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Posts posted by bertbass

  1. On the gigs we've played when everything is too loud, our drummer used to put foam rubber discs inside his drums.  They were 2" which and cut just larger than the diameter of the drum that they were pushed into.  Worked a treat!  Mind you, all the drums only had single heads so made it very easy.  The snare just had a tea towel over the top head, that worked well as well.


    Now however things are different.  He recently got one of these.


    Absolutely brilliant!!!  Loud enough but not too loud and so easy to transport.  Recommend every drummer to at least give them a try, they'll be impressed!

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  2. Not something I've ever been involved with and wouldn't do it if I was but I would imagine it's the impulse buy thing.  See the band, like the band and buy a ticket for the next show.  Most audiences probably wouldn't go to the bother of going online to try to find tickets after the event.

  3. Not a single problem here I'm guessing.


    Are you wireless or have a long lead?  Take a stroll out front during a sound check and listen for yourself and then decide if your bass is too loud or not.  If it's OK out front, which is where it needs to be nicely balanced and you still can't hear what you're playing, you need to get your cabs nearer to your ears or perhaps tilt the cabinet back  so you can hear it.  


    Does the keys player have a busy left hand?  Your band mates could be hearing that and blaming you.

    Is the guitarist stealing your frequencies?  Too much bass on the guitar can sound an awful lot like bass.

    Do you cut a lot of mids?  This can cause you to not hear what you are playing and to turn up to compensate.

    It's very unlikely that your gear is at fault.

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  4. The only help I can offer is to check the planning regulations.  Where I am, if it's wood you can build anything up to a certain height without planning permission as long as it's far enough away from a road.  Brick built and planning permission needs to be sought and building regs apply etc.

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  5. My first bass!  Single burns pickup though.  The previous owner modified it.  The pickup was deeper than the body so he glued a rounded circle of wood on the back to cover up the hole.  No truss rod and seriously short scale and it cost me £5 in 1965.  I thought it was wonderful until I got another bass and realised that it was infact rubbish!


    Enjoy your find and the refinishing and be shocked as to how much it's worth.

  6. On 4/18/2018 at 14:05, KevB said:

    I currently have one of these from Lidl but they don't sell them all the time.


    It was really bought as a stand in for another type I use but which got knackered trying to manoeuver round a badly parked van. I never got round to replacing the stand in so far it has been fine, might find one on ebay or gumtree?

    I bought one of those, pretty good but everyone refused to use it except me preferring to carry everything so took it out of the van and the grandkids used it for a while to push each other up and down the garden path and then my son nicked it to put his generator on.  A good quality trolly.

    On 4/18/2018 at 14:05, KevB said:



  7. Cut a cardboard box in half, corner to corner, so you end up with 2 pyramids.  Cut a hole for the pole in the top.  Paint black and you're done.  Or, sell them for £199 the pair!

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