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Posts posted by thebigyin

  1. I am naturally left handed but play Bass and Guitar both right handed....left handed instruments were not common place years ago....I often wonder if I would be a better musician if I had learnt left handed and often wonder if playing right handed as ever hampered my natural ability....just a thought.


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  2. 23 hours ago, oldbass said:

    I've started playing drums, or should I say trying to re-learn what I did at school 40 odd  yrs ago!  anyway after three weeks of the most fun I've had in years, having to pick up the bass for some upcoming gigs feels like a real bind, it seems kinda dull and boring to be honest  Just wondering if anyone else has ever found themselves in a similiar position with another instrument only to find it hard to go back to bass?

    Must admit these last few years my love for the Bass as took a real nose dive....last 3 bands I have been in I have been the lead Vocalist, I also dabble with Acoustic and Electric Guitar....still tinkle on Bass occasionally but not obsessed like I was years ago.

  3. 1 minute ago, Geek99 said:

    becoming quite collectable - look on ebay for used values. 

    I played a jazz ("spacy-sound") once and it was very nice, although the pickups were a bit weak, they are simple to get re-wound. 

    Thanks will do

  4. Morning Folks just enquiring and wondering what peoples thoughts are on Greco Basses....any good? Woods used and general build quality ect, pick ups, electrics, machine heads....got my eye on one but just needed a heads up if anyone has owned and played them before I make a move....any information appreciated, thanks in advance.

  5. Currently not in a band....over the years played 50/60s Rock n Roll, Pop, Rock Bands and the last gigging band was a 5 piece Acoustic Folky/Blues band.....enjoyed them all....had offers over the last couple of years to join your typical Pub Rock bands but they send me the over played usual cover set that every other bands hammered to death and it just doesn't interest me no more.....if I ever got the chance I would love to play in a decent Blues Trio or a good 60s Rhythm n Blues/Soul type band.....maybe its my midlife crisis or just musical snobbery lol.

  6. 12 hours ago, devinebass said:

    Hey guys - great to see that you're checking out what we're doing over at SBL!

    Thought I'd chime in to add some clarity that may be useful in some way, shape or form. 

    What I publish on YouTube is a completely different kettle of fish compared to the ScottsBassLessons Membership.

    My YouTube lessons are kinda bite size chunks of standalone info, usually on a particular subject. The latest one's (as in, for the last 18 months or so), are very "unpolished", show a lot of behind the scenes stuff, and 99% of them are all me. 

    ScottsBassLessons on the other hand is an online school. 

    • We have a library of over 40 courses (each course is focused on a particular subject, and some are up to 10 hours long)
    • We stream live classes for our members each and every Monday from some of the best bass educators on the planet (these are also interactive so our students can ask questions, live)
    • I host a monthly "student focus" class - so members can submit videos directly to me, and get a video response from me in return
    • And a bunch of other cool stuff... but I'm guessing you get the idea.

    Again, just to make it super clear, ScottsBassLessons isn't just me - our faculty consists of bass players such as, Gary Willis, Cody Wright, Rufus Philpot, Steve Jenkins, Rich Bown, Danny Mo Morris (Berklee College of Music), Ed Friedland, Ariene Capp, Evan Marien and many more...  

    As I'm guessing you'll see, it's a big operation and is nothing like what I do on YouTube. 

    I should also mention that all of our courses inside SBL are highly produced, unlike my YouTube videos. 

    If you do wanna check it out, we have a free trial for that exact reason - so you can take it for a test drive and see if it's for you. 

    Any other questions - just gimme a shout!



    PS. I'll try and keep the meaningless drivel down to a minimum for ya @thebigyin;)

    Eh Scott apologies for that wasn't meant as a knock at you personally....been very tempted to join the academy to try re-kindle my love for Bass but don't know if I could justify it to be honest? Been playing a long time on and off but bouts of depression I have lost all confidence in my ability to play again...I pick my Bass up with all good intention but usually put it down within 20 minutes.....don't understand theory well....find it difficult to focus and apply myself....so please accept my apologies for a poor remark and post....it amounts to nothing more than petty jealousy on my behalf, I could never be that good as long as I have got a whole in my derrière....and feel really bad now....on a positive note I enjoy most of your videos....depression as messed me up badly and I'm in a rut musically. Wish I could remove the comment....cheers Bob.

  7. 44 minutes ago, TheGreek said:

    I love the SBL lessons but I'm not overwhelmed by some of the interviews.

    One of the reasons that I'm not a member is that I reckon that I'd only find some of the lessons useful and that I'd pick and choose what I'd use. I'm happy to get the free stuff for the moment.

    Aye sounds about right


  8. Just wondering if anyone is a member and is it worth joining....I have watched a few video lessons and bits on youtube some I have enjoyed and some I thought just meaningless drivel almost like he is scraping the barrel to just put a video out.....I don't know if I am just tempted to join to almost re-kindle my love for the Bass...not played band wise for years now and almost gave up I just don't have much enthusiasm at present....anyone feel the same? or is it just me having a mid-life crisis at 56...any suggestions to help me get back on track....I live in Grimsby and the once thriving music scene as died on its backside.

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