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Posts posted by Mickeyboro

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='533154' date='Jul 5 2009, 05:16 PM']Just a poorly mimed and truncated bit of All Right now from TOTP I think. They all looked bored and as if they'd been told off by their mums.[/quote]

    God, that's just the image I've been trying to cultivate for years. Thanks for the tip! :)

  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='533036' date='Jul 5 2009, 02:25 PM']And with so much choice these days why do so many people pay over the odds for vintage Fenders?[/quote]

    I might have agreed until I played a rare gig last night with my 1971 Pre (in avatar).

    The guitarist was creaming himself over the tone compared with my other mainstay which is a lot newer. Yet he didn't know the difference (both sunburst precisions). Weird. :)

  3. I have recently been in a situation where my services were not required. The bandleader split the band, then re-engaged everyone but me - and I would much have preferred him to be straight up about it.

    Mind you, when you join a band whose two keyboard players both own more expensive basses/rigs than you, maybe you should expect these things! :)

  4. I've just gone through this myself.

    I'm depping for a bloke who sings all the high songs (Police, etc) and went round singing along in the car to CDs. When doing it on stage I had no idea how much less you push your voice when amplified. Singing over a CD is like swimming with weights on your arms. It really disillusioned me.

    So practice with the CD by all means, but when you rehearse with the electric band you will find your amplified vocal will be much better than you think and your voice will crack less often.

    Good luck

  5. I once went to a rehearsal studio used by the guitarist Brinsley Schwarz, then of (Graham Parker &) the Rumour.

    He'd had a number of picks printed up with his name but they got it wrong and spelled it Schwartz.

    He threw them all over the floor in disgust. Me and my mates used em for years! :)

  6. Did my first ever lead vocals on Saturday - hadn't thought I was ready but got pushed into it! :rolleyes:

    Quite a feeling. Must have enjoyed it cos I did two numbers before the keyboard player reclaimed his microphone! As for the audience...well they didn't leave. But it was a wedding! :)

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