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Posts posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. [quote name='jonthebass' timestamp='1330771080' post='1562688']
    Er, Nice bass but a slight hijack here - I have an [i]almost[/i] identical Bravewood available FS at just over a third of the price of that!

    Now then..THATS a nice bass, none of that 'relicing' malarky that totally shagged the Dusty Hill one

  2. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1330685553' post='1561457']
    Our manager approached me back stage at a gig and asked me if I had any hair on my chest. Very apprehensively I said Not much;why? He replied Well, I bought some of this liquid PVC yesterday I walked away from him and didnt speak to him until the following morning.

    WTF??? Am I missing something here?

  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1330288547' post='1555331']
    If - indeed - there [i]is[/i] anything else going down onstage.

    God knows, at worst punters are used to things like the telly where the entertainment is - again at worst - professional.

    So they walk into a boozer and see a clutch of pudgy middle-aged men, one of whom is wearing an inappropriate hat, while another sports a lurid shirt.

    'The Band' kicks off a hideous row and stop 3 minutes later to an embarrassed silence. 'Hello' says the frontman and dabs his forehead nervously.

    Songs you've heard a million times stumble around before collapsing into each other in a welter of panicky glances, weak jokes and muffed intros. After half an hour, the noise subsides and someone says "We'll be back in ten minutes".

    I mean, is that like - a threat - or what?

    'The Band' edges six inches away from the bit of carpet that denotes the performance area and stand around in abashed silence. Someone's brother-in-law laughs. No-one knows why.

    The second set is no different from the first except that a number of 'regulars' have sidled quietly into the other bar where they are pulling exaggerated faces and sticking their fingers in their ears.

    As the final climactic chord dies away, a cymbal stand falls over. The scowling drummer rushes outside, where he can be heard slagging off the guitarist in a loud voice.

    "Dear God, we should be paying the audience" says the bass player. He is right.

    EGAD Skank! You went to our last gig?

  4. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1329413114' post='1542163']
    then why are guitar shops still full of people w***ing on egg slicers ?

    Aarggh awesome! gotta go on the awesome quotes thread that!!

  5. Boss ME20B, had it for about 6 years now, usually set for compression only, with occasional use of octave, chorus, a wee bit of flanger, and some wacky delay for annoying the bandmates. Never felt the need for anything else.

  6. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1329396084' post='1541751']
    For me there's a moment in Firth of Fifth (by Genesis for the uninitiated :) ) where the song moves into a sweeping keyboard (I know, I know) passage that for me really creates the whole atmosphere of the song.

    Same song, but the bit at the end of the KB solo when Hacket swoops in with his sublime guitar work


    from about 4.50 to around 7.00 the whole song just swells and builds, leaves me quite limp by the time the lyrics come back in :)

    ....and don't even get me started on Los Endos, also from Seconds Out.

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