as my main bass - it's hard to put down...

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