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Everything posted by tonyclaret

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. Hi, I have two packs of strings for sale both unused. Elites 35-95's £12 posted - Sold Trace Elliot's 40-100 £12 posted May swap for some decent bass DVD's / Books / tutorials what have you etc. Cheers Tony
  3. [quote name='bassjamm' timestamp='1352795613' post='1867419'] Hi Tony It's all notation pal. [/quote] :-( Ok cheers, perhaps I need the sight reading book too! I need to learn just can't get my head around it.
  4. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1352329405' post='1861926'] Oh, here! http://www.iguitarmag.com/magazine-editions/iguitar-magazine-issue-12/reviews-(1)/elixir-coated-stainless-steel-and-coated-nickel-plated-strings/ there's a video in the mag too. [/quote] Couldn't get link to work? Sounds like just the review I was looking for.
  5. Hi, I have been using the elixirs for a few years now and love the tone and feel. Hearing a lot of good reports on the new stainless steel range, anyone tried them? How do they compare to the nickel? Cheers T
  6. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1350777642' post='1843497'] birthday parties are a different deal to weddings your more likely to be playing for near pub money purely because people don't generally have the budget to spend on a band however for a band of mine the least i'd be expecting is around £70 - £100 each imo this is a fair price as its a private booking but generally it'll be in a pub or somewhere like that. Weddings however are a whole other matter i'd expect to be paid at least £100 each probably closer to £150 depending on the deal (when pricing a wedding its worth having a base price you are all happy to be paid for this and then just working out how much its going to cost you and then you have a price to work from) only you really know how good your band is and how much your worth the prices i've talked about are for my band where everyone is a pro musician i'd have a quiet word with your singer and explain to him that you think that the band is worth more money of course times are tough and people don't have the same amount of cash to throw at weddings and birthdays as they used to however if its not paying extra and its a s**t load more hassle then is it really worth doing? for example if your doing a wedding thats an hours drive away and your only getting £40 each then i'm working out your probably going to spend £10 - £15 each on petrol (depending on who or how many of you are driving) which then puts you down to doing the gig for £25 each in which case if your at the venue for 8 hours that works out at £3.12/ hour edit. apologies i didnt read your post properly for the wedding that would work out at £5.62/hour which is still below minimum wage [/quote] Agree £100-£150 each for weddings.
  7. [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1349073752' post='1821262'] You can, but it doesn't track that well on bass. Tuning strings individually as normal tracks fine though. Only difference between the mini and the normal Polytune is that the mini won't take a battery, It has to be powered by psu. For my two penneth I'd advise you get a Boss TU-2 second hand. They are cheap, gig proof, tune accurately and can be seen easily on stage. That said, the Sonic Research tuner is the best, but not the cheapest. [/quote] Mmm... I tried the Sonic and didn't like it at all, it was fast but visually it wasn't clear.
  8. [quote name='D-L-B' timestamp='1350207938' post='1835691'] I recently swapped my Pitch black for a PT Nano. The TC tracks much quicker and is way neater in that tiny box. The Korg display is a little boldyer but it's a bit frustrating sometimes with bass. [/quote] pitchblack poly? Or standard PB? Faster at tracking is defo a big persuader.
  9. Hi, which is more accurate? The nano in black looks pretty cool and the needle looks quite precise but I also like the big letters on the korg which are highly visible. Any thoughts? hands on experience with either or both?
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1350142818' post='1835122'] I didn't realise anybody had posted rude stuff on their blog, that's a bit unnecessary. But bringing it up as a topic for discussion here seems like a reasonably thing to do, and others expressing their opinions is what happens on a forum. [/quote] Nothing rude, just stated the facts: "4 rehearsals and a gig £50? mmm" Not exactly rude. My sentiments exactly a forum is for discussing and expressing opinions be it right or wrong. I may have to run my next post past the unofficial site regulator for approval one feels. Oops does my tone sound shity? I do apologise. :-)
  11. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1350046612' post='1833964'] I agree WoT, my point was why was the OP getting so worked up about it that he had to start a thread on here and write negative comments on their blog - and then have a load of others jump on and start saying they're s**t? If I'm honest, I didn't think they were that great either on the clip I listened to, but I don't feel the need to decimate them for it. They put an offer - a link to what they sound like, so make your choice whether you're interested or not (I'm talking to everyone here WoT - not you direct). I think it comes from my old arguments on here years ago with the likes of bass ferret - Youtube appears to be the place for downright nasty comments. I always get told on here that the forum is full of love and group hugs. I wonder if posters would be so blatant with their comments if this band's bass player was a BC member, posted a clip and said "what do you think guys?". I bet the responses would be "drummer isn't so tight" or "wasn't keen on the brass section arrangement", rather than "you're s**t". If you want me to be really honest, I really get narked with bedroom players on here with loads of shiny kit that have never even played with a band slagging other band clips off. I'm not the greatest player , and I'm happy to admit it, because I make the choice to not spend hours practicing on my own. I get out there and learn to interact with others, and find ways of playing alongside their strengths and weaknesses in playing their instruments. If they're really bad, I make my choice and move on. I don't spend hours trying to film myself playing something perfectly verbatim for ego gratitude from unknowns on the web. Wow, that was quite honest for me, I'm normally an apologetic fence-sitter. Normal service will resume shortly..... [/quote] I wasn't questioning the bands performance or skills level, I don't give a monkeys if they are sh*te or good. What I did question was the fee, come on eight piece band £400? 14-16 hours work plus petrol for £50. This is blog site to discuss whatever we want to talk about bass related, and that's what I've done. Is that ok Sir?
  12. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1349990892' post='1833379'] 4 rehearsals. Are they that bad? Is it just those songs? In every band's list of things to do should be to record a live gig so a dep has material to practice to if you're doing non standard arrangements. [/quote] Absolutely, or provide a list or even cd of songs covered and point any specific changes at a rehearsal. Yeah 4 is overkill.
  13. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1349989526' post='1833344'] Looks like they're an 8 piece; doing covers I doubt they'd get much more than £50 each up here. I'd doubt they'd be snowed under with venues with a big enough stage/playing area either. [/quote] Well they should be getting more than £400 for an 8pc band even in the North. They'd be really under selling themselves.
  14. Check out this ad I stumbled on. Now I'm all for Depping here and there to help folks out. However this band clearly think this is a fair deal and you should think yourself lucky, in fact this doesn't fall short of actually paying them for the privilege of helping out! http://nwb.co/blog/post/46993/souldout/dep-bassist-required
  15. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1349446869' post='1826478'] There's cheese and there's extra mature cheddar [/quote] Oh dear. That cheese has gone off and needs binning!
  16. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1349470062' post='1826904'] This is where your analytics come in. Look to see what pages people click on after the main page. If they look at the main page then run away then something is wrong with it. I don't like the time it takes to load and the fact that the background images change. People don't have a lot of imagination, action shot of band, description of how many members and what type of music you play. Less words draws people in and makes them click for more info, more words make if difficult to read and puts people off. Think of mobile users. Next- where do people go? Order your menu where YOU want them to go. If you have pages people don't look at either delete them or change the title, see how that goes for a month. Keep changing until you see patterns developing. Personally the things that would be important to me are: What do you look like playing?, What's your setlist? How much are you? How do I book you? The rest is window dressing to draw your audience into those points without them having to search for them. All this is courtesy of oldgit who helped me build a really good working site. Then the band pulled it apart when I left because they didn't understand how other people's minds worked. [/quote] Some great ideas there. Thanks
  17. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1349449128' post='1826514'] We change some and we scrap those that don't work even if we have changed key. The only problem I've had is when I was in two bands who both did the same song, but in a different key to one another. Gigs on successive nights were a headache! [/quote] Mmm.... Can relate to this. Valerie the two versions across three bands all in different bloody keys. Luckily it's an easy song but had to have a head check before starting each one.
  18. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1349218720' post='1823617'] Eeeeek. [/quote] Eeeeek x 10! That's possibly the worst website I have ever seen, if it reflects the mentality and vision of the band I'd keep well clear.
  19. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1349431349' post='1826157'] I don't think you can beat some live videos. If the band are bouncing, look good, and plenty of punters are leaping around having fun, then I'd be more interested in booking you (in a theoretical sense) than some studio tracks - good as they are. IMHO having a live band at your function is all about performance and audience interaction rather than pure musical skill. I like the 'wanted poster' look, but it may be a bit too intimidating for someone looking for a 'nice' band for their wedding. Don't forget, it's not the bride & groom you have to please - it's their mothers!!!!! I'd go and see you in a pub, but I wouldn't book you for a function unless I knew what you looked and sounded like on stage Hope that helps (or not) [/quote] Yes, i agree on the mother in-law statement. We were trying to get away from the unform cheesy look that the majority of functions bands use(nothing wrong with it)so we stood out from the norm, but it may be a shot in the foot going off the short term uptake. A few wedding enquiries, but expected more. ;-(
  20. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1349421636' post='1826019'] Just tried to have a listen and I can't access any samples - I get a white rectangle in the centre of my screen ad nothing else. I'm on OSX 10.8 using safari if this helps. Like everything else though, [/quote] will have a look into it, i am on mac myself and it has been playing OK as far as i'm aware. cheers t
  21. Mmm...bump for help! Not getting many direct views from google and the visits we do get aren't bring converted to solid bookings. Getting paranoid now about the structure if the website and the keywords. ? www.rubyandtherogues.co.uk
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