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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. I'm a very resourceful woman, I'll have you know
  2. Should I bring the lacy underwear to throw at you and/or the cameraman?
  3. I've put all the Half Moon dates - yours and Silddx's - in the diary and will make sure I attend at least one! Thank you. Off to like your band on FB.
  4. By the way, Happy Jack and MacDaddy's band, The Junkyard Dogs, play at the George in Chiswick tonight, and I'll be there too.
  5. But we won't be allowed to have long hair or wear leathers...
  6. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1334302431' post='1613952'] Good work, hope to be there. Will there be slapping? [/quote] No. as Ped said, we must not get ourselves arrested, which means Seashell and I - and any other girl attending - will NOT be wearing leather miniskirts, skimpy tops, stilettos or fishnets. And the long-haired, leather-clad guys among you will have to make sure you're not carrying any drugs
  7. We'll miss you, ped! Hopefully we'll organise another one soon and you'll be able to come along. I also missed you at the LBGS because you were there on the Sunday. Third time lucky, I hope
  8. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1334241764' post='1613105'] These folks should be able to help ! [url="http://www.britishlard.co.uk/"]http://www.britishlard.co.uk/[/url] [/quote] Bleurgh... And in any case, it would make me larger but not taller (I'm a decidedly non-statuesque 5'2"...)
  9. Well, I'm into jazz-funk-fusion (as well as a lot of other genres!), I've seen and liked Dave O'Higgins before, and would absolutely love to check out your band. I've pencilled this in, subject to a couple of things I might have to do or be at on the day. I really hope to be able to see you there. Thanks for the heads up. Everybody, please keep plugs coming!
  10. HAHA Jack! I may take up your offer! I could pinch it on the back with hair clips (as they do on shop windows dummies), take a picture of myself from the front and then return it
  11. Yes, let's hope that the weather is fine and that this may be the start of a well-attended series of meetups. It's good to know each other in person, and not just because we might sell or buy something from each other in the future. We are a great community with the love of music at its heart.
  12. Sigh. No size 6 and even the smallest size is too big for me to take in properly... Any other merch I could - er - wear? (Possibly over something else which happens to be my size.)
  13. I'll be there with my trusty compact Canon, and I'm looking forward to meeting you, Dave!
  14. As promised, I'm copying the info in a new thread for clarity. [b]BC London Meetup[/b] [b]Saturday 26 May, from 12 pm[/b] [b]Queen Elizabeth Hall Roof Garden, grassy area to the left of the entrance.[/b] I hope to see as many of you as possible! If the meetup is successful, I would be happy to organise something similar regularly in the future, for instance once a month, so that those who have to miss this one will be able to attend the next.
  15. This thread is an excellent idea! I'm still tempted to go see Judas Priest at the Hammersmith Apollo on May 26th (yes, the day of the London BC Meetup!). I haven't bought a ticket because it's around £40, and I'd be going alone, and I've seen the band several times, the last relatively recently when they still had KK on guitar. BUT - if any other metalheads here are equally tempted, I could be swayed...
  16. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1334227020' post='1612747'] This one Bluejay [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172018-the-jetsonics-4th-may-a-triple-bill-of-trios/page__pid__1594775#entry1594775"]http://basschat.co.u...75#entry1594775[/url] [/quote] Ooo thanks! Will keep that in mind if I'm free, and in that case I may see if other west Londoners would like to join me.
  17. Very happy to go to gigs when you guys are playing, especially in West London. Please do list them in a dedicated thread, that's an excellent idea Half Moon Putney is handy for me, what's the name of the band? (Once again, 04/05 is the day before my birthday etc. but I may be around).
  18. My intention would be to make the London BC meetup a regular occurrence, if this one is successful, so hopefully you - and anyone else who can't make it this time - will be able to come along to the next one.
  19. Fantastic! Looks like quite a few from the forum should manage to come along!
  20. @ Dave! We have lot of foxes in W4 too. One regular visitor to the rubbish bins was named Osama Bin Liner by the locals. @ Truckstop, we'll decide exactly where to meet up and I'll be carrying a BC sign - won't give a damn if I look funny, we'll need it! @ Seashell - YAY!!
  21. Only, Marcus will have been there three weeks earler... By the way, in case anyone thought I've lived in London for 20 years and never been around Tower Bridge - I've never been in the More London complex, but I do know and love the area around it.
  22. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1334171513' post='1612082'] Can anybody make May 4th?? [url="http://ticketing.southbankcentre.co.uk/find/music/gigs-contemporary/tickets/marcus-miller-62456"]http://ticketing.sou...us-miller-62456[/url] [/quote] I'd be soo tempted... but for the price and the fact that the following day is my birthday and I may decide to go away for the weekend.
  23. LOL @ Mark and Billy! OK then, here goes [b]Saturday 26 May, from 12 pm IF the weather is dodgy, More London Riverside IF the weather is fine for a picnic, Regent's Park (we'll decide exactly where in the park, in due course).[/b] The above implies us checking the weather forecast and reporting back on to this forum a couple of days before. If it sounds acceptable, I'll start a new, dedicated thread.
  24. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1334169892' post='1612034'] I'll tell you where is really nice for a picnic.. Greenwich. The park is lovely, and if the sun is on our side, we could go up by the Observatory and have a view over the whole of the smoke. If the weather is not on our side there are pubs, a great little noodle house, or even a venture to the also lovely Blackheath village [/quote] Yes, I've been there and it's indeed lovely but... same objection as that re. Hammersmith - unfair to those Londoners who come from the west or north-west (in this case). It takes me more than an hour at the best of times to get there from where I live, and usually even longer to get back home (dunno why!).
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