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Posts posted by Bassmonkey

  1. This weekend, Friday The New Inn Farsley (Leeds) - first time there but is a lively pub, gets full of fairly young drinkers, opens late and can be a bit rough apparently but should be OK. We will play 9-11.20 with no break. Sat night, The Bankhouse in Pudsey. Nice pub, played there loads but it as neighbour noise complaint issues so will be finished by 11 (starting at 8.30) They are both gonna be busy - both us and the venues have advertised. Pete - how did The Old Crown go? one of my pals knew one of your band so went down, said it was a good night. Andy

  2. Liberty Island trip is good. Take comfy shoes, you will walk miles. Katz' Deli on the lower east side is ace too. Def worth checking out. Empire State of course. Staten Island Ferry is free and lets you rub shoulders with real NYers. Madison Sq Gdn do a tour which is great value. Worth a look. If you get The Village Voice on line, there are always events on that you might fancy. Its a great place. Plus Grand Central Stn food court and of course Times Sq and Central Park. Enjoy

  3. I usually take 2 basses to my gigs. On Friday, was being lazy, had my Stingray handy having just the day before fitted my first set of flats ever. Started the gig. My amp was being a pain, volume was way too low. I could not get used to the flats. They don't seem to resonate in the same way as rounds do. I got all conflicted as to where the issue was, played more aggressively to hear my self. All I could think was how I could get another guitar delivered (SOS call to my wife perhaps?) Sore fingers, head all over the place. Ended up taking the rack out, going back on a cable from wireless which improved matters a bit. Afterwards wondered if the bloody battery was flat in the Stingray. Crap night. You live and learn eh kids?

  4. We typically play in pubs. There is a definite trend of places who haven't typically had live music trying to get a band night going. A lot of pubs in Yorkshire seem to be struggling and the high streets are full of old pubs that have shut down some turned in to other things, some demolished and some just empty. Can't really blame the owners for trying to stimulate business. Apart from if they want us to play upstairs, the issues we see most is pubs lack of advertising the event and their expectation that hoards of music fans are gonna stream in to see the band. I always set their expectation in advance now. Also ask that they clear an area before we arrive and tell them how long and when we will play to avoid misunderstanding on the night. Works OK but have had enquiries from pubs who expect us to play for nothing or very cheaply (usually with a promise of loads of exposure in return) and those that offer us a beer option with a small fee. Again - not much use to us as we are all driving. Cant complain though, the good ones keep coming and often a new venue turns out great so becomes a regular one. Another irritating factor is the number of pubs with volume and neighbour problems. Have had bad experiences with sound limiters and over sensitive landlords. Honestly, if you book a rock band, they are gonna make a noise. If you can't have noise, don't book a rock band. easy. The worst landlord though is the one who fancies themselves as a sound engineer telling us how the mix should be. PLEEEEEAAAASE.

  5. I realise that the thread has shifted around a bit so in response to the original question, my view is older is better. I'm 53 tomorrow so a tiny bit younger but have to say these are the best playing times I've ever had. There's no angst around getting signed, no worry about trendiness and whether people will like us, no being made to jump thru hoops by record companies and not getting paid. Instead, have got better gear, better attitudes, it's relaxed and easy (we all carry and set up our own gear). We are honestly getting the best responses ever and I bloomin love it. Keeps me fit too - the only exercise I get tbh. I guess the down side is that I am bloody knackered after a gig and seize up like an old codger afterwards. Happy days and long may it continue. Will be rocking in a man nappy!

  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1420238049' post='2647151']

    How about Vintage Faded Cherry? :)

    Very pretty Blue. I have the black version of your Goldtop. They are lovely. Will post a couple of pics tomorrow but my fave is the 76 Triumph in cream. Gigged with it tonight with a new El Dorado strap just delivered from the U.S. My dream combination. Andy

  7. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1418587922' post='2631511']
    valan atlas


    What he said. Mine is solid as a rock. Much, much better than the usual cheaper stuff

  8. Saw The Who last night at the Leeds Arena. They were amazing. Great band, great stage show with montage footage running behind them throughout. Pino was on bass and bossed it then they did a really clever bit where there was a bass solo and the footage cut to Entwistle playing. The show went quiet with The Ox blasting it out. Really clever and made the night. That having been said, the block we were sat in was like a blooming library. Was the most soul less audience I've ever been a part of. Still an ace night though.

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