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Bass Culture

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Posts posted by Bass Culture

  1. [quote name='Bass Culture' post='224078' date='Jun 22 2008, 12:10 PM']I have someone interested in this at the moment but will re-post if this turns the shape of the pear.



    P.S. Please disregard any references to the Yamaha bass - this was for sale back in February on the same thread but was sold. Sorry if this seems like a feeble and cheeky bump but I've just realised how confusing this might be after I've edited the title etc. from the original thread. Er, sorry.


  2. Thanks for the link to the earlier posting - and apologies for the duplication. I hadn't seen the first thread. It seems from what's been posted that Mike started with non-Neo prototypes or custom orders. I'd love to hear how the recent Neo-loaded cabs compare sound-wise with the earlier non-Neo versions. Don't know if anyone's been in a position to A/B them?

    I'm presently using two Aguilar GS112s with my Markbass SA450 and I'm really happy (in a vaguely frustrating, ongoing 'lack of gas' kind of way) with the sound, but I'm thinking of swapping for the Zoot cabs simply in the spirit of supporting the venture. Can anyone give me an idea of how they might compare sound-wise with the Aggie's?



  3. I was down visiting family in Colchester and popped over to The Bass Merchant last week. As anyone will know who's been there, Mike's workshop, where he makes his Zoot basses, is on the ground floor, at the bottom of the stairs up to the shop. Mike was beavering away in the workshop and recognised so I popped to to say hello and was promptly confronted with not only the usual multitude of basses in various states of manufacture but a whole bank of Mike's new bass cab ranges too! He had a few cabs loaded up and about another two dozen that were waiting for their drivers, waiting to go to the London trade fair in June to be launched.

    I have to say the whole range look mighty impressive. They are all loaded with new Celestion neodynium drivers and are light as hell. The usual carpet finish but, hey - if it ain't broke, what's to fix? The range includes pretty much everything as far as I could make out - from 2x15's (an easy single person lift!) down to single 12's and (I think) 10's. I have to say I'm pretty excited about a new range of all British cabinets from a manufacturer like Zoot. I think he's still finalizing pricing so I hope they're pitched at a slightly less pocket-emptying point than the Trace cabs but, either way, hat's off to Mike for being brave enough in the present climate to launch an entirely new product range. I'm just gagging to actually try one now as there wasn't an amp handy for me to plug in. From what Mike was saying about the research he's done on them though I'd be very surprised if they sounded anything other than the absolute dog's.


  4. [quote name='alanbass1' post='192007' date='May 5 2008, 07:42 AM']Yep, you live and learn. To be honest I have got some great deals from e-bay in the past without thinking about the seller. Also, that's life and I really thought that a bass of that quality would attract higher bids - there were 64 watchers! A number of people e-mailed me after the auction and one person wanted me not to go through offering 750 if I pulled out and sold direct to them! Can't understand why they didn't just bid and I'm not one for breaking trust.

    Anyhow, it's done and move on. I doubt if I will play the 'free market' game again on e-bay and put a decent reserve on next time. Thinking of moving my Alembc Mark King bass and I won't make the same mistake with that one![/quote]

    I bid on this with 10 secs to go. I was kicking myself for not having gone a lot higher - as others sound as though they did too - but I would have had to do some serious talking to the bank if I'd won at much more! I'm sorry I didn't thave the testicles to take the plunge as I've never played a Zoot I didn't like. Mind you, as it was the wife's birthday this weekend I don't think my credit card would have taken too kindly to it either.

  5. [quote name='steve-soar' post='187477' date='Apr 28 2008, 07:12 PM']Hi Mark, Wow! Thank you so much. It was a pleasure.
    BTW, what turntable do you have? :)
    Cheers Steve.[/quote]

    Rega P5, Steve, with off board power supply. It'll keep me going quite happily until I win the lottery!

  6. Just wanted to give a big thumb's up to Steve after he recently completed some maintenance and upgrade work on my Les Evans custom fretless. The jobs included changing the bridge, reshielding the control cavity and checking the wiring on my preamp, and setting the bass up afterwards. The quality of his work is excellent and the bass is sounding as good as it ever has. Not only was he very reasonably priced but he even arranged delivery of the bass back to me when he was finished - courtesy of his lovely wife, Alison. I would have no hesitation in going back to Steve for any jobs in relation to any of my basses and can thoroughly recommend him. Thanks, Steve - and Alison!


  7. I'll throw another into the mix - the bass player from Stump, can't remember his name. Used to use a Wal if I remember correctly. Responsible for classics such as 'Charlton Heston Keeps His Vest On' and 'Hoist the Levant'. The latter has an especially mad bass line. Absolutely brilliant!

  8. Seeing Radiohead live in Warrington on the 'Big Top' tour (they were touring Kid A if memory serves) rates as one of my more disappointing live experiences. I spent about hour standing there listening to what to me was aimless keyboard-heavy noodling when I was suddenly completely blown away by one particular song. Turned out to be a cover of Can's 'The Thief'. Make of that what you will...

  9. If I had the readies I'd have the LE back off you, Peter. It's a terrific bass (I know I would say that because it was made for me but...) and someone will be very happy with it. The combination of the EQ and pickups make for a very versatile instrument and the thin neck makes it very playable - especially if you've got smallers hands like myself. Hope it finds a good home. If only it was mine...

  10. Hi All,

    Just changed the hardware on my Les Evans custom from chrome to gold and now have a set of the best tuning keys in the world for sale. They look like this:


    2 bass side and 2 treble side. Looking for £35 the set to include delivery. I use the post from work and am not back in until next Thursday because of the Easter break, so wouldn't be able to get them out until then. That aside - come on, upgrade your favourite toy to 'Aston Martin' spec. I can pretty much guarantee that these will actually also make you more attractive to the opposite sex too...

    Pip pip!


  11. Thanks for all your replies. I think what it all boils down to is this: it's a lottery! The cost of the items and delivery is (about) £66.00. If I get hit with only some or none of the possible charges I could potentially make a substantial saving. If I get hit with all of them it's likely the saving will amount to pence, with the added difficulty of returning them if there's a problem. Additional problem is - it seems to me from what's been said here - you can't predict exactly how much and how many of these potential charges are going to be levied. Seems like it's a case of 'You pays your money, you take your chance'. Hhhmmm.

    Thanks all,


  12. [quote name='dlloyd' post='156065' date='Mar 12 2008, 03:22 PM']I've had about six small packages of the size we're talking about here come from the States in the last year. I've not been charged VAT etc. for any of them.[/quote]

    Has the carrier hit you with this 'custom clearance fee' though?

  13. Okay, folks, thanks for all this. So, I think what I understand is that, if the items I'm after come to about £66.00 (they do - including delivery), they should then attract a 3.9% import duty and 17.5% VAT. But, so I understand from the thread that Hamster posted the link to, I might also be hit with a charge of between £13.00 - £20.00 (depending upon carrier) 'custom clearance fee'. It's this last fee that would mean the items are no cheaper to import than buy here but, if I understand correctly, your experiences are that any or all of these fees may not be charged? But that it's completely arbitrary whether they are or not? Is that about right?



  14. Dear All,

    Apologies in advance if this has been raised and answered elsewhere but if I'm looking to source some small items - specifically a set of 4 new tuning keys - from the States, would I still have to pay the customs clearance charge? I can get my head around the import duty and VAT but if there's an additional £13.00 - £20.00 to pay as well that begins to make a really good price look like a very average one instead. Anyone any experience of a similar purchase?



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