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Everything posted by taunton-hobbit

  1. Twin 18 200watts + Vitavox horns, one box on each side - massive !
  2. Knew it was on here somewhere ! 😎
  3. I've run 18s (pic somewhere) they are awesome............ 😎
  4. Oh well, that saved me some dosh ................... 😎
  5. I'd consider swopping my 2 Dubster ones out for a pair of twos if I could find some, they'd take up less space in my lounge .............. 😎
  6. I had one of those decks - gave it away (sob) 😎
  7. On reflection they look like 3cell Vitavox - wish I'd never got rid of my pair, either ! 😎
  8. Don't think I've done this ........... ?
  9. Umm I've got 300 watts of Matamp bass in my living room ............... and moving swiftly on, I've had quite a few amps over the years - two of the early Vortexion 100watt monobloc transistor amps both failed on their first outing - repaired foc and still in occasional use 30+ years later (left behind on divorce) - a massive Soundcraft install amp went down with a dry joint (my fault, using it mobile) Soundcraft repaired it for a lot of money (I gather it was a Swedish model which UK Soundcraft had never seen) & I've had one 200 Ormat melt through dead shorts on the output jacks (not my doing) & another one died trying to power up a pair of Celestion SR1 speakers (Vortexion amps to the rescue). Considering the years I worked, the way the stuff was transported & stored (badly), I've never really had cause to complain about amp failure - I think you've been a bit unlucky............ 😎
  10. Me late tonight - I & I soon come ...
  11. I've got a phone shop opposite - he says if you can get a good 4 for 110, buy it - he can do a 5 for 250 ............
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