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the boy

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Posts posted by the boy

  1. I hate all these reproductions of old classics. I particularly hate when the do a teibute night to the Beatles or led zeppelin. The enthusiasm makes me wanna hurl. I was really hoping Jamie Callum would fall to his death from that balloon basket. It wasn't very good but I'm guessing it's hard not to take part in something like this when you are asked. In fact I'm guessing it must be a real honour.

  2. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1411070810' post='2556291']
    well who could compete with this!!!!!!!

    Did I miss something?

  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1410786908' post='2553087']
    Good question! And one that always ends up being answered by: [i]"Spend as much as you can afford"[/i] :)

    I did some window shopping around this subject recently. I didn't want to re-mortgage the house (I'm just a hobbyist, after all) and so set myself a budget of around £300-£400 maximum.

    I ended up with a pair of Mackie 'MR' Mk2 series, which I found on sale (they come in 5" or 8" size - the latter obviously recommended for larger rooms). Review here:


    They get consistently positive reviews and can currently be found on the cheap as the newer - but not substantially better - Mackie Mark 3 (Mk3) series are now available.

    To be honest, it's all 'much of a muchness' unless you're spending upwards of £1000 on a pair of properly sealed (i.e. non-ported) monitors. Everyone will have their own preference - which 99% of the time is going to based on what they themselves have at home (the old 'brand loyalty' effect, which I'm guilty of myself!). But you can't go wrong with any of the examples listed in this thread, which all offer a good bang for your buck$.
    Thank you. Now I'm confused. I wouldn't mind something secondhand, so I was thinking £300ish should get me an awesome set in the secondhand market. However there seems to be a lot of quality sets new in the £200-£300 range. Mmmmmmmmmm...,

  4. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1410713723' post='2552233']
    depends on your budget but [size=4]Equator[/size] [size=3]D5's[/size]
    are amazing value and easily compare to stuff more than double the price.
    theres a review here,
    These seem really good and round about my price range.

  5. Ok.... Thank you all. There are some excellent suggestions there. Ive read a few of them already. I started t pratchett 'the colour of magic' today. I'm about 1/4 way through and although it is very funny it's not my thing...... I am enjoying though and intend to finish it. The funniest and possibly saddest book I ever read was "the butcher boy" by Patrick mc cabe. So that's my ilk if you will. Anyway keep em coming.

  6. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1410429613' post='2549295']

    Some of those coals have cooled... others haven't... I'm hopefull some day I will be able to tell you all about it without the threads getting locked.
    Absolutely mate.... There's always two sides to every story and I'm sure your side is every bit as valid and worthy as the other. That said I did read some info from Letts explaining the situation and I reckon giving the guy some space and time is more than fair given the circumstances. I applaud your patience though.

  7. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1410384162' post='2548961']

    Not about Ghouls etc. About a disfunctional wizzard for the first two books. A very humorous take on life in general. Got to be worth a try. First two are fairly short books.
    Ok... The colour of magic it is then. Bought downloaded and soon to be consumed. Thank you.

  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1410134713' post='2546524']

    The fellow has had a ton of personal problems beset him in the recent past, from which he is now, apparently, slowly recovering. Quite a few orders were affected by this. Those coals are rather cooled, now; no need to re-heat them.[/size]
    Bravo Dad, well said.

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