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Posts posted by Bassmonkey

  1. My latest Gibson. 1976 Gibson Les Paul Triumph in the rare white finish (yellow almost now)

    Bought it to play and it plays amazingly. Perhaps would benefit from a refret but that's for another day.


  2. Give the bands end times rather than start times. So you will offer them say 40 mins ending at 6.00. That will focus them on getting on asap rather than fannying about setting up then still expecting 40 mins (or however long they've been offered) The 5 mins notice before the end advice is good too. NEVER let em do one last song past their time, that impacts on whoever is following them. Good luck

  3. Thanks guys. Once the tech gets back to me, I will have a better idea. Still hoping it's something easily fixable (based on possibly foolish optimism and the fact that the valve cover had detached) I will go directly to Orange if it's a more complicated fix though.

  4. Thanks Subthumper. Yeah - kinda expecting that's exactly what will happen. My fingers are crossed but not confident. As long as Orange aren't too extortionate I will end up having the repair. Just waiting with bated breath now.....Will update once I hear. Andy

  5. Have had my Bass Terror 500 since 2010. Been used at least weekly since then. 2 gigs ago, I discovered a rattling as I carried it in to the venue. Turned out to be one of the valve heat shields had come off. I took the top off and put it back.
    That gig - it cut out mid song. No power light. Thankfully came back on shorty after so got through the gig. Same happened on Friday. Then Saturday too - this time in the first song of the set. Luckily had a spare amp so used that. Went to PMT - now out of warranty (worth a try) then to local amp repairer. He suspects is one of 2 modules which seemingly Orange won't supply.
    BUGGER. Waiting to hear but options seem like either back to Orange for repair (presumably not cheap), hope the guys finds its not as bad as he thinks, buy another. At least if I buy another, it's gonna have had the DI output running hot issue fixed but I would rather not spend £500+ right now....

  6. I have been seeking one of these for literally years. Always wanted the cream version. Found this on ebay. Dealt with the owner and schlepped down to Denmark St today to try and buy.
    It is 100% lovely. 1976 Gibson Les Paul Triumph. It's in great condition. Lots of different tonal variants but plays like a dream. Deserves to be in a museum but I'm gigging it tomorrow night and I simply can't wait.
    Maybe this will cure my GAS? hope so.......hope you approve.

  7. Not entirely the same but we once played at a pub. Set up and started, people were coming and going but it then started to literally empty and the periods between being busy and quiet got longer, Ended up jus 2 people left. The guy gets up to leave and I jokingly told him he couldn't leave, he replied was just going to the loo. 2 mins later, his missis grabs their coats and runs out ha ha ha......no one left. I asked the barman what he wanted to do and he said just finish if we wanted. Still got the whole fee and was tucked up in bed by 11. Reeeeeesult Those crazy Pontefractians (or whatever they're collectively known as)

  8. The last ever charity gig we did was at a football tournament in York (30 miles away) on a red hot sunday. Loads of people there. ALL watching footie. We played 30 mins to absolutely no one. After 30 mins, I lost the plot, packed up and buggered off back to join all our pals who were merrily enjoying the sun. Never, ever again. The few times I have agreed to do these gigs, they have alway been a shambles. I maintain, if they're not paying you, people don't give hoot about how you get treated.

  9. Met a pal last night who tells me he had just seen Stuart Hamm deliver a 2.5 hour bass masterclass in front of about 20 people at a studio literally around the corner from where I live!!!! Had loads of pics, met and spoke to Stu for 15 mins. Sounded an amazing night. YEAH THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP!!! I think I uttered the word BUGGER!

  10. My first 5 stringer. Not brave enough to gig with it yet mind you. I love noodling along at home but get a bit of finger dyslexia when trying to play some of our songs. 30 years of playing just 4 strings will do that to ya.....still, very nice though. Would be tempted by the white one but not at the new prices.

  11. I recently picked up a mahogany version one of these up at a bargain price. I have to say i really love playing this bass, masses of available tones, comfy, low action. Now just seen this white beauty. I SOOOO want one but they're not cheap. Very sexy


  12. 3rd time I have had the pleasure of dealing with Will. Always easy and no hassle. A proper gent. Deal with confidence PLUS owns the worlds sexiest Ricky! Thx Andy

  13. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1401706657' post='2465955']
    Blimey, I followed that thread and it has put me off.
    I wouldn't be put off. As they're not far from me, I went in to see them. They took measurements of my amp (wedge monitor so not square) and made the cover to fit perfectly. The guy Lee I think, is really nice and helpful. Nothing but a good impression as far as I am concerned.

  14. Kind of agree. Especially when I get in after the gig. I can never sleep. End up watching TV for hours then am like an old codger when I stand up. Always completely done in on the following day. Don't do much knitting though! ha ha ha

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